Monday 23 November 2009

Yesterdays session was a lighter bench session to allow for a short "de load" which I employ every few weeks to give the central nervous system a little break from all of the very heavy work.

My benching has gone very well for the last 6 weeks so a deload was long over due.
The session went as follows: -

Bench Press
Bar x 50
60 x 10
60 x 10
75 x 5
90 x 10
100 x 5
110 x 1 x 5
100 x 8

Double 20kg kettlebell clean and jerk
15 all done under 90 secs

Kb snatch
16kg x 100 (alternate hands every 10)

20kg x 20 (10L/(10R)
20kg x 20 (10L/(10R)
20kg x 20 (10L/(10R)

Towards the end I was feeling pretty tired - cant have recovered from Fridays brutal session of 1 arm jerks which incidentally saw my pulse rate elevated above its normal resting rate 4 hours later!

A rest day today, squats and deadlifts (light) tomorrow before taking the rest of the week very easily.

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