Monday 22 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Circuit Night!

At Eastbourne Boot Camp tonight a change of pace was in the air and my boot campers had a testing little circuit to contend with.

The circuit was as follows:-

Bulgarian Bag Spins
Kettlebell Swings
Push Ups
Battling Rope
Kettlebell Upright Row
Bulgarian Bag Over Head Squat
Crunches with two punches
Alternate Jumping Lunges
Kettlebell Single Arm Swings
Battling Rope
Star Jumps
Bulgarian Bag Front Raise/Pullover

All stations were performed for 60 seconds with 5 seconds change between each station.
The circuit was repeated 23 times within the hour.

Great work by the 14 that turned up - you killed it tonight ladies and gents!

Back to kettlebells training and a single circuit on Thursdays session!

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