Tuesday 30 March 2010

BDFPA British Championships Powerlifting Competition

Last Saturday I took part in the British Drug Free Powerlifting Association British Champs held at Bournemouth University.

On the morning of the day before the competition I weighed myself and was 83.5kg. My weight category is 82.5kg so needed to lose 1kg by 7:30am the following day.

This was relatively easily achieved by restricting food intake after 14:00 the day before the competition and consuming minimal water after the same time.

I woke up on the Saturday morning at 6am and weighed myself at 82.4kg - perfect as my scales weigh slightly heavy anyway.

On the morning of the competition I weighed in and recorded just under 82kg and promptly began the rehydration/refeed process.

For me this consisted of consuming 1 litre of lucozade sport drink along with a further 2litres of water.

In addition I began eating flapjack, bananas and a panini to ensure my carbohydrates stores were as full as possible.

I knew that I wouldnt commence lifting until around 13:00 so had plenty of time.

The competition itself was extremely well run by Paul Rees and very enjoy able.

My goal for the weekend was to achieve a personal best overall total of 500kg, with last year seeing me hit 490kg.

My squatting on the build up to the competition hadnt been that great so decided to aim conservatively having missed a 170kg attempt a few weeks previous in training.

My 3 lifts were all passed and went as :-
Attempt 1 145kg
Attempt 2 155kg
Attempt 3 165kg

Next up was bench press.
Attempt 1 120kg
Attempt 2 127.5kg and equal PB from the qualifiers
Attempt 3 130kg and FAILED about 3" off the chest.

Deadlifting was the final lift of the day and I was in two minds how well it would go due to having back cramps from arching during the benching pressing.

My lifts went as follows:-
Attempt 1 190kg
Attempt 2 207.5kg and new PB.
Attempt 3 210kg and new PB.

I had done it - new deadlift total of 10kg more than last year and a new overall total of 502.5kg.

Unfortunately I was no where near the front runners - my squat was too weak and really need to be hitting 190+. So that is my goal for the next 12 months.

All in all a great day out and some amazing lifting - a new world record squat of 255kg in my weight category was quite something to behold!

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 20th March

Last Saturdays Eastbourne Boot Camp saw another good turn out in pleasent conditions. By that I meant it wasnt raining!

Over the last few weeks I have been gently increasing the intensity of the sessions with boot campers now performing longer sets of kettlebell, body weight and functional fitness exercises - something which seems to be going down very well with all concerned.

The session went as follows:-

Round 1
KB Swings 60 seconds
Sprint 20m
Jog 20m
Repeat * 4 without rest.

Round 2
KB Push Press 45 sec each arm
KB Single Arm Swings 45 sec each arm
KB Push Press 45 sec each arm
KB Single Arm Swings 45 sec each arm

Round 3
Perimeter Run *2
Battle Rope
Farmers Walk
Tyre Flip
KB Squat to Press
Battle Rope

Round 4
KB Single Arm Row 10/10
KB Upright Row 15
Kb Single Arm Row 10/10
KB Upright Row 15
Rest 90 seconds and repeat * 1

Round 5
Perimeter Run * 1
Battle Rope
Farmers Walk
Tyre Flip
KB Squat to Press
Battle Rope

Notably the length of time spent on the ropes in rounds 3 and 5 was determined by how long it takes boot campers to run around the markers set at the perimeter. In round 3 those doing the perimeter runs had to complete 2 circuits before those on the ropes, tyre flips and farmers walks could change over.

A very good session and well done to all those who came along!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

British Drug Free Powerlifting Championships Build Up

Dear all,

Over the last few weeks I have been knuckling down to my final competition phase in preparation for the British Drug Free Powerlifting Championships in Bournemouth on the weekend of the 27th/28th March.

Training has been consistently good and have been trying to hold back a little on the volume so as to avoid CNS burnout.

My last heavy deadlift session was done on 14/03/2010 to leave plenty of recovery time for my lower back.

I drove over to Area 51 to train with a good friend of mine and ex European Champ in the 90kg class.

The session went very well and was as follows (all weights in KG):-

200*2 and Personal Best

Speed Deadlifts

Rack Pulls - Knee Height

T Bar Rows

Job done.

I was very pleased indeed with the new personal best deadlift for a double.
I have been after that PB for quite some time now.

Just one more relatively hard session to go before resting up.

Eastbourne Boot Camp 13th March

Last Saturday saw Eastbourne Boot Camps largest attendence with 13 budding boot campers getting up early to push their limits and try out new and exciting ways of getting fit!

Thankfully the rain stayed off and the ground was dry which made conditions very pleasent!

The session went as follows:-

Round 1
Perimeter runs
Battling Rope
Type Flip
Farmers Walk
Sandbag Shouldering/Deadlift
Battling Rope

Round 2
Kettlebell Swing 30 secs
Kettlebell Squat 30 secs
Sprint 25M
Jog 15M
Walking Lunges 10M

Repeat for 6 minutes

Round 3
Kettlebell C+P (swing style) 30 reps
Kettlebell Squat 15
Kettlebell Row 10/10
Kettlebell Upright Row 15
Kettlebell Pass Round 20

Rest 90 seconds and repeat twice more.

Round 4
Star Jumps 30
Shuttle Run 15M*2
Prisoner Squats 10 Half Down, 10 Half Up, 10 Full
Shuttle Run 15M*2
Push Ups 30 seconds
Shuttle Run 15M*2
Geckos 30 seconds

Round 5
Perimeter runs
Battling Rope
Type Flip
Farmers Walk
Sandbag Shouldering/Deadlift
Battling Rope

Well done to everyone who attended and thanks for your continued support!