Friday 4 May 2012

2K Row - Learning about the Mind

So today I decided to have a good training session with a mate of mine.

A few weeks back we had a training session together and both attempted a 2000m row for time which was my first attempt at the distance and finished in a time of 7min 31.

We both ear marked today as the day we were going to hit the 2k row again with a view to getting under the magical 7 min mark.

I hadn't done any rowing since the last attempt over a month ago and I was hard pushed to say I was looking forward to the challenge.

Anyway, I set the damper to 8, plugged in some suitable tunes (Lamb of God - Walk with me in hell and Slipknot - People = Shit) and got on with the task in hand.

The first 500m passed with an average time of 1:43 and 750m rapidly loomed. By now the legs were burning and thoughts of "shit this is hard" were starting to creep in.

Casting them aside and listening to the music in my ears with more intent eased the pain and the 1000m barrier was broken. "Shit only half way" and feelings of REALLY wanting to stop were almost over whelming.

Focus on the music Matt and keep going just 100 more strokes to go was what I told myself.
Before I knew it there was 500m left and that's when I realised my error. I failed to set the display to show projected time with strokes per min being displayed. School boy error!

Trying not to panic while seeking to being the time down to sub 1:45 again for 500m seemed impossible.
The last 200m were an all out sprint, it was hurting, my quads, hamstrings and glutes were on fire, couldn't breathe and all I could do was watch the seconds tick away.

7min 02 and a world of pain and lactic acid was the result - I wanted to lie down, I wanted to walk round, I wanted it to stop..........and as a good friend of mine reminded me only yesterday "Everything passes".

15 minutes later we decided the best cure was some deadlifting and other fun and games and as it was Friday, why the hell not?!

Deadlifts/Double 16kg Kettlebell jerks
60 * 10/ Jerks * 10
80 * 10/ Jerks *10
90 * 10/Jerks * 20
100 * 10/Jerks * 20
110kg * 10/Jerks * 30

Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch Tabata (20sec work/10 sec rest - alternate hands)
10/10reos each work period.

Job done.

It just goes to show, you can learn a hell of a lot about yourself through exercise, especially when it's really pushing the limits.

I will attempt the 2k row again next week, strike while the irons hot, while the memory of the internal dialogue is fresh and while my awareness of my shortcomings remains in the forefront of my mind.

I will not be beaten next time........

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