Tuesday 23 August 2011

Sustained High Tension Kettlebell Workout

Today I felt a little tired from the Bulgarian Bag workout yesterday so decided on a quick 30 minute session today. Main aim of the session was to develop my ability to maintain core tension while working through various planes of motion.

Round 1 - Semi Warm Up
5 minutes mobility bag drills


Bulgarian Bag Spins 10 reps each way / rest 30 seconds, repeat 5 times using 17kg bag

Round 2 - Kettlebell Turkish Get Up  - Constant Work
10 Minute set:
20kg * 5 each arm straight on to
24kg * 3 each arm, straight on to
28kg * 2 each arm, straight on to
28kg * 1 each arm twice

Round 3
Kettlebell Deep Static Held Lunge with Opposite Arm Shoulder Press while holding lunge / superset with Kettlebell Windmills
20kg Bell * 8 each side (press)
24kg * 5 each side Windmill
Repeat constant for 3 sets.

All done in 30 minutes.

Great session, very tough, had me sweating buckets by the end.

Highly recommended!

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