Friday 12 November 2010

Gale Force Boot Camp

Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw miserable conditions during the day which thankfully subsided come the evening session. The winds however were very strong and yet 12 hard core boot campers made it out to take part in another intense and fun session.

The session went as follows:-

Warm Up
10 minutes of dynamic stretches, body weight exercises and mobility drills along with some gentle shuttle runs and intensifiers thrown in at the end.

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing / True Snatch Pull Ladder
10/10, 15/15, 20/20, 15/15, 10/10

Round 2
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat 60 sec on each side
Suitcase Deadlift 20 reps each side
Stiff Leg Deadlift 20 reps each side

Then shuttle run 20m
Prisoner Squats, walking lunges, skipping on the spot, heel flicks, shuttle runs, star jump squats, pulse squats, sit and hold squats and so the suffering went on - total 10 minute round.

Round 3
Abdominal Crunches
Leg Raises
V Ups
Toe Touches
More Planks
Yet more abdominal crunches

Round 4
Long kettlebell set including:-
Single Arm strict press
Push Press
Upright Row
Pass Round
Single Arm Swing
True Snatch Pull
Side Bends
Sumo Squats

Total time 15 minutes and no rest.

Finished off with stretching.

Great session and a big well done to everyone who attended - you really smashed it last night!

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