Friday 23 July 2010

Eastbourne Personal Trainer - Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp Session

As the leading Eastbourne personal trainer I see it as my job to be ahead of the game and deliver exciting and unique ways of getting fit - whether that be in 1-2-1 personal training sessions or in my Eastbourne Boot Camp sessions.

Last night was the second week of the current Eastbourne Boot Camp 4 week block which saw 10 enthusiastic bodies turn up for a very pleasant evenings training.

As always we began with a warm up incorporating body weight mobility drills, dynamic stretching and jogging to get the blood pumping and breathing rate up.

From there we performed the following rounds:-

Round 1 60 seconds on each, 30 rest, repeat twice more
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Squat to Press
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing
Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press

Round 2 10 minutes total
Circuit including various stations of calisthenics, battling ropes, tyre hitting and running drills.

Round 3 30 seconds on each, rest 30 seconds and repeat once more
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Strict Press
Kettlebell Upright Row
Kettlebell Squat

Round 4
Ab track with Matt using windscreen wipers, crunches, planks, leg raises

Round 5
As per round 2

We finished with 5 minutes of stretching to cool down.

It was a great session, everyone worked incredibly hard and really pushed their boundaries. There is some great progress being made in terms of strength, fitness and conditioning.

If you would like to come along and try what the hottest workout in town has to offer why not visit my web site for more information?

Information can be found at

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