Tuesday 30 August 2011

Kettlebells, Barbells and a Box

Trained today, nothing too serious as still recovering from the triathlon. I decided on a bit of a Met Con session with emphasis on Girevoy Sport.

Double Kettlebell Jerks (16kg * 2)
30 reps @ 10RPM/Rest 3 min
30 reps @ 10RPM/Rest 3 min
30 reps @ 10RPM/Rest 3 min

Speed Jerks (16kg * 2)
25 reps in 60 seconds/Rest 60
25 reps in 60 seconds

Barbell Deadlift/Box Jump
Weight was selected 80kg which is 5kg over body weight

10 Barbell Deadlifts/10 * 24" Box Jumps in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5 times

Barbell Snatch
40kg * 5 / rest 90 seconds
Repeat 5 times

Barbell Military Press / Box Jump
40kg * 8 / 10 * 24" Box Jumps
Rest 60
Repeat 3 times

Nice session today, nothing too hard but challenging enough to make it feel like Ive had a great workout.

Monday 29 August 2011

Bexhill Sprint Distance Triathlon

Yesterday I took part in the Bexhill Triathlon - my first attempt at a full Triathlon (the last one I entered ended up being a Duathon due to rough seas) and something of an experiment...........

I am a firm believer in the effectiveness of Kettlebell and Bulgarian Bag training as ways of developing high levels of total body fitness which translates well to other sporting activities.

With this in mind I chose to opt for a Kettlebell and Bulgarian Bag only approach to the Triathlon, the only Tri specific training being 1 interval based running session per week for the 3 weeks leading into the event. That's right, no cycling and no swimming was done at all!

Historically I have been both a competitive swimmer (when I was a child/teenager) and competitive cyclist (from 1999 until 2003) but since then have hardly done anything of either.

The distances for the event were as follows:-

Swim 500m in the Sea
Bike 25km
Run 5km

The Big Day
The day started over cast and breezy, 250 competitors were ready to go and I was in the 3rd Wave. The sea conditions were choppy with a strong current running from right to left across the beach. The marker was a simple case of swim out and back.

After watching wave 1 go in and subsequently get washed along the beach meaning they had to swim back against the current to get around the marker I planned to start a little further up the beach and swim out and use the current to carry me over.

As I looked around at all the other competitors I was the only one in my group wearing a "shorty wetsuit". Mistake on my behalf? I would soon find out.

When the klaxon sounded we rushed into the sea, gasped at the cold and got stuck in.
Once I got into the water I became more aware that actually the sea was fairly rough and getting half way to the marker seemed to take an eternity.

Its a funny thing racing in the sea, you are acutely aware of breathing while trying to avoid a mouthful of salty water and trying to maintain a good stroke. It was essential to "sight" frequently to check the location of the buoy all at the same times as trying to avoid being kicked in the face by those around.

After a good 5 minutes of swimming hard I became more aware of feelings of the need to survive and not just race. I admit, there was a moments fear and thought of "I don't think I can do this" before letting the thought go, telling myself to just keep going and soldiering on.

On reaching the marker the beach looked a long way back and we were now swimming diagonally against the current trying to get back to shore.

Half way back I could feel my hands and arms getting numb and had to really focus on the "scoop" of my front crawl stroke to ensure I was swimming as effectively as possible.

Eventually I made it to shore and saw I was in the lead group with many still behind.

The Transition to Bike
I was so glad to get out of the sea and trying to get the taste of salt water out of my mouth I ran back to my bike ready for the bike leg. The bike I was riding was an old mountain bike with road tyres, not ideal but would do the job. Once my trainers were on, helmet done up, number displayed on my back I ran with my bike and jumped on.

To get rid of the taste of salt in my mouth I took an energy gel, an act that was later cause me issue.

It seemed to take an eternity for my legs to get going, they were just so cold and hamstrings and glutes felt tight. The bike leg had a series of drags and flats heading out into a slight head wind and coming back with the wind slightly behind, not that I noticed!

One of the issues I found after the swim was my legs just felt totally pumped. I wanted them to "spin" they wanted to drive.........I lost several places quickly and it became apparent that the gearing on my bike (relatively small front chain ring compared to a road bike) combined with lack of tri bars meant I would be struggling all the way round - and struggle I did.

My mind kept telling me to just soft pedal for a short while, yet my heart kept telling me to dig deeper. 9 times out of 10 my heart won but sometimes it felt good, oh so good to just stop the pain and free wheel for a few metres.

During the bike ride I drank 750ml of energy drink which was my second big mistake. The energy gel at transition had brought more fluid into my stomach and I felt more thirsty. Thus I drank.......

The Transition Bike to Run and Finish!
By the time I finished the bike I couldn't wait to get to the end. I racked my bike and left transition starting to run. Legs felt like lead and after 500m or so I felt incredibly uncomfortable. My stomach felt bloated and full to the point that I couldn't breathe deeply. I thought to myself that I had drank far too much and was now paying the price. The run out to the first marker was 1250m and into a slight breeze. Running back was into the sun with no breeze - oh how the sweat rolled.

The run was by far the least enjoyable section but purely down to my own doings........had my stomach been less full and able to empty correctly it would have been a much smoother ride.

Was I pleased with the result?

Yes I was, as I had proved that kettlebell and bulgarian bag training can carry you a long way for a multi sport endurance based event if your aim is to complete such an event over relatively short distances.

For those looking to put in faster times there is no substitute for sports specific training.
I now have my sights set on next year. Kettlebells and bags will again feature as a key part of my preparation but I will also ensure I do more in the way of Swim, Bike, Run training, practice transitions from one event to the next and look at getting a better bike!

Lessons learned, forward I move............

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Sustained High Tension Kettlebell Workout

Today I felt a little tired from the Bulgarian Bag workout yesterday so decided on a quick 30 minute session today. Main aim of the session was to develop my ability to maintain core tension while working through various planes of motion.

Round 1 - Semi Warm Up
5 minutes mobility bag drills


Bulgarian Bag Spins 10 reps each way / rest 30 seconds, repeat 5 times using 17kg bag

Round 2 - Kettlebell Turkish Get Up  - Constant Work
10 Minute set:
20kg * 5 each arm straight on to
24kg * 3 each arm, straight on to
28kg * 2 each arm, straight on to
28kg * 1 each arm twice

Round 3
Kettlebell Deep Static Held Lunge with Opposite Arm Shoulder Press while holding lunge / superset with Kettlebell Windmills
20kg Bell * 8 each side (press)
24kg * 5 each side Windmill
Repeat constant for 3 sets.

All done in 30 minutes.

Great session, very tough, had me sweating buckets by the end.

Highly recommended!

Monday 22 August 2011

Metabolic Conditioning

Todays workout was a quick Met Con session using highly dynamic exercises:

Round 1
Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg * 100 reps
2 min 45 seconds  - bag not allowed to be put down on the floor throughout.

Round 2
25 x 18" Box Jumps/rest 60 seconds
25 x 18" Box Jumps/rest 45 seconds
25 x 18" Box Jumps /rest 30 seconds
25 x 18" Box Jumps

Round 2
Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch 17kg * 100 reps
4 min 45 seconds - bag not allowed to be put down on the floor throughout

Round 4
24" Box Jumps * 10 /rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5 times to total 50 reps

Round 5
Bulgarian Bag Shoulder Throws 17kg * 100 reps
3 min 43 seconds  - bag not allowed to be put down on the floor throughout.

Round 6
Bulgarian Bag Get Up/Sit Up - 12kg
25 reps * 2 sets, 60 seconds rest between each

Round 7
Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg * 50 reps * 2 sets - 30 seconds rest between.

Nice session today.

Bag spins felt sluggish mainly due to sore lats from Saturdays training session.

By far the toughest round was 100 Bulgarian Bag power snatches - total killer!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Muscular strength endurance, strength and conditioning session

Today I really didn't feel up for training after a long week of working however there was training to be done so a little espresso and I was ready to rock!

Double Kettlebell Jerks - 20kg * 2 bells
10 reps on
30 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat to make 4 density sets in total and 200 reps.

Good work here, wasn't up for long continuous sets today and this fitted the bill perfectly. This was the most volume I have done with a pair of 20kg bells thus far.

Barbell Deadlift
60kg * 10
90kg * 10
110kg * 5
130kg * 5
150kg * 5
160kg * 3
170kg * 2

I haven't deadlifted in nigh on 2 months now so imagine my surprise when everything felt pretty damn easy! Just goes to show the effect of regular heavy kettlebell training and its ability to retain ones strength. As a comparison, before I got injured some 14 weeks ago my deadlift was in the region of 200kg on a very good day at 75kg body weight.

The 170kg was pretty easy with plenty of room to spare. 190 would have been on the cards for sure today.

Wide Grip Chins   Chin above bar every rep
8 reps * 5 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 12kg Bag
20 spins each way / rest 30 seconds
repeat for 5 sets to total 200 spins.

Great session and very very enjoyable. This is going to be a keeper session now as it worked very well together.

Thought I had turned my back on deadlifting, seems without the pressure of looming competitions I can enjoy the lifting rather than constantly chasing the numbers.

Feeling GOOD!

Monday 15 August 2011

1000 Rep Bulgarian Bag Workout

Today I attempted a 1000 rep workout using a 17kg Bulgarian Bag. The name of the game was to maximise calorific expenditure while increasing muscular endurance, power and cardiovascular fitness.

The session went as follows:-
Round 1  - 10 reps each of 10 exercises - warm up
Round 2 - 40 reps each of 10 exercises
Round 3  - 30 reps each of 10 exercises
Round 4 - 20 reps each of 10 exercises

The Exercises
Bulgarian Bag Spins (reps split evenly between spins to left and right)
Romanian Deadlift (Bag on shoulders)
Power Snatch
Twists (Bag on Shoulders)
Squat (Bag on Shoulders)
Military Press
High Pull (Using straps)
Push Ups on the bag
Shoulder Throws
Kipping Rows

Round 1
This acted as the warm up, 100 reps total and by the end had pulse rate up to 85% of maximum. Fairly easy start.

Rest 2 minutes

Round 2
40 reps of each exercise was incredibly tough. The first 2 exercises no bother, I found myself dreading the power snatches as the rounds went on and after that it was a case of hanging on. My body wanted to stop, but carry on I did and it took a while to do the 400 reps  - 17 minutes 12 seconds.

Rest 4 minutes

Round 3
By now the intensity of round 2 made me dread this next round. It was painful, challenging and everything felt like it was filled with lactic acid. Struggled on and completed in 12 minutes 42. Not a great time but thankful to get there!

Round 4
By now I just wanted it to be over! Core felt very fatigued as did arms and posterior chain. Rattled through this final round in 8 minutes 05 and spent the next 20 minutes lying around on the gym floor and generally waiting for some level of homeostasis to return!

Cool Down

This was a very tough workout indeed and a extremely challenging mental test. My heart rate monitor estimated a calorie burn of 600 within the 49 minutes or so it took to complete all the work/rest. An hour later and pulse rate is still elevated and metabolic rate is ticking over at a higher level.

One of the great applications of this type of workout is in increasing the bodies ability to tolerate and process lactic acid as due to the number of reps and exercises the lactate soon builds up and in large amounts. From then on in with each different exercise the muscles never fully manage to recover and fatigue is substantial.

This type of workout would be GREAT for anyone on a CKD as this type of workout should deplete glycogen stores FAST and bring about accelerate ketogenisis.

It will be a while before I do this workout again!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Bulgarian Bag - Group PT Session

Tonight I ran a group Bulgarian Bag session and this is how it went.

Warm Up
Bag mopbility drills and body weight work.

Round 1
Power Snatch
Back Squat
High Pull
Kipping Row
50 seconds of each / 10 seconds rest then rest 60 seconds and repeat once more

Round 2
Spins 50/10sec
Push Ups 50/10sec
Squat to Over Head Press 50/10sec
Jump Squats 20 sec
Rest 60, repeat once more

Round 3
Spin 30/10sec
Front Raise 50/10
Walking Lunges to Press 50/10
Rest 60, repeat once more

Round 4
Get Up, Sit Up  - TABATA 20 seconds on, 10 off * 8

Round 5
Snatch, Catch, Squat * 60 seconds
Sprint 20M * 2
Snatch, Catch, Squat * 60 seconds
Rest 90, Repeat once more


Great session by everyone tonight. There will be some tired bodies tomorrow!

Bulgarian Bag - Training Session

Today I had 45 minutes spare to have a session with the ever formidable - Bulgarian Bag.

Prior to starting I was feeling a little tired so intended to just use a 12kg bag and get some blood flowing and to keep the session more cardiovascular - best made plans and all that.

Warm Up
Bag mobility drills, body weight exercises - 5 minutes total.

Round 1 - 12kg Bag
Bag Spins * 40
18" Box Jumps * 20
Rest 30 sec
Repeat 5 times

Round 2 - 17kg Bag
Bag Spins * 10 reps each way
Bag Power Snatch * 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Round 3 - 17kg Bag
Bag Straps High Pull 45 seconds
Bag Squats 45 seconds
Bag Kipping Row 45 seconds
Straight through, no rest.
Then rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times total.

Round 4 - 17kg Bag
Side Lateral Arm Throws 10 reps each side
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Great little session today. Round 1 was great fun, really got the pulse up and no grip issues. The 12kg bag feels pretty light for spins now, could have done more reps if time available wasnt a factor.

Very nice session

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Seriously Tough Session

Today I woke up feeling a bit tired and didnt expect much from todays workout. However, I got my mind in the zone and ended up having a cracker of a session.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility - 12kg Bag

Double KB Jerks
16kg(2)*10 reps
16kg (2)*10 warm up sets done.

20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 120 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 120 seconds

Suspension Trainer Ring Pull Ups from Dead Hang

Kettlebell Bear Complex (20kg*2) / 18" Box Jump Super Set
Double kettlebell clean, squat, press, back squat, press, bent row * 2, deadlift * 2 - back to back exercises to flow into one complex.

Then straight onto 10 box jumps.
This was performed every 90 seconds, the faster I went, the more rest received.

Repeat for 5 rounds

Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 20R/20L
20kg * 20R/20L

15 mins stretching.

Good session today.
Jerks felt suprisingly good but on the final set the last 2 reps were push presses - just no juice left in the delts.

Ring pull ups - first time of doing these are a keeper. Very tough and works biceps very hard. Those looking for better guns, look NO FURTHER than this exercise!

Kettlebell bear complex was fun and tough work with the box jumps. Held back on the jumps as last time they aggravated my knee - seemed ok today so will build up to 24" block from here on it.

Excluding the warm up and cool down the session took 60 mins to complete. A great days work.

Monday 1 August 2011

More Bulgarian Bag Action

Training today as follows:-

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag (12kg) forward/side bends, good mornings, shoulder press, row, squat, halo, power snatch, spins

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test- 17kg Bag
10 spins right, 10 spins left, 10 push ups - repeat 5 times as fast as possible.

TIME:- 3min 08 seconds - Dissapointing

Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg Bag
15 each way, 45 sec rest
15 each way, 45 sec rest
15 each way, 45 sec rest
12 each way, 45 sec rest - grip becoming an issue so reduced volume
12 each way, 45 sec rest

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch (12kg) / KB Squat to Press (8kg * 2)
10 reps power snatch, 10 thrusters - repeat 3 times fast
Rest 2 mins
Repeat once more
Pulse at the end, 170bpm!

Handstand Push Ups
4 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps
This was my second attempt at these the biggest issue being getting into a handstand against the wall - got some work to do here as had 20+ attempts at getting into position!

Bulgarian Bag Press/High Pull/Squat
45 seconds/15 seconds rest for each exercise.
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 3 times total.

Great session today. The spin test was below par, wanted sub 3 mins but just wasnt there today mainly due to grip issues.