Thursday 30 June 2011

Todays Mish Mash

Was well up for a good training session today - planned in hitting some good deadlifts and conditioning.

Deadlift - eact followed by 20* 18" Box Jumps
Bar * 20
60kg * 10 * 2
130 * 5
150 * 5
170 * 3
190 * 1 couldnt move it due to knee pain when sinking hips - deadlifts aborted.

Kettlebell Snatch - 20kg Bell
20 each arm * 3 sets

Suspension Atomic Push Ups/Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg
10 Push Ups
10 Spins each way
10 Push Ups
10 Spins each way

Rest 90 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Not a great session today. Knee injury from a few weeks back is still at large, pain when dropping the hips and about to push and extend the thigh. Its not muscular, feels bone/connective tissue based.

The 170*3 was much harder than it should have been given the week off I have had. 2nd Injury of the year and starting to question my longevity in competitive powerlifting.

I have a yearning to leave it behind and perhaps try a Kettlebell Sport Comp. Been really feeling motivated by more muscular endurance/power/conditioning work recently and am contemplating breaking away from something that has been part of my identify for a good few years now..........I will mull further.

The atomic push ups/heavy bag spin combo was an absolute killer.........especially the grip.

Resting now until saturday when I will be doing some kind of swings in some kind of fashion....

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Training Today - Strength/Power

Training day was a bit of a mixed session - fancied doing a bit but not too much.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility drills

Kettlebell Snatch Test 16kg Bell
As fast as possible, good form, full lockout, change hands whenever.

3 min 34 seconds. Personal Best by 2 seconds.

Close Grip Bench
40kg * 12
60 * 8
80 * 5
100 * 1
110 * 1
115 * 1

100 * 3 * 3 speed work really.

Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
24kg Bell * 10 each arm
24kg * 10/10
24kg * 10/10

Bulgarian Bag Spins
17kg Bag 10 spins each way * 3 sets

Bulgarian Bag MAX Test
12kg Bag - 100 spins as fast as possible (50 each way) switch directions whenever DO NOT PUT THE BAG DOWN. Grip must be changed with bag on shoulders:-

TIME:- 2min 03 seconds

Nice little session today, mixture of strength and power.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Strength/Muscular Power Endurance Session

Trained today, first session back after 6 days off training and purely hiking.

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 * 5
OH Squat 20kg * 3 * 5 reps
Bulgarian Bag Forward Bends, OH Press, Twist, Spins

Bench Press
Bar * 20 * 3 sets
40 * 10
60 * 5 * 2 sets
80 * 5
100 * 5
112.5 * 2 * 3 sets (90% 1RM)
112.5 * 1 * 2 sets (90% 1RM)

Close Grip Bench Press/Wide Grip Chin Super Set
90kg * 3 sets of 5 / Chins Body * 3 sets of 8

AST Strap Suspension Push Ups - Feet on Bench
Body Weight * 13, 11, 10

Single Arm Strict Shoulder Press
24kg * 3 reps each arm
28kg * 3 reps each arm
28kg * 5 reps each arm

Chins Again!
Body * 8, 7, 5 need to work on these bloomin things!

Bench Jumps onto a 20" Bench
TABATA 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off * 8 rounds

2 min Rest

Slam Ball (9kg) Slams - Full Extension onto Toes Every Rep
TABATA 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off * 8 rounds

15 mins stretch to finish.

Ended up being a bit of a monster session today.
Benching felt a little sluggish but thats the week off with less than ideal nutrition. I actually lost 2lb while I was away last week so strength was always going to be down today.

Pleased with the kettlebell pressing - 40kg for a couple of reps is the long term goal here.

Right knee not great, medial side to the side of the knee cap somewhat tender in certain postions - squatting is certainly out this week and seeing physio thursday to see whats what.


Saturday 18 June 2011

Final training session before de-load

Training Today - last session before having a much needed week off.

Bar x 10
60 x 5
90 x 5
110 x 3
130 x 1
140 x 4 lost line but wanted 5
150 x 1
150 x 1
130 x 3 knee hurting left it there

Bar x 10
60 x 5
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
120 x 1
125 x F
105 x 5
100 x 5
95 x 5

Rack Pull Knee Height
100 x 10
130 x 5
150 x 5
170 x 3
190 x 1
200 x 1
210 x 1
215 x 1

100 x 8
120 x 8
140 x 5
150 x 5

Not a bad session. Wanted heavier squat nut felt tired today after manic 2 weeks working.
Have a bit of inflammation behind the patella so was painful coming to depth on squat, decided leave it at 150 for the day.

Not happy that I missed 125 on the bench, just couldn't lock out.

Deadlifting good.

Definitely time for a rest and re group. No training next week and will start back lighter when back from holiday.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

30 Minutes of Madness

Very busy day today, needed to do some form of training to keep myself sane and prime my metabolic rate.

I have been pretty sore after my deadlifting on Monday so had to keep it basic and use less weight that I wanted to.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility work (spins, good mornings, presses, power snatches, squats, twists) 5 minutes

Kettlebell Swing TABATA
24KG Kettlebell
20 seconds work (12 reps), 10 seconds rest * 8 sets

Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
24kg Kettlebell

10 reps each side done in 60 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Repeat for 5 sets until 100 reps done.

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 17kg Bag
10 spins each way, 30 seconds rest
Repeat for 8 sets

Job done.

Swings got heart rate up to 170 by the end of the last set. Lower back still a tad sore so had to avoid using the 28kg bell which id intended to use.

Single Arm Jerks were hard work on this work to rest ratio. Good though.

The bag spins, well these felt very "fluid" - it seems 8 sets is the new 5 sets in so much as I get minimal grip fatigue now on 8 sets and even though my pulse rate is right up there in the 170's there is still plenty more in the tank.

Great little session.

Friday 10 June 2011

Bench Training and Fun Lifting

Trained today with a good friend. Bench training was the main goal with assistance exercises.

I went as follows (all weights in KG)
Bench Press
Bar * 10
40 * 10
60 * 5
60 * 5
80 * 3
100 * 1
110 * 1
115 * 3 PB
105 * 5
100 * 5

Close Grip Bench
90 * 5
100 * 3
110 * 1
115 * 1 PB

Chest Supported Rows
40 * 20
60 * 10 * 3

Slosh Ball (30kg) Cleans
10 reps * 3 sets

Slosh Ball (30kg) Shouldering
5 reps each side * 3 sets

Slosh Ball Clean and Press (30kg)
1 rep * 3 sets

Slosh Ball Squats (30kg)
1 set of 10 reps

Alternate Dumbell Curls 
16kg * 2 * 8 reps * 2 sets

Great session today, benching not as sharp as it could be but then it was never going to be after that long single arm kettlebell clean and jerk (10 mins * 20kg bell * 80reps) set done yesterday.

Happy to squeeze out a PB close grip bench (hands 15" apart)

The Slosh Ball is great fun and a real challenge, especially trying to get it over head. It requires a combination of strength, power and stability as well as cardio conditioning by the end. A great product which I will review at a later date.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Squat and Deadlift Training

Todays training session:- (All weights in KG)

Squat (Legal Powerlifting Depth - Hip joint break parallel with top of knee)
Bar * 10 * 2 sets
60 * 5 * 5 sets
80 * 5
100 * 5
120 * 3
130 * 1 (belt on)
140 * 1
150 * 1
150 * 1
150 * 1
130 * 5
120 * 6

Reverse Band Deadlifts
100 * 10
100 * 10
150 * 3
180 * 3
200 * 1
212.5 * 1
215 * 1 Personal Best

Stiff Leg Deadlifts
120 * 8
130 * 5
140 * 5

Kettlebell 2 Hand Swings
24kg * 20 * 5 sets

Not a bad session today.
Had to take squats a little easy as had a little knee pain when in the hole - need to give my right Rec Fem a good massaging I suspect.

Band Pulls felt good - these are using mini bands and take approx 60kg off the bottom of the lift but by knee height the bands are fully deloaded and so its the weight on the bar for lockout.

Stiff legs were solid too and finished with kettlebell swings to loosen off.

Monday 6 June 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Intensity Insanity!

For those looking for inspiration for a boot camp session or their own conditioning session I can highly recommend this little workout:-

Warm Up
10 Mins Mobility/Dynamic Stretching

Round 1
Kettlebell Swings (2 hand) 90 seconds on, 45 seconds rest * 3 sets

Round 2
Kettlebell Clean from the Floor 10 reps each side
Kettlebell Clean with single arm swing 5 reps each side
Single Arm Kettlebell Press 5 reps each side
Compete as quick as possible with good technique

Go every 2 minutes without fail for 3 rounds

Round 3
Push Ups 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Reverse Lunges 30 seconds
Hindu Push Ups 30 seconds
As many reps as possible.
Rest 90 seconds, repeat 3 times

Round 4
Extended Ab Crunches - 3 sets of 10 reps with LONG contraction at the top, 30 seconds recovery.

Round 5
Deadlift to High Pull 15 reps
Single Arm Swing 10 reps each side
Alternating Jump Lunges 16 reps

Go every 2 minutes without fail, repeat fr 3 rounds.

10 minutes stretching to finish.

A VERY tough session - try it.

Bench Press Training and Assistance Work

Today was heavy bench day and it went as follows:-

(All weights listed in kg/reps/sets)

Bench Press
Bar * 20*2 sets
40 * 10
60 * 5
70 * 3
80 * 3
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
120 * 1
125 * 1 equal Personal Best
105 * 5
100 * 8

Close Grip Bench Press

Kettlebell Single Arm Clean and Press
20kg * 10 each arm
24kg * 10 each side * 2 sets

Wide Grip Chins (Body weight 77kg)
8 + 3 negatives

Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 10 each side * 5 sets

Good session today. Decided to test max lift and equalled my personal best from that at the British Champs back in March so back to full strength.

Solid and pleasing session today.