Monday 3 December 2012

Heavy Jerking and Met Con

Today's training was based around heavy single arm kettlebell jerk for a forthcoming boot camp session I have planned.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
Band shoulder dislocations.
Band rainbows
Band over head rotations
14kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3 * 5
Wall Squat 3 * 5
Band Over Head Squat 3 * 5

12kg Macebell 360 spins 2 * 10/10
12k Macebell Grave Diggers 2 * 10/10

Main Set
Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
16kg * 10 each side
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 5/5
28kg * 5/5
32kg * 5/5
36kg * 2/2
40kg * 1/1
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/3

Single Arm Kettlebell Strict Press
24kg * 10/10 which was a max each side

Bison Bag from
28kg of Sand
Power Clean * 10
Thruster * 10
Bent Row * 10
Proper Push Up * 10
All back to back then 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3, 2, 1 reps of each without rest.

Time 13min 34 seconds

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