Tuesday 13 December 2011

A change from the running training

Today I had a short 3 mile easy run in the morning followed by a decent resistance training session this afternoon.

I fancied a spot of bench pressing as I hadnt done this in roughly 3 weeks or so and the only pushing I had done in the horizontal plane was a few sets of push ups. Most of my pressing work of recent, in fact all of it has been using kettlebell strict shoulder press, bent press, windmills and turkish get ups.

The session went as follows:-

Bar * 30
40kg * 10
60kg * 10
80kg * 5
90kg * 3
100kg * 1
110kg * 1
115kg *1 (failed this weight 3 weeks ago so pleased with an apparent strength gain!)
90kg * 5
90kg * 5

Each set was followed immediately by 6 gym ring chins from dead hang.

Kettlebell Bent Press
16kg * 5 each side
20kg * 5/5
24kg * 3/3
24kg * 3/3
24kg * 3/3

Double Kettlebell Chair Press
16kg * 2 * 20
20kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10

Bulgarian Bag Spins
12kg Bag * 100 spins constant
Rest 2 mins
12kg Bag * 100 spins constant

Job done.

Great session today and it just goes to show the value of over head pressing and its carry over to the bench press! Kettlebells strike again!