Thursday 15 September 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp Session

Tonights Eastbourne Boot Camp session focussed on Kettlebell training and cumulative fatigue methods.

Here's how the session broke down:

Warm Up
Mobility Drills/Dynamic Stretches
Push Ups
More jogging, more push ups, more lunges and more burpees.

Round 1 - Cumulative Fatigue
2 Handed Kettlebell Swings * 45 seconds
5 Deep Jump Squats
15 seconds groinal stretch each leg (Push up position, one foot right forwards on outside of one hand, other leg back, look forwards and push chest through to stretch groin/glutes/hammies/adductors)

Repeat 8 times only stopping for the active recovery stretching

60 seconds full rest

Round 2 - Kettlebell Complex
KB Right Hand
5 step through lunges on left leg, 5 high pulls right arm, 5 snatches right arm, 5 rows right arm
KB Left hand
5 step through lunges on right leg, 5 high pulls left arm, 5 snatches left arm, 5 rows left arm
Repeat constant for 5 minutes

Rest 60 seconds

Round 3 - Kettlebell / Plyo / Run
60 seconds kettlebell clean and push press right arm
60 seconds kettlebell clean and push press left arm
20 alternate jump lunges
Easy Option:- Rest
Hardcore Option - Run fast for 250metres
Repeat 3 times

Round 4 - Tabata
2 Handed kettlebell squat to press
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 8 rounds
After the 8th round rest with the bell over head for 30 seconds aiming for full extension through shoulders
Sprint 50M

Cool Down
Upper Body Focussed Stretching

Great session tonight for all concerned and good turn out.

Well done to all who came, stuck at it, sucked it up and gave their all - as ever, your achievements make me proud.

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