Monday 29 November 2010

Snowy Eastbourne Boot Camp

Today has been bitterly cold all day after having a snow fall on Saturday gone which means one thing - High Intensity Intervals for the members of Eastbourne Boot Camp!

The biting nights air didnt put off the 14 who attended and a big well done to everyone for braving the elements and enduring a truly intense boot camp experience!

The session went as follows:-

10 minute warm up using mobility drills, body weight exercises and intensifiers.

Round 1
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing 30sec each arm
Kettlebell Squat to Press 30 sec
Kettlebell Power Swing 30 sec
Rest 30 sec, repeat, rest 20, repeat.

Two minutes rest.

Round 2
Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press 30 sec each arm
Lateral Rope Hops 30 sec
Upright Row 30 sec
Rest 30 sec, repeat, rest 20 sec, repeat

Round 3
Forward/back rope hop 30 sec
Burpees with Jump 60 sec
Alternating lunge jumps 30 sec
Rest 30 sec, repeat, rest 20 sec, repeat

Round 4
Abs around!

Round 5
Single Arm kettlebell squat 30 sec each side
Suitcase deadlift 30 sec each side
Lateral Rope hops 30 sec
Repeat once more straight through.

All reps were performed quickly yet safely.

Finished with a 5 minute cool down.

This was a great session tonight, everyone worked incredibly hard so well done guys and girls!

HUGE effort by all.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Cold! Brrrrrrr

Tonight was an other Eastbourne Boot Camp session and 14 hardcore trainees braved the freezing cold nights air.

I put together another circuit style session as follows:-

Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
Battling Rope
Bulgarian Bag Spins
Bulgarian Bag Squat to Press
Battline Rope
Crunch 2 Punch
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Swing
Jumping Alternate Lunges
Crunch 2 Punch
Prisoner Squat

Each station was performed for 60 seconds, 5 second change over and rest only on the rest station.

This was completed twice back to back.

From there I lead a 10 minute non stop kettlebell round using:-
Push Press
Pass Rounds
Upright Row
Suitcase Deadlifts
Press and Holds.

We finished the session with 5 minutes of stretching and mobility work.

Great session everyone and well done for getting stuck in - you all rocked it!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Training Today - Bench Press and Assistance Work

I trained today after having a much needed day off training yesterday.

I began the session with a 10 minute warm up using a 12kg Bulgarian Bag using mobility exercises designed to increase range of motion in the joints and muscles, increase core temperature and generally get my pulse up and mind focussed on the matter in hand!

The session then went as follows:- (all weights in KG)

Bar * 20
40 * 10
60 * 5
70 * 3
80 * 1
90 * 1
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
125 * 1 Touch and Go
125 *1 T&G
120 * 2 PB

Floor Press
60 * 10
70 * 10
80 * 10
90 * 6
100 * 5

Chest Supported Row
40 * 20
60 * 10
70 * 10
75 * 8
80 * 5

Side Lateral
8kg * 10 * 3

Explosive Tricep Extensions
10.5kg * 10
10.5kg * 10
10.5kg * 10

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 12kg Bag

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatches - 12kg Bag

Good session today, benching felt solid and was pleased with the 120kg * 2 reps personal best at current body weight of 77kg.

Bag work at the end was just to loosen off and a little light conditioning - I just cant get enough of this bag work, its a truly AWESOME piece of kit.

Monday 22 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Circuit Night!

At Eastbourne Boot Camp tonight a change of pace was in the air and my boot campers had a testing little circuit to contend with.

The circuit was as follows:-

Bulgarian Bag Spins
Kettlebell Swings
Push Ups
Battling Rope
Kettlebell Upright Row
Bulgarian Bag Over Head Squat
Crunches with two punches
Alternate Jumping Lunges
Kettlebell Single Arm Swings
Battling Rope
Star Jumps
Bulgarian Bag Front Raise/Pullover

All stations were performed for 60 seconds with 5 seconds change between each station.
The circuit was repeated 23 times within the hour.

Great work by the 14 that turned up - you killed it tonight ladies and gents!

Back to kettlebells training and a single circuit on Thursdays session!

Sunday 14 November 2010

Kettlebell Conditioning 16kg Snatch * 100 reps

Today I decided to hit a conditioning session and test out my 100 rep kettlebell snatch time with a 16kg bell and also complete some Bulgarian Bag training in preparation for the Optimal Life Fitness IBBC certficate next weekend.
The session went as follows:-
15 Min Warm Up
Burpees, squats, lunges, push ups, shoulder circles, side bends, mountain climbers, light bag spins.

Kettlebell Swing 16kg

Kettlebell Snatch 16kg
10 reps each side

Kettlebell Snatch Test 16kg * 100 reps as fast as possible.
Done in 3min 47 and new Personal Best!

Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg Bag
10 in each direction * 5 sets with 20 seconds recovery

Single Arm Kettlebell Military Press
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatches
10 with 20 seconds rest repeated 5 times

Job done.

I really struggled with my grip today due to being slightly dehydrated and massively pumped forearms. Very frustrating but hey ho. Need a massage to get my flexors ironed out ready for next weekend.

Friday 12 November 2010

Gale Force Boot Camp

Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw miserable conditions during the day which thankfully subsided come the evening session. The winds however were very strong and yet 12 hard core boot campers made it out to take part in another intense and fun session.

The session went as follows:-

Warm Up
10 minutes of dynamic stretches, body weight exercises and mobility drills along with some gentle shuttle runs and intensifiers thrown in at the end.

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing / True Snatch Pull Ladder
10/10, 15/15, 20/20, 15/15, 10/10

Round 2
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat 60 sec on each side
Suitcase Deadlift 20 reps each side
Stiff Leg Deadlift 20 reps each side

Then shuttle run 20m
Prisoner Squats, walking lunges, skipping on the spot, heel flicks, shuttle runs, star jump squats, pulse squats, sit and hold squats and so the suffering went on - total 10 minute round.

Round 3
Abdominal Crunches
Leg Raises
V Ups
Toe Touches
More Planks
Yet more abdominal crunches

Round 4
Long kettlebell set including:-
Single Arm strict press
Push Press
Upright Row
Pass Round
Single Arm Swing
True Snatch Pull
Side Bends
Sumo Squats

Total time 15 minutes and no rest.

Finished off with stretching.

Great session and a big well done to everyone who attended - you really smashed it last night!

Monday 8 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - A GREAT session!

Tonight was another Eastbourne Boot Camp session which took place on Brighton University Astro Turf in Meads, Eastbourne.

There was a good turn out of 12 keen boot campers and thankfully the weather held off for a very good session.

Tonight's session had a long kettlebell set focus and went as follows:-

10 Minute Dynamic Warm Up

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing Ladder
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 30, 25, 20 reps with 20 -30 seconds rest between sets.

Round 2
Kettlebell Squats 20 reps
Prisoner Squats 20 reps with pulsing, half rep holds etc
Run 40M
Skipping, star jumps, prisoner squats
Run 20M
Walking Lunges, Jump Squats, Walking Lunges
Run 40M
Prisoner Squats and star jumps
Walking Lunges
Run 20M

Round 3
8 minute kettlebell set including:-
Push Press
Pass Round
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Upright Row
Suitcase Deadlifts

Round 4
2* 2.5 minute rounds of crunches, v ups, planks, superman planks and leg raises

Round 5
Kettlebell True Snatch Pull
Kettlebell Side Bends super set 15 reps each until 6 minutes completed.

Round 6
Single Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps each side continuous.

WELL DONE EVERYONE and a great effort by all who attended!

If you want to find out more about the MOST intense exercise class in Eastbourne visit Eastbourne Boot Camp HERE!

Sunday 7 November 2010

Recent Strength Training

My power lifting training has been going extremely well recently and seems to have taken a step forward since I have started using a slightly less conventional approach to my squatting and deadlifting.

Many sources on the Internet suggest that squats and deadlifts, due to their extremely demanding nature, should be performed infrequently at around once per week.

Personally, my squat has always been my weakest lift thus in an attempt to bring it up to scratch I have been squatting twice weekly using weights of around 80 - 85% of my one rep max.

By using lighter percentages and squatting for between 2 and 4 work sets of 3 and 5 reps with good form I have found that my strength has continued to increase alongside improvements in my technique which now allows me to squat much deeper while maintaining an upright torso position.

One very welcome side effect of this twice weekly squatting has been the improvement in my deadlifting.

4 weeks ago I struggled to hit 170kg for 5 reps but yesterday I managed to get a new personal best of 170kg * 7 reps @ 76.6kg body weight.

My weekly plan in respect of squats and deadlifts has consisted of:-

Session 1
Squat - working up to 4 triples at 80 - 85% max.
Deadlift - 4 warm up sets up to 140kg with 3 work sets of 150, 160 and 170kg.
Sumo Deadlift - 5 singles up to 190kg.
Kettlebell swings - 100 reps with a 20kg bell broken down to 3-5 sets.

Session 2
Squat - working up to a top set of 5 reps with 80 - 85% max.
Stiff Leg Deadlift standing on a 5" block - 5 sets up to 130kg
Heavy Kettlebell Side Bends - 3 sets each side
Weighted Decline Crunches - 4 sets.

I also think that regular Kettlebell training (using swings and snatches) has also played a significant role in the conditioning and recovery of my posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors)which has made my recovery from one squat session to the next that much faster.

Notably I cycle for 4 weeks of training before taking an easier back down week to allow for deloading of the spinal column, extra stretching and recovery of the central nervous system.

Here is a video of yesterdays personal best.
Note: -
I re-set between each rep as in competition I only ever perform 1 rep.
By training my rep sets this way, each rep, is in effect a new single rep and is more specific to the nature of powerlifting. The reach up technique is used to help get a larger breath before the descent which assists with a stronger valsalva technique helping to keep the abdomen and torso tighter with less chance of back rounding and injury. (Please excuse the bellow on the last rep!)