Saturday 26 January 2013

Savage Saturday - Power Endurance

The goal of today's session was to work on power endurance / strength endurance in the gym as I'm running tomorrow.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squat 3 x 5
Air Squat 2 x 10
16kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3 x 5
Band shoulder dislocates 2 x 10

Round 1
24kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat 10 reps
2 x 10kg Dumbell Push Press 10 reps
Perform 10 rounds as fast as poss.
10min 12 sec

Rest 5 min

Round 2
Chest to floor push ups x 20
26" box jump x 10
Dead Hang Chins x 5
28kg Kettlebell Turkish Get Up x 1 each side
Rest 90 sec
5 rounds

Rest 5 min

Round 3
30 sec sprint to hit 140-145m each set
30sec rest
10 rounds

Cool Down
1000m Row

Great session today.
Round 1 server to "marinade" the pushing muscle groups for round 2 making the proper push ups very hard in round 2 for the last 2 sets. This then carried into the TGU meaning 28kg was a test.

Rowing was a blast.

Thoroughly spent at the end, recovery started with Recovery Matrix from Genetic Supplements.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Some Kettlebell Fun today

The last two days I've been "getting the miles in" running with a 12 on Monday and 10 miler yesterday, both done over the amazing South Downs, muddy and hilly, just as I like it!

So that made today a day for some strength work before a short, fast run later tonight.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squat 3 * 5
Air Squat 2 * 10
Goblet Squat to low box 16kg * 3 sets of 5
Shoulder dislocations with power band from

Main Workout
Dumbell Push Press 
30 seconds work/30 seconds "rest" locked out over head * 4 rounds non stop
7kg per hand used and dont let the light weight think this is easy. It's a killer.

85 reps achieved over 4 rounds.

Rest 90 sec

Kettlebell Goblet Squat to 12 " box
16kg Bell - 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest stood up holding bell under chin * 3 rounds

90 seconds rest

Strength Circuit - Using a pair of 24kg Kettlebells
Wide Grip Chin - chest to bar * 1 rep
Double KB Clean * 1 rep
Double Kb Squat * 1
Double KB Unilateral Shoulder Press * 1/1
Double KB Alt Reverse Lunge * 1/1
Double KB Renegade Row * 1/1
Push Up on handle of bells * 1
24" Box Jump * 1 rep
Thats 1 round.

First set 5 rounds non stop
Rest 60 seconds
Then 4, 3, 2, 1 rounds with 60 seconds rest between each.

Box Jumps 24"
5 sets of 5 reps to finish

Great little session today, taxing but good fun.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Double Kettlebell Strength Endurance Workout

I was a bit short on time today but needed to get in some decent strength work to complement all the running I'm doing at present.

Here's how it broke down:

Wall Squats 3 x 5 reps
Air squats 2 x 10 reps
Goblet Squat 2 x 10 reps 16kg kb
Shoulder Dislocations
Box Jump 24" 3 x 5 sets

Main session
Double 10kg kb push press 30s work / 30s "rest" over head locked out x 2

Double Kb Strength Endurance Complex
20kg x 2

Do 1 rep each of:
Double kb dead to clean
Double kb squat
Unilateral kb strict press
Double Kb forward lunge (1 rep each leg)
Kb Renegade row 1 rep each arm
Push up on the bell handles - DEEP
Box Jump 24" x 1 rep

That's considered 1 round.

I did 30 rounds as fast as possible resting minimally.

Time taken 23min 15
Tough tough round. Felt a little tired after hard running intervals last night.
Pulse rate was around 160 for most of it after first 3 rounds

Finished with
Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
20kg x 5/5
24kg x 5/5
28kg x 5/5
32kg x 3/3
36kg x 1/1
40kg x 1/1 for 2 sets
28kg x 10/10 for 2 sets

WIPED! :-)

Double Kettlebell Strength Endurance Workout

I was a bit short on time today but needed to get in some decent strength work to complement all the running I'm doing at present.

Here's how it broke down:

Wall Squats 3 x 5 reps
Air squats 2 x 10 reps
Goblet Squat 2 x 10 reps 16kg kb
Shoulder Dislocations
Box Jump 24" 3 x 5 sets

Main session
Double 10kg kb push press 30s work / 30s "rest" over head locked out x 2

Double Kb Strength Endurance Complex
20kg x 2

Do 1 rep each of:
Double kb dead to clean
Double kb squat
Unilateral kb strict press
Double Kb forward lunge (1 rep each leg)
Kb Renegade row 1 rep each arm
Push up on the bell handles - DEEP
Box Jump 24" x 1 rep

That's considered 1 round.

I did 30 rounds as fast as possible resting minimally.

Time taken 23min 15
Tough tough round. Felt a little tired after hard running intervals last night.
Pulse rate was around 160 for most of it after first 3 rounds

Finished with
Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
20kg x 5/5
24kg x 5/5
28kg x 5/5
32kg x 3/3
36kg x 1/1
40kg x 1/1 for 2 sets
28kg x 10/10 for 2 sets

WIPED! :-)

Thursday 3 January 2013

Kettlebell Strength Session

So it's 2013 and the year has got off to a great start already. Happy New Year everyone!

On 1st Jan I had a lovely 13 mile run along a flat country route which took 1hr 55 min running at a comfortable, easy pace with the last mile and a half ran as a tempo pace.

Last night (2nd Jan) was a 45 minute interval session including tempo changes on the flat, beach sprints, hill sprints and flat race pace efforts.

Today's training was thus:-

Warm Up
Wall Squat 3 * 5 reps
Air Squat 2 * 15 reps
Kettlebell Goblet Squat to 12" Box 3 * 10 reps
Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat 3 sets of 10 reps each leg.

Main Workout
The first round consisted of kettlebell turkish get ups followed by 5 reps of box jumps to a 24" box.

16kg TGU 5 reps each side without setting bell down (so 5 up and down right arm, switch, 5 up and down left) / 5 jumps
24kg 5 reps each side without setting bell down / 5 jumps
28kg 3 reps each side without setting bell down / 5 jumps
32kg * 1 rep each side / 5 box jumps * 5 sets non stop

The box jumps felt poor today, lacked any kind of explosive feel - I put this down to last nights intervals.

Second round - 
Kettlebell Squat Pyramid to 12" Box super set with strict KB single arm military press with 30 - 60 seconds rest between heavy sets from 28kg onwards

16kg * 10 / Press 5 each side
24kg * 10 / Press 5 each side
28kg * 10 / Press 1 each side
32kg * 10 / Press - failed a single each side so went to 28kg and did 1 rep each side
36kg * 10 / Press 28kg * 1/1
40kg * 10 / Press 28kg * 1/1
48kg * 10 / Press 28kg * 1/1

It's fair to say that the hardest thing about squatting the 48kg beast is holding the damn thing up under your chin. Nevertheless, done it was and that was the session done.

Simple but effective. 60 mins total.