Tuesday 8 March 2011

Lastest Eastbourne Boot Camp Session

Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw a full house of 16 budding boot campers chomping at the bit and ready for a helluvva session!

It ended up being a truly amazing session with serious fatigue felt by all come the end.

This is what we did:-

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing 45 work /15 rest
Mountain Climbers 45/15
Single Arm Clean and Press Right 45/15
Squat Jumps 45/15
Single Arm Clean and Press Left 45/15
Kettlebell Swing 45/15

Rest 60 seconds, repeat twice more.

Round 2
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat Right 45/15
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat Left 45/15
Low Walking lunges 45/15
Kettlebell Sumo Squat to Upright Row 45/15
Kettlebell Drag 45/15

Rest 60 and repeat twice more

Round 3
5 minute set of crunches and planks.

Round 4
Push Up, Burpee, Jump and Clap 10 reps
Sprint 10M, Walk 10M, Sprint 10M
Jog 30 M
20 Prisoner Squats
Constant for 6 mins.

 Well done to everyone who came along, you all worked incredibly hard and needless to say, I am proud of you all!

Great effort!

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