Wednesday 14 September 2011

Kettlebell Jerks and Bulgarian Bag Conditioning

Training today had the main goal of density sets for kettlebell jerks followed by some metabolic conditioning with the Bulgarian Bag.

The session went down as follows:-

Double Kettlebell Jerks
16kg * 2 * 10 reps
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10

Then Density Set:-
24kg * 2 * 6 reps every minute on the minute for 10 mins - total 60 reps.
This worked out as 30 seconds rest each set.

Bulgarian Bag (17kg) Spins
15 reps each way, rest 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times.

Rest 2 mins

Bag Power Snatch (17kg) * 45 seconds/15 rest
Bag Squat 45/15
Bag High Pull 45/15
Rest 60 sec, repeat 3 times

Rest 2 mins then

Bag Power Snatch (17kg) 45/15
Bag Kipping Row 30 sec
Rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Tough session today.

The density set with a pair of 24kg bells was smart, next week will hit 7 reps each time.

Very enjoyable.

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