Tuesday 12 July 2011

Kettlebell Jerking and more

Trained jerks again today after yesterdays personal best with a pair of 16's for 50 reps without too much bother.

Wanted to go heavier today so I did!

Double Kettlebell Jerks 20kg * 2
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes
10 reps in 1 minute, rest 30 seconds
Dropped down to 16kg bells
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

Single Arm Snatch
20kg * 10 right/10 left, 10 right, 10 left no rest
16kg * 35 right/35 left

Single Arm Strict Press
24kg * 5 right/5 left * 3 sets

Suspension Trainer Push Ups (feet raised to same height as handles)/KB Row Super Set
10 push ups / 12 rows with a pair of 20kg bells * 3 sets

Suspension Trainer Horizontal Knee Pull Ins (abs)
15 reps
15 reps
12 reps

Bulgarian Bag Spins (loosener 12kg)
40 reps * 2 sets

Long hard session tonight as going out for a meal with friends tonight.

The jerks felt good but soon fatigued after the 3rd set of 20 reps. Could definately tell id done 150 reps of jerks yesterday.

Snatches felt awful, grip was terrible and could hardly open hand to punch on the later reps, suspect tight traps/rotator cuff muscles may be to blame.

Rest of the session was good but feel exhausted now. Including warm up and cool down, 90 minutes.

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