Saturday 29 October 2011

Strength and Power Training Session

Due to a rather foolish few extra drinks last night I went into todays workout with the remenants of a hangover. Not ideal prep but I wasnt about to let that minor detail curtail a tough session.

Warm Up
25kg Sandbag

1 rep of shouldering each side every 20 seconds for 4 minutes.
Then 1 minute of shouldering constant (14 reps)

2 sets of 20 sandbag squats (10 on 1 shoulder, 10 on the other)

Barbell  Back Squats (25 minute time limit)
60kg * 10
80 * 10
90 * 8
100 * 6
110 * 5
120 * 5
120 * 5
120 * 5

Front Squats
60 * 8
70 * 5
80 * 3 * 3

Strict Barbell Shoulder Press
30kg * 15
40kg * 8


Strict Barbell Shoulder Press/24" Plyo Box Jump/Kettlebell Swing -
45kg * 5
10 Box Jumps
28kg * 10 Kettlebell Swing
Perform each exercise back to back without rest then rest 90 seconds.
Repeat for 7 rounds.

Good session today, the squats felt heavier than they should have done.

Friday 21 October 2011

Conditioning - The Hard Way

Tonight I had a conditioning session with a good mate of mine.

Plan was to train for 45 minutes using extremely intense exercises and portable equipment using a rugby pitch.

The session ended up being a cracker, very very tough. Here's the breakdown:-

Round 1 - Rope/Kettlebell Drag Sprint with Arm Over Arm
15M rope with 16kg kettlebell attached to one end.
Front one side of the pitch, rope coiled and KB tied to one end, take hold of the opposite end of rope.

Sprint out with rope over shoulder and run/dragging the rope and bell full width of the pitch.
Once their arm over arm coil the rope in as fast as possible, sprint back again pulling rope/bell and arm over arm again.

Partner then goes.

Repeat for 5 rounds. We managed 5 rounds each to total time 11 mins 20 seconds.
GREAT drill for Rugby players this.

Round 2 - 20kg Plate Over Head Walking Lunge/9kg Slam Ball Slams
First player does walking lunges with 20kg plate over head for 10m out and 10m back.
Second player slams ball repeatedly.
Then swap over, no rest.

When both done, rest 90 seconds and repeat for 3 rounds total.

Round 3 - Wolverson Fitness Low Sled Push
This round employed the use of a push/pull sled as per this link

The name of the game was player one holds the handles and the back and sprints pushing the sled for 1/3 of the rugby pitch. Player 2 then sprints pushing back while player 1 walks along side.
Repeat for 5 rounds.

Great session tonight, very challenging and great fun.

Give it a go!

Monday 17 October 2011

Kettlebell Swing Breathing Ladders

The kettlebell swing is an awesome exercise for developing posterior chain strength, endurance and conditioning while also strongly stimulating the core.

Depending on the structure of the training session kettlebell swings can be used to develop explosive power (heavy weight, low reps, longer rest periods) right through development of the aerobic conditioning and muscular endurance.

It is this latter goal that was the purpose behind today's training session.

I first came across Breathing Ladders on the web site several months ago.
The purpose of breathing ladders is to facilitate a large volume of work to be completed using a weight based resistance move in the gym setting while keeping the session itself relatively low intensity.

From my own perspective I use 2 Handed Kettlebell Swings due to their effect on conditioning the hamstrings, glutes and to a lesser degree lower back while also facilitating increased endurance within the musculature of the core. Each of these muscle groups play an important role in propelling the body forward for activities such as jumping, cycling and running.

My current goals are to decrease my 10K run time (amongst other things) and thus performing a large number of 2 handed kettlebell swings serves to condition the key muscles associated with moving faster for longer while also increasing core stability for prolonged periods allowing better power transfer through the hips.

The format for a breathing ladder is to perform sets of increasing repetitions with a fixed weight.
Rest periods are taken by taking slow deep breaths to match the number of repetitions performed. For example:- 1 Swing, 1 breath, 2 swings, 2 breaths, 3 swings, 3 breaths and so on.

The aim of the game is to avoid completing longer sets and then "panic breathing". In other words avoid gulping for air and instead maintain control at all times.

The longer and deeper the breaths taken the more recovery you receive and the longer the workout can continue (time permitting.)

Common rep ranges are 1-10 repeated for several ladders, 1-20, 1-20-1, 1-30 etc and above and beyond!

My session today looked like this:-

Warm Up
Mobility work, body weight movements.

Round 1
2 Handed Kettlebell Swing (Crossfit Style) - rest 30 seconds between sets

12kg * 20
16kg * 20
20kg * 20
24kg * 15 * 5 sets

Breathing Ladder - 24kg Kettlebell, 2 Handed Swings
For the main set I performed reps in an increasing ladder from 1 to 30 reps and to total 465 swings with a 24kg kettlebell.

The set took 36 minutes to complete, the breathing aspect of this set was relatively easy, maintaining control at all times.

From sets 27 to 30 fatigue began to set in strongly in the glutes and hamstrings thus indicating a need for increased muscular endurance on the higher sets.

Round 3
 2 Handed Kettlebell Swings (Crossfit Style)
20kg * 20 reps
20kg * 20 reps

Cool Down
Stretching and foam rolling.

Today was a good session and very enjoyable.

On the breathing ladder main set from sets 10 - 30 my pulse rate remained elevated (during rest periods) above 120BPM for the duration of the ladder with a peak of 165 BPM after the last set.

As you can see, I have performed well over 600 reps of swings today without undue stress, a target that would have been very difficult to achieve with a standard sets/reps approach.

Give breathing ladders a go!

Monday 3 October 2011

Strength, Power and Sustained Strength Endurance

Todays session centred around 3 distinct phases.

Phase 1:- Push/Pull Strength
Bench Press/Gymnastic Ring Pull Ups
Bar * 20 * 2
40kg * 5 reps
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 5
100 * 5
110 * 1
110 * 1
110 * 1
80 * max (12 reps achieved)

Each set listed above was followed by 5 reps of gymnastic ring pull ups - full range of motion from dead hang.

Phase 2 - Explosive Power
Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg Bag
12 spins left / 12 spins right
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times

Phase 3 - Strength Endurance, Control, Coordination
KettlebellTurkish Get Up / Windmill Comination

This was performed as follows:-
Perform phase 1 of a Turkish Get Up to full standing position. Once standing with arm over head adjust stance and perform 3 windmills. Then complete the down phase of the TGU.
Roll over the bell on the floor and repeat for the oppostite side.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes constant work.

I managed 6 rounds to total 6 TGU each side and 18 windmills each side.

Good session today, felt strong on the benching and phase 3. I could tell I hadnt picked up the bag in over a week.