Thursday 26 February 2009

2 Days to Go

It's nearly the big day that see's my powerlifting competition on saturday.

Training wise I have done very little, lots of stretching and trying to keep stress to a minimum while getting some good quality sleep.

However, typically, the week so far has been busier than I would have liked, with today being non stop.

I find at times like these it can be good practice to turn within and look at what thoughts lead to frustration and stress.

Often frustration and stress is caused by too much looking ahead, feeling over whelmed by what is perceived to be forthcoming.

In times such as this, drawing ones attention back to the present moment can help significantly reduce stress. You see, in the present moment, what may or may not be ahead is not a problem right NOW in this moment. It may even be that the imagined outcome for the forthcoming event does not turn out the way we expect it to - often resulting in stress that was unfounded when you eventually get there.

By bringing your attention back to the present moment, and immersing yourself in whatever you may be doing, whether it be washing up, watching TV or sat with the eyes closed paying attention to your breathing only in peace and quiet - the action of being in the moment of Now can bring with it a huge sense of mental relief.

Indeed, this is something I was encountering earlier this evening, wondering how on earth I was going to manage to get everything done that I felt needed doing.

The fact of it is, right now, there is nothing that cannot wait - and through taking some time to self centre and realise this my stress levels and feelings of frustration have been obliterated.

Try it for yourself sometime - you may be suprised how effective it is!

I have also been watching my weight very closely this week.
I will be competing in the category of 82.5kg and so must weight as much as this on the day - MAXIMUM.

Each night I have weighed myself before going to bed and been on the scales around the 84kg mark.

I then weighed myself first thing in the morning, after visiting the bathroom and have been finding I am usually around the 82.3kg mark.

With this in mind and to make weight for certain, I shall be stopping food and fluid (apart from sips of water) after 3pm tomorrow evening.

The weigh in is at 8am, so on rising on competition day I shall check my weight on rising and have nothing to eat or drink until weight has been made.

From there I will have 3-4 hours to get as much fluid on board as possible, along with high carbhrdrate foods to boost energy levels.

Thankfully with me being there or there abouts, I will not be significantly dehydrated on the morning of the competition making for speedy rehydration and better performance - at least that's the theory!

Thanks for reading.

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