Saturday 28 November 2009

Todays Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw mixed weather and a mid session downpour! To those that attended, a big pat on the back and well done for sticking it out! I bet you all enjoyed returning to the warmth and dry when you got home.

The session today was as follows: -

10 Minutes of Dynamic Warm Up

Round 1 - Kettlebell Swing Ladder (5 - 25 reps and back down again)super setted with Star Jumps
Round 2 - Battling rope, crunches, leg raises, battling rope, star jumps, push ups circuit (30 seconds of each)
Round 3 - Prisoner Squats, Kb pass around, mountain climbers tri set * 3 (30, 45, 45 seconds)
Round 4 - Battling rope, Kettlebell Swing, battling rope, Kettlebell deadlift, squat jumps, star jumps circuit (30 seconds of each)
Round 5 - Kettlebell Clean and press * 1 minute * 3

Cool down - 4 perimeter runs touching floor on the long runs, side stepping on the short runs.

Lots of hard work done today people! Keep up the great work!

There are 3 more boot camps before xmas - 5th, 12th and 19th December.

All Welcome!

Monday 23 November 2009

Yesterdays session was a lighter bench session to allow for a short "de load" which I employ every few weeks to give the central nervous system a little break from all of the very heavy work.

My benching has gone very well for the last 6 weeks so a deload was long over due.
The session went as follows: -

Bench Press
Bar x 50
60 x 10
60 x 10
75 x 5
90 x 10
100 x 5
110 x 1 x 5
100 x 8

Double 20kg kettlebell clean and jerk
15 all done under 90 secs

Kb snatch
16kg x 100 (alternate hands every 10)

20kg x 20 (10L/(10R)
20kg x 20 (10L/(10R)
20kg x 20 (10L/(10R)

Towards the end I was feeling pretty tired - cant have recovered from Fridays brutal session of 1 arm jerks which incidentally saw my pulse rate elevated above its normal resting rate 4 hours later!

A rest day today, squats and deadlifts (light) tomorrow before taking the rest of the week very easily.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Kettlebell One Arm Jerk Conditioning

Last night I fancied a bit of a conditioning session, didnt have much time so had to keep it short and sweet - or is that short and sweat??!!

One Arm Kettlebell Jerks
32kg * 10 Left + 10 Right Arm
28kg * 10 Left +10 Right Arm Performed as a super set

This was repeated 3 times for a total of 9 minutes of jerks.

There was a serious lactic acid build up in the legs after these so finished off with some kettlebell windmills.

Kettlebell Windmills
20kg * 5 L + 5 R
24kg * 5 L + 5 R
28kg * 5 L + 5 R
32kg * 5 R + 4 L as failed 5th rep

That was it, simple but very effective and I was still feeling the effects of this session some hours later.

One of the best for getting your metabolic rate up and burning significantly more calories at rest.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Off the Ground!

Yesterday marked a very special day - the 14th November saw the very first Eastbourne Boot Camp session in Gildredge Park, Eastbourne.

On the run up to the boot camp the weather had been horrendous, 24 hours of driving rain and gale force winds, needless to say, it didnt look good for us remaining dry and avoiding a mud bath!

Thankfully, the weather cleared and we enjoyed a clear, if not windy session. The drainage in the park must be superb as despite the rain the grass was just a little soft under foot.

The session kicked off with a dymnamic warm up using various exercises chosen to lubricate the joints, warm the muscles, elevate the heart rate and get the mind prepared for the task about to come.

I find these kind of warm ups by far the most effective way to get ready for an intense session - traditional static stretching, as far am I am concerned belongs in between sets, or at the end of the workout.

Once the warm up was complete I introduced the boot campers to the humble kettlebell and a trio of very effective kettlebell exercises - namely the kettlebell swing, kettlebell pass around and the kettlebell over head press.

From there we began the session proper: -

Kettlebell swings * 1 minute
Star jumps * 1 minute performed back to back and repeated 2 more times with a short rest between each paring.

Kettlebell OH Press * 1 minute
High Knee Jogging * 30 seconds performed back to back and repeated 2 more times as above

Next up was: -
Kettlebell Pass Around * 1 minute
Mountain climbers * 1 minute performed back to back and repeated 2 more times.

Perimeter runs
Battling rope combo - This was intense to say the least but very very effective.

Battling ropes rock!

We finished with one arm rows and a tug of war!

Everyone worked very hard indeed, lots of lactic acid floating around in the body and this is the type of workout that can REALLY deliver great results!

Well done to everyone who came along, and if you would like to book a place on Eastbourne's most exciting, challenging and effective outdoor exercise class please visit

You will be glad you did!

Sunday 8 November 2009

Conditioning Work and Bench Progress

Since having my knee op at the start of October I have been gradually getting back up to full strength with squats and deadlifts.

The major positive to come out of the reduced poundage from squatting and deadlifting is that I have had more energy to put into my benching.

Over the last few weeks I have switched up to benching every 5 days (as opposed to 7) and keeping single reps to a minimum.

The result has been great and am now in new territory with the weights I am shifting.
My previous best bench was 120kg which I can now hit comfortably any day of the week.

I am resisting the urge to go all out for a new PB attempt right now as I am trying to eek out the gains for as long as possible.

My format has generally been one heavy session of full bench press, working up to 3 sets of triple or double reps.

This has been followed by a lock out movement such as heavy 4" block presses to over tax the triceps in that movement.

Second session of the week has been a speed based session, working at 50% ish of my 1RM with an Iron Woody Mini band attached to each side of the barbell. This serves to increase the tension as it nears lockout making the movement dynamically more taxing.

The second exercise is then usually benching to a 2" block for reps of 5, somewhere around 4 sets of progressively heavy weights to a single 5 rep all out set with max weight.

I reckon my bench at the moment is sat around the 127.5kg mark - will see what I can get a little nearer to Christmas.

My goal is a solid 130kg bench but we shall see.

I have also been starting to include more in the way of conditioning and played about with this "fun" little kettlebell session a day or two ago.

After a thorough 10 minute warm up: -

Kettlebell single arm jerks(performed as one long set)
32kg x 10 reps (5right/5left)
28x 20 reps (10L/10R)
24 x 20 (10L/10R)

This was very VERY hard. I wanted to get 30 reps with the 24kg but I was gassing BIG TIME. This is going to be a core exercise for me now over the next few weeks as I would love to hit 100 reps with another drop down to a 20kg bell!

kettlebell single arm jerks
32kg x 20 reps (10L/10R)
32kg x 20
32kg x 20

kettlebell single arm snatch
16 x 60 reps swapping hands each 10
16kg x 40 reps as above

Double kb snatch
16kg each hand x 10
16kg each hand x 10
16kg each hand x 10

One thing that this session has revealed is a much greater need for some shoulder/thoracic spine flexibility work as I had a problem keeping my lifting arm tucked to the side of my head when in the over head lockout position.

That's probably due to all of the benching of recent, but still is no excuse - shouldnt be neglecting my flexibility!

Thanks for reading.