Thursday 26 May 2011

Bench Press and Assistance Work

Today's session was Bench press focus and assistance exercises to help develop my competitive bench.

After warming up the session went as follows:-

Bench Press (all weights in KG)
Bar * 20
40 * 10
60 * 5
60 * 5
80 * 3
90 * 3
100 * 1
110 * 1
115 * 1
120kg * 1 strong and smooth rep with 2 second pause on chest.
100 * 8
100 * 8

Close Grip Bench
90kg * 5
90 * 5
90 * 5

Wide Grip Chins
Body (76kg) * 12
Body * 12

Bent Kettlebell Rows
20kg * 12 * 3 sets

Single Arm Strict Kettlebell Shoulder Press
16kg * 15 each side
20kg * 10 each side
24kg * 10 each side

Kettlebell Dead Floor Stop Snatch
20kg * 5 each side
20kg * 5 each side
24kg * 5 each side

Dumbell Curls
16kg * 8 * 3 sets

Rotator Cuff work using a mini woody band.

Great session today and almost baclk to full strength. The 120kg bench rep was smooth without issue. At least another 5 kg there.

Feeling great!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Conditioning - The Hard Way

Fancied a quick 30 minute session today to get the blood pumping and muscles throbbing....

Try this on for size:-

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 12kg Bag
10 Spins each way
10 push ups
Under 3 min 30

Time taken 2min 54 and new PB

Kettlebell Single Arm Clean and Push Press
10 Each Side
Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch
10 Reps

Go every 3 minutes, repeat for 3 rounds.
I averaged 2 min 20

Bulgarian Bag Lateral Throws
10 to Right, 10 to Left
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Bulgarian Bag Circuit
10 Arm Throws
10 Power Snatches
10 OH Press
10 Push Ups
10 Spins each way.

Rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Great little session today, metabolic rate feels nicely stimulated. Sports massage later. Life is good!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Todays Kettlebell Workout

Today was the first time I have intended to do any Kettlebell Long Cycle in over 8 weeks due to a shoulder impingement injury.

All seems ok now so here goes:-

Double Kettlebell Long Cycle (Clean and Jerk) 
16kg Bells

20 reps * 3 sets (3 minutes each)
30 reps on final set in 4 minutes

Double Kettlebell Jerks Technique Work
16kg Bells

10 reps * 2 sets

Kettlebell Swings - 24kg Bell

1 min 15 = 45 reps
1 min 15 = 45 reps
1 min 15 = 45 reps all with 90 sec rest between each.

Kettlebell Windmills
16kg * 5 each side
20kg * 5 each side
24kg * 8 each side.

Tough session today, Long Cycle was good and got me puffing. More reps were there but gently does it at this stage.

Swings were tough and 1min 15 is a new work period for me, will gradually add to this. Would be good to reach 100 reps with good form in 1 set.

Windmills were getting hard mainly due to shoulder fatigue from all of the over head work earlier in the session.

Body weight this morning a trim 77kg.

Monday 16 May 2011

SUPER Intense Training Session

I had a very quick yet intense training session today as follows:-

Challenge 1 - 20kg Kettlebell
5 snatches left, 5 snatches right
5 cleans left, 5 cleans right
10 presses left, 10 presses right

Performed as quick as possible, going every 2 minutes, repeat for 5 rounds.

Next up was a little technique work:-

24kg Kettlebell Snatches
10 left/10 right * 3 sets with 45 seconds rest between each

Challenge 2 - 24kg Kettlebell, 12kg Bulgarian Bag
Two handed swings * 15
Deadlift to High Pull * 15
Bulgarian Bag Spins * 10 spins each way

Rest 45 seconds, repeat 4 times.

Challenge one was good, hard work but good fun. Challenge 2 was a different ball game. This was a HORRIBLE round purely due to the demands on grip. By the end I struggled to hold onto the bag and pulse rate was through the roof.

A great little session!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp Testimony

I recently received a lovely testimony from a current member of Eastbourne Boot Camp. Read on to find out about the dramatic changes that could occur to you too by attending Eastbourne Boot Camp!

Testimony – Matt Shore, Eastbourne Boot Camp.

It is not difficult for me to write a glowing testimony for Matt, and how he has helped me to achieve massive weight loss, lifestyle changes and an all round  improvement to my fitness and health,  what is difficult is quite how to put this into words.

I started at Matts Eastbourne Boot Camps in January 2011, and was really nervous about what was in store. From the initial session, and all the other “boot-campers” warm welcome and encouragement, within a week (3 sessions) I was hooked and started to notice positive changes. I actually enjoyed it.

I am now into my 16th week, and have today hit a 12 stone weight target that I have not seen for almost 30 years. I have now lost 3 stone with Matts help and encouragement. But it’s not just weight loss that Matt manages to achieve. My whole feeling of well being is enhanced, and his supportive, encouraging yet professional style makes the sessions both challenging but great fun – honestly!

If you think you want to train, for whatever reason, you do not really fancy the gym environment, you want to have fun doing it, and you want to see and achieve positive results from that training, then I can honestly say you could not do better than join Matt at his Boot Camps. Everyone at them is supportive, encouraging and fun to train with, it’s all done outdoors which even through the winter was no problem at all, and best of all, Matts style is just perfect.

I cannot thank you enough Matt.

Andy Magin (Age 56)

Saturday 7 May 2011

Todays Training

Trained Today as follows:- (All weights in KG, numbers listed as weight * reps)

Bar * 30 reps
40 * 10
60 * 10
60 * 10 (was meant to be 5 but forgot)
70 * 1
80 * 1
90 * 10
90 * 10
90 * 10

Close Grip Bench
70 * 8
70 * 6
70 * 6

High Bar Squats
Bar * 10
60 * 5
60 * 5
90 * 5
110 * 5
120 * 3
130 * 3
130 * 3
130 * 3
100 * 10

Chest Sup Rows
40 * 20
60 * 10
70 * 5
70 * 5
70 * 5

Power Cleans
40 * 10
50 * 5
50 * 5
50 * 5

Alt DBell Curls
11 * 12
13.5 * 10
16 * 8
16 * 8

Barbell Curls
30 * 8
30 * 8

Fancied a bit of a "fun" lighter session today. Back wasnt feeling on top form after a 30 minute run yesterday, just a bit tight so stayed away from dead lifting. Will do my back good to rest a week anyway.

Benching - pleased with 90kg * 10 * 3 as been after 10 reps for a few weeks now.

High Bar Squats - Solid and felt ok, good depth just a little lacking in Pizzaz.

The rest was just what I fancied really.

No set structure this week for training, maybe some speed pulls tuesday and kettlebell work then start in ernst again next weekend with a new phase.