Friday 21 January 2011

Kettlebell Magic

I trained today using kettlebells and chose to wear a heart rate monitor to see how my heart rate responded and also to get a rough idea of calorie expenditure.

The session went as follows:-

Kettlebell Swings 16kg * 25 * 2 sets
Kettlebell Snatch 16kg * 25/25 * 1 set

Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerks 16kg * 2

Double Kettlebell Snatch 16kg * 2
10 reps on the minute for 3 minutes
Repeated 3 times

Kettlebell Swing 20kg

Kettlebell 2 Handed Anyhow
16kg * 2 for 3 reps each side * 3 sets

Kettlebell Windmill
24kg * 5 each side
24kg * 5 each side
28kg * 5 each side

The whole session took 60 mins at a fairy easy pace.

Total time spent working was 25 minutes, the rest was resting.
Average heart rate was 140 with a maximum of 175 BPM during the double snatches.

Approximate calorie expenditure was 650kcal - not bad for 25 minutes effort!

Its all about the EPOC ladies and gentlemen (that's Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption).

Great workout and very enjoyable.

Monday 17 January 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp - The Blitz

Tonight's Eastbourne Boot Camp saw 16 campers turn up for a seriously intense session.

It went as follows:-
5 minute warm up.

Round 1
Circuit using battling ropes, Bulgarian bag spins, Bulgarian bag moving partner throws, shuttle runs, reverse lunges, squat jumps, push ups, planks.

 60 seconds on each, twice through.

Round 2
Kettlebell Swing and Walk.
40 Metres * 2 sets

Round 3
Sprint 40 metres, jog 20, walk 20 * 8 sets

Round 4
Partner windscreen wipers 1 min on, 1 min off * 2 sets

Burpees * 30 seconds on, 30 off for 3 sets.

Round 5
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing 10/10
Kettlebell Squat to Press 10
Kettlebell pass rounds 10/10
Work constant for 3 mins.

Cool down and stretch off.

This was an awesome session tonight and everyone worked their socks off.
After the sprints the group was breathing so hard they sounded like a pack of hunting dogs!

Brilliant effort guys and girls!

Monday 3 January 2011

Bank Holiday Boot Camp

Today was the first Eastbourne Boot Camp of 2011 which saw 10 budding fitness enthusiasts turn up to burn off the xmas excess and get the blood pumping and muscles aching!

The weather was fairly cold but thankfully, despite all the recent the snow the ground was firm. That's one of the great things about the park, it drains really well.

On with the session:-

Warm Up 
10 minutes of dynamic mobility drills, body weight movements and jogging.

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing Tabata - 20 sec on, 10 off for 10 sets

Round 2
Kettlebell Thrusters
Jump Squats
Walking Lunges
High Knees

Round 3
Circuit including Bulgarian Bags, Battling Ropes, Tyre Flips, Running, Body Weight Exercises

Round 4
Kettlebell Strict Press
Kettlebell Single Arm Row
Pass Rounds
Kettlebell Push Press

Round 5 - Double Kettlebells
Sumo Squat

Hard session for everyone today to get them back into the swing of things.

Well done to all those who attended and worked hard.

What a great start to 2011!