Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Sneaky Little Met Con Workout

Today has been my day off work which means one thing - two training sessions!

This morning I ran a lovely 2 hour session, covering 12 miles over hilly off road terrain. Sun was out, hardly anyone around, magical.

Then much later in the day a little bit of kettlebell work to keep on top of my strength and conditioning.

Warm Up
Body Weight Squats 2 X 5
Wall Squats 2 X 5
Kettlebell Squats 16kg 2 X 5
Kettlebell Swings 16kg X 20 reps
Kettlebell Clean and Press 16kg X 10 reps each arm.

Met Con
Kettlebell Swings 24kg X 20 reps
Kettlebell Single Arm Clean and Strict Press 20kg X 10 reps each arm.
24" Box Jumps X 10 reps
Once complete the round was repeated but with 8 clean and press each side, then 6, 4, and 2 reps each arm respectively.
The Kettlebell swings and box jumps remained at 20 reps and 10 reps throughout.

In total:- 100 X 24kg Kettlebell Swings, 50 X 24" Box Jumps, 60 reps of 20kg clean and press.

Total Time:- 10 min 32 seconds

Upper Conditioning
Kettlebell Windmill Ladder 24kg X 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps each side
Super Set with
Strict Dead Hang Gym Ring Pull Ups 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps working continuous until ladder complete.

Rest 2 minutes

Strict Dead Hang Gym Ring Pull Ups (again!) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
Super Set with
Kettlebell Push Press 24kg X 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps each arm, working continuous until ladder complete.

Total workout time 35 minutes.

Job Done!

Monday 18 June 2012

STRIP it Back.

There will come a time when what you do CEASES TO WORK.
Plateau, stagnation, stale, inert, stationary.

Evolution has STOPPED.

RECOGNISE this opportunity as one for learning, for analysis, to make changes and start the ball rolling again.

There are challenges AHEAD.

The Ego lurks in the always has been, comfortable discomfort of WHO you THINK you are, WHAT you THINK you are, WHAT you have achieved in the PAST not what you are capable of in the FUTURE.

Are you TRULY serious about your own success, about achievement, about EVOLVING or are you HALF ARSED?

Take a long hard look at yourself and begin to STRIP IT BACK. 
Wake up. Smell the coffee.

BE brutal. BE ruthless. BE honest. It WILL smart.
STEP into your shadow, it WILL be dark.

Identify weaknesses, areas you lack. DON'T lie.
PUSH TO develop those areas that ultimately HOLD you back.

While stripping it back you WILL feel vulnerable. You SHOULD feel vulnerable. Use it to GROW A SET and get STRONGER.

It's frightening on the edge.

BE brave. BE courageous.

EVALUATE with regularity.

Again. Be wary the EGO. 

Stay with your weaknesses, it will be painful; it DOES make you FEEL insecure. Frail.

THIS offers potential for TRUE growth. 

WORK on those weaknesses. DO the things you don't LIKE to do.


Through DISCOMFORT and PAIN comes greatest learning, no one achieved anything without FAILING first.

Visit that mirror FREQUENTLY.

Be real, let me say that again, BE fucking REAL and adopt a NEW approach as the old one only got you this far.

Strip it back.......regularly....keep it real.