Monday 27 February 2012

Some Training

Today's training session was a general strength and conditioning session with some technique work thrown in for good measure.

Warm Up
Body Weight Squats
KB Squats
Wall Squats
Over Head Squats
Hip Mobility

Barbell Snatch
30kg * 5 * 4 sets
40kg * 1 * 10 sets

Barbell Power Clean
40kg 5 * 5

Barbell Front Squat
40kg * 10 * 3 sets

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
20kg * 3 each side
24kg * 3 each side
28kg * 3 each side
32kg * 2 each side

Kettlebell Swing Tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest * 8)
24kg - 13 reps each set.

Finished off with some hip flexor assisted stretching using a couple of power bands for tacking and flossing the hip.

Nice little session, nothing too OTT today as half marathon next sunday.

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