Tuesday 26 July 2011

Todays Training

I had a 3 day break after my visit last friday to Optimal Life Fitness and came back to training today as follows:-

Warm Up
15 Minutes of Mobility Work

Double Kettlebell Jerks
8, 12, 16, 20, 16, 12, 8kg bells - 10 reps each, no rest.

Work Sets
Double Kettlebell Jerks
24kg Bells * 10 reps/2 mins rest * 3 sets
16kg Bells * 2 mins (13RPM/26R) / 2 Min rest * 3 sets

Turkish Get Up 10 Minute Set
16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16kg Bells, 1 rep each arm constant work - 9min 57 seconds to complete.

Figure of 8 with Catch
16kg Bell * 2 mins (50 reps) / rest 1 minute / repeat 3 times

Renegade Rows
16kg Bells 5 reps each side / 30 seconds rest * 5 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spin (loosener)
12kg Bag * 50 reps (25 each way) * 2 sets


Delts felt tired today and was a little unstable over head on the lockout with the pairs of 24's.
Thought I had recovered from Friday but obviously not. I suspect the plyo clap push ups are to blame for the extended muscle trauma.

The Turkisg Get Ups were good fun for 10 minutes, the down sets after the 32kg bell was hard work and shoulder stability was becoming increasingly hard to maintain.

The figure of 8 with catch are a good fun conditioning move, works the core well and gets the pulse up pretty high. Mine was 160BPM by the end of 2 mins with a 16kg bell.

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