Thursday 7 July 2011

Muscular Endurance/Conditioning

I trained today, wasnt feeling hugely energetic but gave it my best shot as always.

Warm Up - Bulgarian Bag
Presses, Front Bends, Side Bends, Good Mornings, Halos, Over Head Presses, Kipping Rows, Spins, Power Snatches

Kettlebell Snatch - 16kg
32reps each hand to failure
25 reps each hand
20 reps each hand
15 reps each hand - all to failure
This was a 10 minute set - non stop, changing hands when grip failed.
Was dissappointed to only hit 32reps first time - think my chest is a bit tight from benching on Tuesday which may have affected it.

Double KB Jerks 16kg * 2
4 sets of 2 minutes - 25 reps each time.
Rest ranged from 90 seconds after the first set to 3 minutes after the third.
The last two sets HURT.

Single Arm Swings 20kg
15 reps each side - hated them, hands not liking it - abandoned.

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch 12kg Bag
100 reps done in 6min 28 seconds.
Not fast by any means and fatigue kicking in by now.

Bulgarian Bag Kipping Row 17kg Bag
30 seconds flat out, 60 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times

Reps ranged from 30 on the first set to 23 by the 5th.

Workout time 55 minutes.

Definately struggled today due to lack of calories and also fatigue still present from benching on Tuesday.
Still a good session though and place to work from.

Need to be hitting 50 reps though on the snatches with the 16 before having to switch.

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