Thursday 7 May 2009

I am now into the second week of my very gradual build up to new personal bests, planned for around the week 10-12 mark.

Due to the length of the training cycle, I will increase the intensity very gradually so as not to peak too early.

When using longer cycles, it's important to really plan out each and every session, and work at specific percentages of 1 rep max.

For example, My first week started with a low load of 70% of 1RM, but due to the low load, I performed more volume (an example being 8 sets of 3 reps @ 70% maximum for bench press.
Each week, I have increased the weight by 5% of maximum, while dropping the sets, or reps slightly.
As I near 90%, the sets and reps will be very low, at which point I intend to take an easy week, increase my 1 rep max estimated figure by 5kg, recalculate my percentages and start again.

It's a system that takes bit of work, but does work incredibly well.

My last session looked like this:-
Deads 60*10
160*3*6 sets all belted.

Rack pulls from knee height

Power shrugs
Swiss ball weighted abs
body weight *15

KB swings
28kg bell *20

KB side bends
28kg *15

Job done.

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