Saturday 28 November 2009

Todays Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw mixed weather and a mid session downpour! To those that attended, a big pat on the back and well done for sticking it out! I bet you all enjoyed returning to the warmth and dry when you got home.

The session today was as follows: -

10 Minutes of Dynamic Warm Up

Round 1 - Kettlebell Swing Ladder (5 - 25 reps and back down again)super setted with Star Jumps
Round 2 - Battling rope, crunches, leg raises, battling rope, star jumps, push ups circuit (30 seconds of each)
Round 3 - Prisoner Squats, Kb pass around, mountain climbers tri set * 3 (30, 45, 45 seconds)
Round 4 - Battling rope, Kettlebell Swing, battling rope, Kettlebell deadlift, squat jumps, star jumps circuit (30 seconds of each)
Round 5 - Kettlebell Clean and press * 1 minute * 3

Cool down - 4 perimeter runs touching floor on the long runs, side stepping on the short runs.

Lots of hard work done today people! Keep up the great work!

There are 3 more boot camps before xmas - 5th, 12th and 19th December.

All Welcome!

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