Saturday 23 January 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 23rd Jan 2010

Hi Everyone,

The Eastbourne Boot Camp today saw a good turn out of avid boot campers in much improved weather conditions when compared to the previous week!

Todays session went as follows:-
23rd Jan

Round 1
Kettlebell swing (30s) run 30m, kettlebell swing (30s) run 30m
Rest 1 min, repeat 3 times

Round 2
Kettlebell Squat to Press 30 sec
Kettlebell Pass Around 30 each direction
15 M walking lunges

Round 3
Kettlebell Cleans 30 sec each arm
Kettlebell Push Press 30 sec each arm
Kettlebell one arm swing 30 sec each arm
Rest 1 min and repeat

Round 3
Perimeter Runs
Battling Rope
Squat Jumps
Battling Rope until all done by each member

Round 4
Star Jumps 20 seconds
Planks 1 minute
Alternate jumping lunges 20 seconds repeat twice

Everyone worked very hard during todays session so well done to everyone who attended - you know who you are!

If you would like to try out Eastbourne Boot Camp why not come along and see what it's all about? More information can be found here: -  Eastbourne Boot Camp Information.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Top Muscle Building Tips

If you are looking to build muscle and have done any amount of research on the internet you will have no doubt seen how much conflicting information there is out there. Even if you do find some pearls of wisdom, you will still have to wade through endless advertising campaigns about the latest "must have" muscle building supplement that promises to deliver muscle gains within days.

I have written a series of articles designed to dispell the myths and tell it how it really is.

You can find muscle building tips that actually deliver results without the need for endless hours in the gym.

The articles can be found here: -
Matts Muscle Building Tips

Eastbourne Boot Camp 16/01/2010

Hi All,

Last Saturdays Eastbourne Bootcamp saw dreadful weather conditions with driving rain!

10 hardcore boot campers turned up with 4 being new faces. A great session was had despite the conditions and everyone worked very hard - BIG BIG well done to everyone - you know who you are!

Boot camp session was as follows: -

After a thorough warm up

Round 1
Kettlebell Swings 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Kettlebell Swings 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Power walk around 50 meter perimeter and repeat 3 times

Round 2
Jogging around perimeter
2 people on the battling ropes for the duration it takes to run the perimeter then next two on the ropes until everyone has had a turn.

Round 3
Kettlebell One Arm Swing 30 seconds each arm
Kettlebell One Arm Press 30 seconds each arm
Power walk perimeter
Repeat 3 times

Round 4
Sprint 15m
30 seconds star jumps
Jog 15m
30 seconds alternate lunges - repeat 3 times

Round 5
As round 2.

That was it, lots of work with minimal rest and the first boot camp session of the year complete!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Swinging the Beast!

I trained last night with the focus of the session being squats and some kettlebell work.

I have a further 2 squat based workouts before my compeition so am ramping up the weight now and cutting down on the repetitions.

The aim for the session was to work up to 160kg.

It went as follows: -
Warm Up
Various mobility exercises including arm circles, hip rotations, squats, jumps, lunges etc

Main Session (all weights in Kilos)

Bar * 30
60*5* 2 sets
90*3 * 2 sets
160*Fail at the bottom
150*Fail at the bottom
90*3*2 sets technique work.

These were dissappointing. The actual weight of 160 wasn't an issue, however what I found was my hips were coming up too soon making for an ugly squat. I have found that up to 150kg I am fine, but 160 and it becomes ragged. I think there is some flexibility issues in my thoracic spine causing me to struggle to maintain the required arch. Time to see the osteo I think for a realignment.

Next up were kettlebells.

Kettlebell Swing
40*10 reps
40*15 Vid of top set here:-

Kettlebell One Arm Jerks
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right

Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 50 reps

That was it, a long 2 hour session mainly due to the rest periods required between squats.
A reasonable session if not a little frustrating on the technique front.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

High Intensity Training

High Intensity Training is a term that can be applied to various types of training.

Historically, High intensity training has been associated with weight training. HIT became particularly well know via the late Mike Menzer, a famous bodybuilder who made popular single all out sets of weight training exercises to failure and beyond.

As times have moved on, high intensity training now encapsulates a broad spectrum of training protocols which all share one common theme - the use of hard, short duration intervals of effort interspersed with periods of reduced intensity or complete recovery.

The benefits that can be obtained by performing regular high intensity training include increase fat loss, metabolic rate, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, tone and power. The best bit is, you don't have to do hours of it to have significant effect!

You can find out more in my new article section here: -
High Intensity Training

Friday 8 January 2010

Deadlifting 07/01/2010

I was in two minds whether to train today or tomorrow, but decided on today to allow more time for lower back recovery before next tuesday's squat session.

Probably not ideal prep for a dead session doing all those KB's yesterday but felt pretty ok so went for it.

Deads from floor
Belt on
Chalked up
190*3 equalling last weeks PB.

Rack Pulls Knee Height
215*1 PB
190*3 with straps on coz calluses fucking killing me and didnt wanna rip one off

Chins * body weight

Decline Crunches +5kg behind head

That was it, job done and a very pleasing session.

Was in two minds what to do after the 190 triple, nearly went for another triple but wanted to see how the 200's went and were not a problem at all.

Rack pulling was solid too, more in the tank, definately a 220 in there.

Couple of days rest now before benching sunday.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Run up to BDFPA Powerlifting Qualifiers

At the end of this month looms my first powerlifting comp of the year - the British Drug Free Powerlifting Association.

I have been training very hard and sensibly these last few weeks and will be aiming for at least a 490kg total on 31st of this month which would see me qualify for the British Champs again later in the year.

Having put on a little extra weight over Xmas I need to lose 3kg, 1.5 of that will come off in the last week before the comp by cutting back on carbs, the rest needs to be burnt off!

With that in mind I had a solid kettlebell conditioning session yesterday which ended up being an experience in brutality!

This is what I did: -

5 Minute Dynamic Warm Up

Set 1 - 100 reps with 16kg kettbell
20 swings
40 snatches
20 single arm press
20 single arm cleans

Rest 2 mins

Set 2 - 100 reps 16kg kettlebell snatch (swap hands every 10 without putting the KB down at any point)

Rest 2 mins

Set 3 - 100 reps with 20kg kettlebell Dead Hang Snatch
This is performed as a snatch from a dead stop just above the floor.
20 with 60 secs rest between each

Set 4 - 100 reps with 24kg kettlebell - Single Arm Jerk
20 By the 3rd round of 20 reps I was suffering now - 60 secs rest between each

Double 16kg Kettlbell cleans

By this time I was almost seeing stars so finished with 40 reps of kettlebell pass around using a 20kg kettlebell.

In total, 500 reps completed in a shade under 45 minutes.

Thanks for reading