Saturday 16 July 2011

Kettlebell Jerks + assistance

Todays Training:-

Warm up using lighter bells and Bulgarian Bag

Work Sets

Double Kettlebell Jerks
24's * 3 reps with 30 seconds held locked out over head after each rep
20's * 10 reps with 5 seconds lockout hold after each rep
16's * 30 reps - 4 minutes 23 seconds (plenty more reps left in the tank)

Single Arm kettlebell Jerks
24kg * 12/12
28kg * 12/12
28kg * 12/12

Kettlebell Swings
24kg * 20 reps
28kg * 11 reps going every 45 seconds for 10 sets

Wide Grip Chins
Descending Ladder 8-1 reps with decreasing rest time.

Nice session today, shoulder a bit tired so time for a few days off over head work. Will perform jerks again on Tuesday most likely.

Swings were tough, pulse rate at the top of each set with the 28's was 152 and never dropped below 144 for the whole 10 sets.

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