Thursday 19 April 2012

Resistance and Metabolic Conditioning Training

I was due to run 9 miles today but a pesky little foot pain that materialised at the end of yesterdays intervals told me it better not to run.

So rather than take a complete rest day I decided upon some resistance work that I thought I may not have time to fit in, but now I do!

Warm Up
Mobility Drills with Bulgarian Bag - 100 reps or so

Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg * 100 reps constant.

Strength Set - All Belt Less
Deadlifts superset with Push Ups on handles of Kettlebells.
60kg * 5 with 10 push ups
80kg * 5 with 10 push ups
100kg * 3 with 10 push ups 
120kg * 2 with 10 push ups
140kg * 1 with 10 push ups
150kg * 1 with 10 push ups - this was about my limit today on the deadlifts.

Met Con 1
Deadlift 60kg * 15 reps
Double 16kg Kettlebell Push Press * 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Complete 5 rounds.

Met Con 2
16kg Kettlebell Swings * 20 reps
Rest 15 sec
24kg Kettlebell Swings * 15 reps
Rest 15 sec
32kg Kettlebell Swings * 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Then back to the 16kg bell and complete 5 rounds.

 The two met con workouts were good fun.

While the 60kg deadlifts were faily light coupled with the push presses each work set had the desired effect.
60 seconds recovery didnt allow full recovery which maintained a high heart rate for the duration of the work set.

The second met con was very nice indeed. None of the rest periods allowed much recovery and by the end of 5 rounds I was ready to stop.

All done and dusted in 45 minutes - just how this kind of workout should be.

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