Thursday 28 April 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Lessons in Intensity!

Tonights Eastbourne Boot Camp was well attended and boot campers experienced a very tough session as follows:-

Round 1
Single Arm Kettlebell Thrusters Tabata - 5 min set

Round 2
Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings 60 sec
Plymetric Jump Squat 30 sec
Deadlift to Upright Row 60 sec
Rest 60 sec and repeat twice more

Round 3
Double KB Floor Press 60 sec
Short Course Shuttle Sprints

3 times through, continuous!

Round 4
Partner Windsreen Wipers, 60 sec each * 2

Round 5
Single Arm Cleans 30 sec each side
2 Handed Swing 60 sec
Single Arm Row with 5 second hold at end 30 sec each side.


Well done to everyone who attended, you gave it 110% and Im proud of ya!

Saturday 2 April 2011

Spring Sunshine Boot Camp

Eastbourne Boot Camp today was a killer session for the advanced group which went as follows:-

Round 1
Side Step Swinging
45 seconds on, 15 off * 5

Round 2
Kettlebell Squat
Upright Row Super Set
30, 45, 60, 90 second work periods each exercise, 30 seconds rest

Round 3
Single Arm Lunge to Press
45 seconds on 15 off switch legs 
Jog Perimeter
Repeat 3 times each side

Round 4
Alternating single arm swing 60 sec
C+P R 60 sec
C+P L 60 sec
Repeat twice no rest

Round 5
Figure of 8 - 60 seconds
Pass Round 30 seconds
Figure of 8 - 60 seconds

Stretch off, Collapse.