Wednesday 11 July 2012

Kettlebell Training for Metabolic Conditioning

Kettlebell Training: - Exercises performed using one or two kettlebells. Exercises are dynamic and explosive and encourage the body to work as a synergistic unit.

Metabolic Conditioning: - Exercise performed with sufficient intensity so as to illicit a combination of increased nutrient repartitioning away from fat storage and towards fuelling and repair while significantly increasing metabolic rate so that more calories are burned at rest in the hours post workout.

I am a huge advocate of Kettlebell training for metabolic conditioning for those looking to lose body fat rapidly!

In recent years research has revealed that the old way of slow steady cardiovascular training performed for long durations in the “Fat Burning Zone” is far from efficient and can actually hold your fat loss endeavours back!

No, when it comes to fat loss, slow and steady is OUT, hard and fast is IN! (Especially if you have a hectic lifestyle and time is of the essence – ermm, that’s all of us then!)

Metabolic conditioning has several key elements that make it such a great technique for effective fat loss:-

  • Workouts can be done in as little as 20 minutes
  • Metabolic rate can be stimulated above baseline for many hours post workout
  • The intensity of the training assists with muscle retention – crucial for fat loss
  • Muscular endurance, strength and power can all be improved synergistically
  • Workouts can drive hormone balance into a better fat burning environment
  • Workouts can be done at home thus negating the time needed to go to the gym
  • Workout time should be no longer than 60 minutes MAXIMUM

In terms of the nature of kettlebell training sessions aimed at metabolic conditioning think about what you are trying to achieve. That is, sufficient physiological load that will stimulate metabolic rate above baseline for HOURS after the session has finished.

I need to be clear here

A few easy sets of swings just aren’t going to cut it!

Kettlebell training for metabolic conditioning is HARD. It WILL test you. If you want to train quickly and be done in 30 minutes it comes with a price. MORE INTENSITY, MORE DISCOMFORT.  

As Buddhists say, "Everything passes" and this will too. Remember that when you feel ready to quit and then continue to work.
Sessions MUST work the body as a unit, stimulating as many muscle groups as possible to maximise calorie burn during and after the session. I must reiterate: - the shorter the session, the HARDER you must work.

If you only have 1 kettlebell look to perform swings, snatches, squats, jerks, lunges, more swings, more snatches and more squats. Maybe throw in some burpees for good measure!
Work periods should be between 20 to 60 seconds per exercise aiming to complete 4 to 6 minutes of continuous work before taking a rest. If after 4 to 6 minutes of work you are not breathing hard then frankly you aren’t working hard enough!

Creating an oxygen debt (exercise intensity outstripped the bodies ability to supply oxygen causing lactate build up and high breathing rates) is key to metabolic conditioning training.

If one kettlebell can be good for metabolic conditioning then two must be better right?

RIGHT and Hell Yeah!

In my view, when it comes to increasing metabolic rate using kettlebells THE most effective way to train is using two bells NOT one!

The increased load on the body is a significant player in establishing an oxygen debt – FAST. In addition a huge amount of muscle mass can be utilised meaning greater physical stimulation, increased power, strength and cardiovascular demand.

The result is the PERFECT environment for retaining muscle mass while incinerating body fat!

Exercises to include are Double Swings, Double Squats, Double Cleans, Double Presses, Double Jerks, Double Snatches, Double Rows, Double Deadlifts and Double Lunges.

One of my own favourite Kettlebell Met Cons is:-

Double Kettlebell Swing 10-15 reps
Double Kettlebell Squat 10-15 reps
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Swing Outside of Knees 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Row 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Jerks or Push Press 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Swings 10 - 15 reps

After such a brutal onslaught rest for 90 seconds to 3 minutes and complete 2 to 5 rounds.

Before starting any workouts a thorough warm up should be completed focussing on mobility drills and body weight exercises designed to increase body temperature, circulation and range of motion while mentally preparing you for the task ahead – and you WILL need to mentally prepare for the task ahead.

Prior to engaging in any program of physical exercise you should consult your Doctor or GP first and obtain clearance before proceeding.

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