Friday 22 July 2011

Mash Up and Optimal Life Fitness Facility

Today I made a 120 mile round trip to train at the incredible Optimal Life Fitness centre in Hither Green with Top PT Stuart Amory and big dog JonnyXF (didnt get your surname!)

We had each designed a 5 and 10 minute round each designed to test every aspect of our physical fitness and mental toughness.

It went down like this:-

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag Mobility Work

Round 1 - Matt's 5 Minute
Bulgarian Bag Spin Test
10 spins each way, 10 push ups * 5 as past as possible. Chest to tough the bag.

Matt 17kg Bag 3min 05 seconds, which was a 8 second PB, a sub 3 minute time looms closer!
Stuart 17kg Bag 3 min 47 seconds, damn good for a first go with the 17!
Jonny 12kg Bag 3 min 53 and another great first time at spinning the bag!

Round 2 - Jonny's 5 Minute
Oly Bar loaded to 30kg Total
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Bent Row
Upright Row
Military Press
Over Head Squat
Back Squat
Over Head Squat
Military Press
Upright Row
Bent Row
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 4 reps of each, as many times through as possible.

This was bloomin brutal, mainly due to the combination of Military Press and Overhead Squat. Jonny, you're MEAN!

Round 3 - Stu - 10 minute (and then some!)
HIRTS Trainer Sprints, Kettlebell Snatch, Bulgarian Bag Spin
2 Sprints against resistance to touch marker
2 Snatches each arm
2 spins each way
4 of each, 6 of each, 8 of each, 10 of each. Stu completed the first section then rested while Jonny and I went, then Stu started on the 4 of each while we rested and so forth.

This was sheer BRUTALITY in exercise form. Caning calves, burning lungs, mashed core and a body that just didnt want to spin the bag while still gasping for air. BRILLIANT!

Round 4 - Matt 10 Minute
2 Kettlebell TGU each arm
3 Windmills each arm
25 kettlebell swings, repeat non stop for 10 minutes.

This worked out as 3 times through plus a bit extra. Very different than the cardio blast from Stu's round. This was difficult in so much as the constant body tension and control was very waring combined with the brief conditioning set of swings. I will be doing more of this in my own training. I used a 20 but think a 24 is in order next time.

Round 5 - Jonny 10 Minute
10 Barbell Hang Clean and Press
8 explosive push ups with clap
Go every 2mins 30 without fail for 4 sets.

A great power based round, the rest was much needed after the combination of shoulder pressing and explosive push ups!

We ran out of time there - thankfully!

An incredible session with a couple of great guys. We will be having more of this in the very near future!

Now time for a lovely little ice bath!

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