Saturday 3 September 2011

Parasitic, Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

A few weeks ago I had an appointment with my physio for lower back tension.
During the treatment he asked me if I had been feeling tired to which I replied I had. While examining my body he pressed an area where my gall bladder was located and I winced with pain.

"Seems like you may have a bit of inflammation there" he said.
He asked me about my diet which is largely paleo based with fairly high healthy fat, protein and relatively low carb content. I said that I had been eating a few more eggs than I usually would along with a bit more steak. In addition the one vice I do have is for a nice cup of coffee or two!

He suggested I read into performing a gall bladder flush combined with parasitic and liver detox. He said he knew lots of people that did this once or twice per year and felt much better for doing so.

On his suggestion I bought a supplement called Paragone from here:-

This supplement is designed to improve gut health and try to eliminate parasites.

I ran the supplement at full strength for two weeks ensuring I drank 3 litres of water daily and stayed off all red meat, eggs and fatty foods. Paragone comes in two parts, a capsule and tincture to be taken at the same time away from food. The tincture is an acquired taste and over the two weeks I can safely say I visited the bathroom with greater frequency.

Once two weeks had been completed I spent 2 days following a liver detox using apples and organic apple juice. More information can be found here:-

On the first day from 8am - 8pm I ate nothing but apples (5 in total) and drank 1 litre of apple juice over the 12 hour period along with water. I also took a product from Reflex Nutrition called Anti Oxidant Collection which contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, a powerful detoxifier.

On the second day from 8am - 2pm I drank nothing but 1 litre of organic apple juice, water and ate apples (5 in total).

At 2pm I drank only water there after.
At 8pm I took 2 tsp of Epsom Salts in water followed an hour later by 120ml of cold pressed olive oil with 60ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice (these should be mixed together and drank quickly as its not pleasant.)

Once done I IMMEDIATELY went to be and lay/slept on my right side.

The apple contains high levels of malic acid which is said to help break down stagnant bile in the liver. Please note that people with cancer, candida yeast infection, diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcer should not use this apple juice fasting procedure because of the high sugar content in the apple juice.

The Epsom salts apparently serve to help dilate the bile duct to help any stones pass.

The olive oil reportedly serves to induce a strong gall bladder contraction which is said to help to expel any small stones.

On waking I drank 1 litre of warm water with half a lemon squeezed in and ate only fruit and vegetables for the rest of the day. Any stones present are supposed to pass during subsequent visits to the bathroom over the next few days.

There is some speculation as to whether this procedure actually does what it reports to, however, having done this myself I can say that I have noticed a significant increase in energy levels and sense of well being.Cravings for caffeine have significantly reduced to me not just "fancying" a coffee and the same is also true of fatty food. Seemingly I am also 1 kg lighter (most likely due to less "debris" in my intestines.)

Placebo effect? Certainly possible, either way, how I am feeling now is good, energised and healthy. So for me, that's a positive outcome.

Did I enjoy the process? Heck no. Eating nothing but apples, juice and water was very boring and was far from ideal in terms of blood sugar levels. The Epsom salts and drinking olive oil with lemon juice is pretty nasty too and did not make for a good nights sleep.

If you follow a Paleo based diet be aware of fat content and protein rich foods, it is easy to become a little lazy and rely on the same kinds of foods day in day out.

As with any "procedure" like this, do your own research and make informed decisions. Note the words above about apple juice and diabetics etc. This blog post is for information purposes only and is not produced for medical guidance or diagnosis/treatment of conditions. Consult with your GP if you have doubts.

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