Wednesday 3 August 2011

Seriously Tough Session

Today I woke up feeling a bit tired and didnt expect much from todays workout. However, I got my mind in the zone and ended up having a cracker of a session.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility - 12kg Bag

Double KB Jerks
16kg(2)*10 reps
16kg (2)*10 warm up sets done.

20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 120 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 120 seconds

Suspension Trainer Ring Pull Ups from Dead Hang

Kettlebell Bear Complex (20kg*2) / 18" Box Jump Super Set
Double kettlebell clean, squat, press, back squat, press, bent row * 2, deadlift * 2 - back to back exercises to flow into one complex.

Then straight onto 10 box jumps.
This was performed every 90 seconds, the faster I went, the more rest received.

Repeat for 5 rounds

Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 20R/20L
20kg * 20R/20L

15 mins stretching.

Good session today.
Jerks felt suprisingly good but on the final set the last 2 reps were push presses - just no juice left in the delts.

Ring pull ups - first time of doing these are a keeper. Very tough and works biceps very hard. Those looking for better guns, look NO FURTHER than this exercise!

Kettlebell bear complex was fun and tough work with the box jumps. Held back on the jumps as last time they aggravated my knee - seemed ok today so will build up to 24" block from here on it.

Excluding the warm up and cool down the session took 60 mins to complete. A great days work.

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