Tuesday 7 April 2009

Hi all,

Trained Sunday with KB, earlier in the day than usual - and I felt it!

KB Jerk 16kg Bells
2 Mins 8 reps per min
2 Mins 8 reps
2 Mins 8 Reps

Wanted to do 20's but just felt rubbish so: -
KB Jerk 20kg
1.5 Mins
1.5 Mins

Did as many reps as I could which was around 15 ish.

Was going to do one arm snatches but just wasnt feeling it so decided on some OALC with the 20kg KB.

4 Mins alternating arms each minute
4 Mins as above - was about 10 reps per minute

By the end of these little beauties I was sweating and breathing like an old man doing a marathon! lol

Grip was something of a problem today for some reason.

Off to mother in laws for a roast.

Came back later on and was fidgity so decided on a second session!

KB swings
16kg * 2 mins per arm
20kg * 1.5 mins per arm
20kg * 1.5 mins per arm
20kg * 1.5 mins per arm

Again, grip was a problem here, as was just getting the bell up towards the end.

20kg*5 per side
24kg * 5 per side
28kg *5 per side

1 arm jerks with 24kg
18 per side * 2 sets

That was it, a very good days training marred probably by dehydration.

I felt like a calorie burning inferno after all this, kind of like how I used to feel when I was a competive cyclist and finished a race - body just shattered.

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