Thursday 25 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Cold! Brrrrrrr

Tonight was an other Eastbourne Boot Camp session and 14 hardcore trainees braved the freezing cold nights air.

I put together another circuit style session as follows:-

Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
Battling Rope
Bulgarian Bag Spins
Bulgarian Bag Squat to Press
Battline Rope
Crunch 2 Punch
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Swing
Jumping Alternate Lunges
Crunch 2 Punch
Prisoner Squat

Each station was performed for 60 seconds, 5 second change over and rest only on the rest station.

This was completed twice back to back.

From there I lead a 10 minute non stop kettlebell round using:-
Push Press
Pass Rounds
Upright Row
Suitcase Deadlifts
Press and Holds.

We finished the session with 5 minutes of stretching and mobility work.

Great session everyone and well done for getting stuck in - you all rocked it!

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