Saturday 29 October 2011

Strength and Power Training Session

Due to a rather foolish few extra drinks last night I went into todays workout with the remenants of a hangover. Not ideal prep but I wasnt about to let that minor detail curtail a tough session.

Warm Up
25kg Sandbag

1 rep of shouldering each side every 20 seconds for 4 minutes.
Then 1 minute of shouldering constant (14 reps)

2 sets of 20 sandbag squats (10 on 1 shoulder, 10 on the other)

Barbell  Back Squats (25 minute time limit)
60kg * 10
80 * 10
90 * 8
100 * 6
110 * 5
120 * 5
120 * 5
120 * 5

Front Squats
60 * 8
70 * 5
80 * 3 * 3

Strict Barbell Shoulder Press
30kg * 15
40kg * 8


Strict Barbell Shoulder Press/24" Plyo Box Jump/Kettlebell Swing -
45kg * 5
10 Box Jumps
28kg * 10 Kettlebell Swing
Perform each exercise back to back without rest then rest 90 seconds.
Repeat for 7 rounds.

Good session today, the squats felt heavier than they should have done.

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