Friday 29 July 2011

Bulgarian Bag Training

First of today's mini sessions starts with the incredible Bulgarian Bag.

Today I chose to use a 12kg bag as grip is a little fatigued due to carrying lots of heavy kettlebells in the last few days for boot camp.

Warm Up
Forward Bends, Side Bends, Good Mornings, Presses, Halos, Squats, Groinals, Hip Flexor Stretches, Rows all done with the bag  - 10 minutes total.

Power Snatch / Lateral Arm Throw Sequence
10 Power snatches, 5 side lateral arm throws to each side, repeat twice non stop
Rest 90 seconds, repeat 3 times total.

Round time 1 min 50 each time.

Bulgarian Bag Spin
10 Spins each way repeated twice non stop (40 spins total)
Rest 45 seconds
Repeat twice more

10 spins each way, repeated 3 times non stop (60 spins total)
Rest 60 seconds

10 Spins each way, repeated 4 times non stop (80 spins total) - needed to reset grip with bag on shoulders.
Rest 90 seconds

10 Spins each way, repeat 3 times non stop, (60 spins), drop bag, shake out hands, 10 each way again, drop bag, shake out hands, 10 each way again for a total of 100 spins and hands that no longer grip!

This was a tough session and it needed to be - the weight is not a problem, grip endurance is.

The last set of spins required a great deal of will power to keep going as my hands were just so fatigued and painful.

Great little session........40 minutes total.

More to come later.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Todays Training

I had a 3 day break after my visit last friday to Optimal Life Fitness and came back to training today as follows:-

Warm Up
15 Minutes of Mobility Work

Double Kettlebell Jerks
8, 12, 16, 20, 16, 12, 8kg bells - 10 reps each, no rest.

Work Sets
Double Kettlebell Jerks
24kg Bells * 10 reps/2 mins rest * 3 sets
16kg Bells * 2 mins (13RPM/26R) / 2 Min rest * 3 sets

Turkish Get Up 10 Minute Set
16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16kg Bells, 1 rep each arm constant work - 9min 57 seconds to complete.

Figure of 8 with Catch
16kg Bell * 2 mins (50 reps) / rest 1 minute / repeat 3 times

Renegade Rows
16kg Bells 5 reps each side / 30 seconds rest * 5 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spin (loosener)
12kg Bag * 50 reps (25 each way) * 2 sets


Delts felt tired today and was a little unstable over head on the lockout with the pairs of 24's.
Thought I had recovered from Friday but obviously not. I suspect the plyo clap push ups are to blame for the extended muscle trauma.

The Turkisg Get Ups were good fun for 10 minutes, the down sets after the 32kg bell was hard work and shoulder stability was becoming increasingly hard to maintain.

The figure of 8 with catch are a good fun conditioning move, works the core well and gets the pulse up pretty high. Mine was 160BPM by the end of 2 mins with a 16kg bell.

Optimal Life Fitness Warrior Session

As per my last post, here is some video footage of what went on at the superb Optimal Life Fitness Facility last friday!

Friday 22 July 2011

Mash Up and Optimal Life Fitness Facility

Today I made a 120 mile round trip to train at the incredible Optimal Life Fitness centre in Hither Green with Top PT Stuart Amory and big dog JonnyXF (didnt get your surname!)

We had each designed a 5 and 10 minute round each designed to test every aspect of our physical fitness and mental toughness.

It went down like this:-

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag Mobility Work

Round 1 - Matt's 5 Minute
Bulgarian Bag Spin Test
10 spins each way, 10 push ups * 5 as past as possible. Chest to tough the bag.

Matt 17kg Bag 3min 05 seconds, which was a 8 second PB, a sub 3 minute time looms closer!
Stuart 17kg Bag 3 min 47 seconds, damn good for a first go with the 17!
Jonny 12kg Bag 3 min 53 and another great first time at spinning the bag!

Round 2 - Jonny's 5 Minute
Oly Bar loaded to 30kg Total
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Bent Row
Upright Row
Military Press
Over Head Squat
Back Squat
Over Head Squat
Military Press
Upright Row
Bent Row
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 4 reps of each, as many times through as possible.

This was bloomin brutal, mainly due to the combination of Military Press and Overhead Squat. Jonny, you're MEAN!

Round 3 - Stu - 10 minute (and then some!)
HIRTS Trainer Sprints, Kettlebell Snatch, Bulgarian Bag Spin
2 Sprints against resistance to touch marker
2 Snatches each arm
2 spins each way
4 of each, 6 of each, 8 of each, 10 of each. Stu completed the first section then rested while Jonny and I went, then Stu started on the 4 of each while we rested and so forth.

This was sheer BRUTALITY in exercise form. Caning calves, burning lungs, mashed core and a body that just didnt want to spin the bag while still gasping for air. BRILLIANT!

Round 4 - Matt 10 Minute
2 Kettlebell TGU each arm
3 Windmills each arm
25 kettlebell swings, repeat non stop for 10 minutes.

This worked out as 3 times through plus a bit extra. Very different than the cardio blast from Stu's round. This was difficult in so much as the constant body tension and control was very waring combined with the brief conditioning set of swings. I will be doing more of this in my own training. I used a 20 but think a 24 is in order next time.

Round 5 - Jonny 10 Minute
10 Barbell Hang Clean and Press
8 explosive push ups with clap
Go every 2mins 30 without fail for 4 sets.

A great power based round, the rest was much needed after the combination of shoulder pressing and explosive push ups!

We ran out of time there - thankfully!

An incredible session with a couple of great guys. We will be having more of this in the very near future!

Now time for a lovely little ice bath!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Muscular Endurance and Power

I came into training today after having a good two days recovery and good job too as today's session ended up being one of the hardest I have done.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag Mobility

Double KB Jerks
16kg * 10
20kg * 10
24kg * 12 (90 seconds)
20kg * 25 (3 mins)
16kg * 40 (3min 30)

Turkish Get Up
28kg * 2 each arm constant followed straight away by

28kg * 3 each side

Turkish Get Up
24kg * 1 * 5 each side (constant work alternating arms after each rep)

Ring Push Up (feet same height as rings) / Kettlebell Bent Row Superset Ladder
This was performed as:-
1 Push Up / 1 Row with 24kg * 2 kettlebells
2 Push Ups / 2 Rows
3 Push Ups / 3 Rows etc until 10 of each was done. Minimal rest in as fast a time as possible.

Time 8min 01 seconds
Pulse at the end was 175 and can safely say that was one of the most intense pairings I have ever done. Painful does not do it justice.

Kettlebell Swings
20kg * 20 reps * 5 sets done on the minute every minute.

By the time the swings came round it was game over. Shattered but thrilled with such a good session.

Jerks felt good today and the TGU and windmills were there to enhance shoulder stability/strength through full ROM.

Great session 1hr 15 mins + 15 min warm up

Saturday 16 July 2011

Kettlebell Jerks + assistance

Todays Training:-

Warm up using lighter bells and Bulgarian Bag

Work Sets

Double Kettlebell Jerks
24's * 3 reps with 30 seconds held locked out over head after each rep
20's * 10 reps with 5 seconds lockout hold after each rep
16's * 30 reps - 4 minutes 23 seconds (plenty more reps left in the tank)

Single Arm kettlebell Jerks
24kg * 12/12
28kg * 12/12
28kg * 12/12

Kettlebell Swings
24kg * 20 reps
28kg * 11 reps going every 45 seconds for 10 sets

Wide Grip Chins
Descending Ladder 8-1 reps with decreasing rest time.

Nice session today, shoulder a bit tired so time for a few days off over head work. Will perform jerks again on Tuesday most likely.

Swings were tough, pulse rate at the top of each set with the 28's was 152 and never dropped below 144 for the whole 10 sets.

Friday 15 July 2011

35 minute workout, the intense way!

Wasnt up for much training today due to some serious leg soreness going on from yesterdays squats.

Earlier this afternoon:-

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 17kg Bag
10 spins each way, 10 push ups * 5 in under 3 min 30

New PB 3min  13 seconds

90 minutes later

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 12kg Bag
As above

New PB 2min 45 seconds 

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch - 17kg
20 reps
Hand on bag, push up position, chest 1" off bag - hold for 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times non stop

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
20kg * 5 each side non stop
24kg * 3 each side non stop
28kg * 2 each side non stop and new PB

Great little session and please with several PB's. Not bad for 35 minutes work!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Kettlebell Jerking and more

Trained jerks again today after yesterdays personal best with a pair of 16's for 50 reps without too much bother.

Wanted to go heavier today so I did!

Double Kettlebell Jerks 20kg * 2
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes
10 reps in 1 minute, rest 30 seconds
Dropped down to 16kg bells
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

Single Arm Snatch
20kg * 10 right/10 left, 10 right, 10 left no rest
16kg * 35 right/35 left

Single Arm Strict Press
24kg * 5 right/5 left * 3 sets

Suspension Trainer Push Ups (feet raised to same height as handles)/KB Row Super Set
10 push ups / 12 rows with a pair of 20kg bells * 3 sets

Suspension Trainer Horizontal Knee Pull Ins (abs)
15 reps
15 reps
12 reps

Bulgarian Bag Spins (loosener 12kg)
40 reps * 2 sets

Long hard session tonight as going out for a meal with friends tonight.

The jerks felt good but soon fatigued after the 3rd set of 20 reps. Could definately tell id done 150 reps of jerks yesterday.

Snatches felt awful, grip was terrible and could hardly open hand to punch on the later reps, suspect tight traps/rotator cuff muscles may be to blame.

Rest of the session was good but feel exhausted now. Including warm up and cool down, 90 minutes.

Saturday 9 July 2011

1000kcal workout

Todays workout as follows:-

Kettlebell Single Arm Jerk - 25kg Bell (numbers listed each arm)
10/10 last set done with 5 seconds pause over head between all reps

Kettlebell 2 Handed Swing
24kg Bell * 30
24kg * 30
24kg * 30
28kg * 10 reps going every 45 seconds for 10 sets (100 reps)

Kettlebell Windmill
16kg * 10/10
24kg * 5/5
28kg * 3/3

2 Handed Anyhow (24 and 16kg Bells)
1 rep each arm

Kettlebell Single Arm Girevoy Sport Clean- 24kg Bell
20/20/15/15/10/10 long set

Concept 2 Rower - 500M Intervals
Easy 500m : 1min 45
Hard 500M : 1min 37 PB
Easy 500M : 2min

Job done.

Average heart rate was 143, Kcal burnt during 1hr 20 min workout time 1000kcal.

Need to work on over head lockout shoulder endurance hence the single arm jerks and windmills.

28kg swings posed no issue, after each set pulse was up to 155bpm.

GREAT session.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Muscular Endurance/Conditioning

I trained today, wasnt feeling hugely energetic but gave it my best shot as always.

Warm Up - Bulgarian Bag
Presses, Front Bends, Side Bends, Good Mornings, Halos, Over Head Presses, Kipping Rows, Spins, Power Snatches

Kettlebell Snatch - 16kg
32reps each hand to failure
25 reps each hand
20 reps each hand
15 reps each hand - all to failure
This was a 10 minute set - non stop, changing hands when grip failed.
Was dissappointed to only hit 32reps first time - think my chest is a bit tight from benching on Tuesday which may have affected it.

Double KB Jerks 16kg * 2
4 sets of 2 minutes - 25 reps each time.
Rest ranged from 90 seconds after the first set to 3 minutes after the third.
The last two sets HURT.

Single Arm Swings 20kg
15 reps each side - hated them, hands not liking it - abandoned.

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch 12kg Bag
100 reps done in 6min 28 seconds.
Not fast by any means and fatigue kicking in by now.

Bulgarian Bag Kipping Row 17kg Bag
30 seconds flat out, 60 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times

Reps ranged from 30 on the first set to 23 by the 5th.

Workout time 55 minutes.

Definately struggled today due to lack of calories and also fatigue still present from benching on Tuesday.
Still a good session though and place to work from.

Need to be hitting 50 reps though on the snatches with the 16 before having to switch.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Kettlebell Conditioning

After a superb workout yesterday I decided on more conditioning work today split into 2 sessions:-

Session 1
Double Kettlebell Jerks
(16kg * 2) 10 reps for 10 sets, every minute on the minute

Average completion time was 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest.
Was tough by the end - HR up to 165

Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch -16kg
60 seconds each arm (18 reps each arm)
Rest 90 seconds
90 seconds each arm (25 reps each arm)
Rest 2 mins
2 mins each arm (32 reps each arm)

This was tough, had a very hard job to hold onto the bell by the end, weight no issue, just grip.

Bulgarian Bag 10 minute BLAST
12kg Bag alternating between Spins and Power Snatches

12 spin each way, rest 20 - 30 seconds
12 Power snatches, rest 20 - 30 seconds
Keep going for 10 mins or 100kcal burnt off on the HR monitor

Session 2
2*32kg Kettlebell Farmers Walk
9kg Slam Ball

Walk the kettlebells 20M out and 20M back, slam the ball 10 times - full extension over head to full flexion through the core, repeat 4 times no rest.

Rest 3 mins

Repeat a further 2 times.

Session 2 was an absolute killer, grip was struggling after the snatching and bag work earlier and the slams are just plain horrible when done with maximum power and fast pace.

Finished off with 30 min sports massage and contrast shower.