Wednesday 16 May 2012

Short Running Specific Kettlebell Workout

Ive been sat on the lap top all day writing pages for my upcoming Kettlebell Workshop for Runners and Cyclists. I kept telling myself "just 30 minutes more" and before I know it the day has nearly gone.

Still, the work is done and so I thought I would squeeze in a quick kettlebell session.

I am in the middle of a high mileage (50) running week this week so really need to watch my supplementary training and make sure it's not eating too far into recovery.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
12kg Bulgarian Bag - Various mobility drills

Then Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg
25 spins right/25 left/25 right/25 left - no rest just to get the pulse a bit higher.

Kettlebell Swings
16kg * 60 seconds/60 sec rest
20kg * 60 sec/60 rest
24kg * 60 sec/60 rest
28kg * 60 sec/60 rest
28kg * 45sec/60 rest
28kg * 30 sec/DONE.

2 minutes rest.

Double Kettlebell Squat to Strict Press
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest

2 minutes rest

Kettlebell Snatch Tabata
16kg * 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest * 8 rounds (4 minutes)

I hit 9 reps each work period to total 72 reps.

That was it for now as I am filming some kettlebell exercises later too followed by a very easy 5 mile recovery run to do later.

Then I think it will be time for a rest!

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