Friday 15 July 2011

35 minute workout, the intense way!

Wasnt up for much training today due to some serious leg soreness going on from yesterdays squats.

Earlier this afternoon:-

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 17kg Bag
10 spins each way, 10 push ups * 5 in under 3 min 30

New PB 3min  13 seconds

90 minutes later

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 12kg Bag
As above

New PB 2min 45 seconds 

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch - 17kg
20 reps
Hand on bag, push up position, chest 1" off bag - hold for 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times non stop

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
20kg * 5 each side non stop
24kg * 3 each side non stop
28kg * 2 each side non stop and new PB

Great little session and please with several PB's. Not bad for 35 minutes work!

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