Monday 27 February 2012

Some Training

Today's training session was a general strength and conditioning session with some technique work thrown in for good measure.

Warm Up
Body Weight Squats
KB Squats
Wall Squats
Over Head Squats
Hip Mobility

Barbell Snatch
30kg * 5 * 4 sets
40kg * 1 * 10 sets

Barbell Power Clean
40kg 5 * 5

Barbell Front Squat
40kg * 10 * 3 sets

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
20kg * 3 each side
24kg * 3 each side
28kg * 3 each side
32kg * 2 each side

Kettlebell Swing Tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest * 8)
24kg - 13 reps each set.

Finished off with some hip flexor assisted stretching using a couple of power bands for tacking and flossing the hip.

Nice little session, nothing too OTT today as half marathon next sunday.

Friday 24 February 2012

Gym Jones Inspired Conditioning Workout

Today I trained with a good friend of mine and I had planned a Gym Jones style workout including one of their "Named" workouts.

Here's how it broke down:-

Warm Up
Body Squats 2 x 5
Wall Squats 2 x 5
20kg KB Squat 2 x 5
Groiners 2 x 2 each side

Deadlift 40, 60, 80kg * 5 reps super set with 3 X 24" Box Jumps

"Jones Crawl"
Deadlift @ 115% Body Weight  x10 reps (85kg for me)
Box Jumps @ 24" Box x 25 reps 
3 times through as fast as possible.

Time Completed: 5 min 40

I had been meaning to try this round for some time and to be honest, I was anxious. Having been a competitive powerlifter the deadlift weight was "easy" - the kicker is the volume of box jumps. When I got to the second set of deadlifts explosive power was sapping away and the deads were much harder.

The final set of 25 box jumps really focuses the mind with HR almost at max and legs that don't want to jump.

It hurt, a lot, but I loved it.

30/30 Kettlebell Push Press and "Rest"
2 x 12kg Kettlebells Push Press 30 seconds
"Rest" in locked out position 30 seconds
Repeat 4 times without rest, record as many reps as possible.

Reps:- 14, 14, 13, 10 - 51 reps and a whole world of pain.

The idea with this round is to develop shoulder endurance/power, stability and mental toughness.
The secret is to use the legs as much as possible in the push press and save the shoulders for the lockout "Rest". By the 3rd round the lockout is very very hard, by the 4th it's like hanging on for grim death.

Double Kettlebell Step Up/Front Leaning "Rest"
2 x 16kg Kettlebells racked at chest height.

Step up onto a 12" Box with kettlebells racked, 30 seconds lead with each leg (13 reps each leg for me)
Then straight onto a push up position plank with hands on gym rings suspended 6" off the ground and feet on a block of equal height - remain in this "plank" for 60 seconds.

Rest 60 seconds, complete 3 rounds.

Here the aim of the game is unilateral leg strength/endurance and core strength. The shoulders receive a nice "warming up" holding the bells in the rack and when its time for the FLR on the gym rings the core and shoulders are already pre fatigued.

The 60 seconds rest allows some recovery but not total thus the effect is cumulative fatigue and a very pleasing feeling to get it out of the way.

That was it, total time just shy of 16 minutes of work and trust me when I say this was enough today.

Very pleased with my first attempt at "Jones Crawl" room for improvement, namely on the box jumps but heck, it's a starting point and my fears were over come.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Breaking the Shackles

Over the last few days I have had the feeling of wanting to write a blog post but when I sat down to type nothing was forthcoming.........a frustrating predicament when you feel like being creative but something seems to be blocking it!

Yesterday I had a lovely 9 mile run out on the South Downs and over Beachy Head. It was a very cold and crisp day and when I got home I rewarded myself with a hot Epsom salt bath and cup of Tea Pigs Liquorice and Peppermint Tea (very nice indeed!)

Just recently when I sit in the bath I have taken to listening to a CD with all the lights turned out. There is something incredibly peaceful about sitting in darkness that I love and for me, is the ideal way to switch off and unwind the mind (next to meditation of course!)

Yesterday was no different and after a short while of lying with my eyes shut I found myself completely unconscious of the sound of the cd or anything else external to my body. Instead I kept seeing in my mind a picture of 3 young owls sat on a branch. The owls keep trying to fly off but each time they did a shackle around their ankle stopped them and they returned to the branch becoming increasingly frustrated.

As soon as I realised this image my consciousness kicked back in, I became aware of the music around me and most importantly - I felt inspired to write.

I love the fact that if we allow moments of stillness such as these, our natural creative spark can flow freely and present us with a purpose we may have been struggling to reach by simply trying too hard to reach it.

A few days ago I was talking to a truly incredible person, someone who inspires me greatly and radiates such a bright aura of energy that she can truly be described as a beacon of white light.

As we chatted I told her about some incredible news that I had received and how it was a dream come true.
I remember telling her that "I couldnt believe something like this was happening" and " It seems too good to be true."

She stopped me mid flow and proceeded to make me aware of the personal self sabotage that was taking place.

In years gone by I have wrestled with personal demons of low self esteem, self doubt, even lack of self worth and over came them all. Nowadays I try to be mindful of what I say and how I think. This continuous process of self assessment and working to resolution has been incredibly powerful and has allowed me to live the happy life I now lead.

To me having a positive mental attitude is the key to happiness both in helping myself and in helping others.


As we continued to chat the realisation sank in that tiny shards of self doubt and lack of self worth still remained within my subconscious and presented themselves in the language I used to describe my good news.

What is interesting is these phrases are used widely within our culture and may not be easily seen as negative to our progression and yet that's exactly what they are.

I believe in creation of experience. I believe in creating my own success and yet while creating success we can inhibit the likelihood of it occuring by pushing away the charge of "I will be successful" with phrases and words that we may not even be aware of or perceive as negative to our progression.

I am incredibly thankful to my mentor for helping me become even more mindful and self aware which will ultimately pave the way to greater success in the future.

When we become mindful and self aware it is interesting to note that our mind and body tells us where our personal issues lie if only we allow ourselves to be open and willing to listen.

Since my conversation several days ago I have caught myself self in the process of mental self sabotage and managed to stop it. How do I do this?  I simply give myself persmission to LET GO of the phrases/beliefs that do not serve my higher purpose and replace with " I DO deserve".

So what of the Owls? Well, I still see the owls on the branch with one main difference. Their shackles are gone, they may now fly, fly to freedom, a true freedom that precedes new levels of contenment and happiness.

Become aware of your shackles, make inroads to breaking them and work on being happy; You deserve to be.

Be Well.