Thursday 27 December 2012

Kettlebell Strength Training

Today it was time to get back in and do a proper session after the Xmas excesses.

On Christmas day I had a little play around with some Turkish Get Ups hitting 40kg for a single each arm. That said neither reps were that great so decided to kick off with those's how the session went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 sets of 5
Air Squats 2 sets of 10
Goblet Squats (14kg bell)3 sets of 5
Band Dislocations
Medicine Ball/Oly Bar shoulder/chest mobility opener

Main Workout
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up 
16kg * 5/5
20kg * 3/3
28kg * 1/1
32kg * 1/1
36kg * 1/1
40kg * 1/1 for 3 sets

Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 10/10
28kg * 5/5
32kg * 3/3
36kg * 1/1
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/2

Single Arm kettlebell Clean and Jerk
5 minute continuous set switched hands twice
46 reps total @ 24kg

20kg Weighted Vest
Push Ups 10-1 ladder super set with
18" Box Step Ups 20-10 reps

Round one looked like 10 push ups (chest to floor) with 10 right foot lead step ups and 10 left foot lead step ups, round 2 was 2 push ups, 9 right foot lead, 9 left foot lead and so forth.

Time taken 9min  08 seconds

Tough workout today. Pleased to hit the 40kg Turkish Get Ups - much stronger today.
Jerks felt strong too but a way off that 48kg bell just yet.

The finisher was tough - if you have a weighted vest and a decent height box give it a go!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great workout! Thanks for the post. Great blog. I'm looking for a personal trainer in Franklin MA. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it!


Thank you for posting.