Thursday 27 December 2012

Kettlebell Strength Training

Today it was time to get back in and do a proper session after the Xmas excesses.

On Christmas day I had a little play around with some Turkish Get Ups hitting 40kg for a single each arm. That said neither reps were that great so decided to kick off with those's how the session went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 sets of 5
Air Squats 2 sets of 10
Goblet Squats (14kg bell)3 sets of 5
Band Dislocations
Medicine Ball/Oly Bar shoulder/chest mobility opener

Main Workout
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up 
16kg * 5/5
20kg * 3/3
28kg * 1/1
32kg * 1/1
36kg * 1/1
40kg * 1/1 for 3 sets

Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 10/10
28kg * 5/5
32kg * 3/3
36kg * 1/1
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/2

Single Arm kettlebell Clean and Jerk
5 minute continuous set switched hands twice
46 reps total @ 24kg

20kg Weighted Vest
Push Ups 10-1 ladder super set with
18" Box Step Ups 20-10 reps

Round one looked like 10 push ups (chest to floor) with 10 right foot lead step ups and 10 left foot lead step ups, round 2 was 2 push ups, 9 right foot lead, 9 left foot lead and so forth.

Time taken 9min  08 seconds

Tough workout today. Pleased to hit the 40kg Turkish Get Ups - much stronger today.
Jerks felt strong too but a way off that 48kg bell just yet.

The finisher was tough - if you have a weighted vest and a decent height box give it a go!

Friday 14 December 2012

Todays Training Log -Kettlebell Strength/Power

I dont usually get chance to train on Friday afternoon but today was different.

Over the last few weeks ive been spending a bit of time on the Kettlebell Turkish Get Up with a view to getting a rep with the 40kg Bulldog before the end of the year..........

Heres how it went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 * 5
Bar Shoulder Dislocates 3 * 5
Box Squat 3 * 20
Alternate Reverse Lunge 20 reps

12kg Bulgarian Bag Spin 3 * 40 reps (20 each way)

Main Workout
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up / 17kg Bulgarian Bag Spin Superset
16kg * 5 each side + 10 spins each way
20kg * 3 each side + 10/10
24kg * 1/1 + 10/10
28kg * 1/1 + 10/10
32kg * 1/1 + 10/10
36kg * 1/1 + 10/10
40kg * 1/1 + 10/10 New PB
40kg + 1/1 + 10/10 for added practice

24" Box Jump / Kettlebell Swing Super Set
10 rebound jumps / 20kg * 25
10 / 24kg * 25
10 / 28kg * 25 * 3 sets
10 / 32kg * 15 * 5 sets

100 box jumps done and 175 swings.

Job done.

Entire workout took about 1hr 15 - felt good to get some great quality work in.

Monday 10 December 2012

Some Fun Strength Work

Todays training session was all about fun!

Heres how it went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squat 3 * 5
Air Squat 3 * 15
Push Ups on Bulgarian Bag 3 * 15 with 10 power snatches after each set.

Main Work
Hand Stand Push Up
2 (fell down)

Dead Hand Gym Ring Chins - 45 sec rest
Super Set with Double KB Swings outside the knees
DHGC * 10 / 16kg * 2 * 20 reps
DHGC * 10 / 20kg * 2 * 15 reps
DHGC * 10 / 24kg * 2 * 10 reps
DHGC * 10 / 24kg * 2 * 10 reps

2 Handed Kettlebell Swing
28kg * 30
32kg * 20
36kg * 10
32kg * 20
28kg * 30
with 60 second rest between each.

Alternate KB Renegade Rows
20kg * 20
24kg * 10 (done with pause at top)
24kg * 10 (done with pause at top)

Good session, about 50 mins.
First time going on the HSPU and enjoyed them. Nice challenge.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Today's training - Strength/power

Warm Up
Air Squat 2 x 20
Wall Squat 3 x 5
Goblet Squat 3 x 5

Double 8kg push press
30s work / 30s rest over head twice through

Turkish Get Up Ladder
16kg x 5/5
20kg x 3/3
24kg x 1/1
28kg x 1/1
32kg x 5 reps each side swapping sides each rep

Box Jumps
28 inch 5x5

Single Arm kb jerk
16kg x 10/20
20kg x 10/10
24kg x 10/10
28kg x 10/10
32kg x 6/6
36kg x 5/5

Double 16kg Kb Jerks

Bulgarian Bag Spin
17kg x 100 reps without stopping.

Good session today. Shoulders suitably pumped!

Monday 3 December 2012

Heavy Jerking and Met Con

Today's training was based around heavy single arm kettlebell jerk for a forthcoming boot camp session I have planned.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
Band shoulder dislocations.
Band rainbows
Band over head rotations
14kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3 * 5
Wall Squat 3 * 5
Band Over Head Squat 3 * 5

12kg Macebell 360 spins 2 * 10/10
12k Macebell Grave Diggers 2 * 10/10

Main Set
Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
16kg * 10 each side
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 5/5
28kg * 5/5
32kg * 5/5
36kg * 2/2
40kg * 1/1
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/3

Single Arm Kettlebell Strict Press
24kg * 10/10 which was a max each side

Bison Bag from
28kg of Sand
Power Clean * 10
Thruster * 10
Bent Row * 10
Proper Push Up * 10
All back to back then 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3, 2, 1 reps of each without rest.

Time 13min 34 seconds

Saturday 1 December 2012

Explosive Power and Strength Workout

Today's training session:-

Warm Up

Wall Squat 3 * 5 reps
Goblet KB Squat 3 * 5 reps
Shoulder dislocations
Skipping 3 * 30s

12kg Mace Ball Grave Diggers 3 * 10 reps each side
12kg Mace Bell 360's 3 * 10 reps each side

Main Workout
Box Jump
18" * 2 * 15 reps
24" 2 * 10 reps
26" 2 * 5 reps
28" 5 * 5 reps

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up/ Swing Super Set
20kg * 1/1 with 40 swings
24kg * 1/1 + 30 swings
28kg * 1/1 + 20 swings
32kg * 1/1 + 15 swings
36kg * 1/1 + 10 swings - PB Turkish Get Up
32kg * 1/1 + 15 swings
28kg * 1/1 + 20 swings
24kg * 1/1 + 30 swings
20kg *1/1 + 40 swings

All done in 50 minutes.

Second part of workout later.