Saturday 20 August 2011

Muscular strength endurance, strength and conditioning session

Today I really didn't feel up for training after a long week of working however there was training to be done so a little espresso and I was ready to rock!

Double Kettlebell Jerks - 20kg * 2 bells
10 reps on
30 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat to make 4 density sets in total and 200 reps.

Good work here, wasn't up for long continuous sets today and this fitted the bill perfectly. This was the most volume I have done with a pair of 20kg bells thus far.

Barbell Deadlift
60kg * 10
90kg * 10
110kg * 5
130kg * 5
150kg * 5
160kg * 3
170kg * 2

I haven't deadlifted in nigh on 2 months now so imagine my surprise when everything felt pretty damn easy! Just goes to show the effect of regular heavy kettlebell training and its ability to retain ones strength. As a comparison, before I got injured some 14 weeks ago my deadlift was in the region of 200kg on a very good day at 75kg body weight.

The 170kg was pretty easy with plenty of room to spare. 190 would have been on the cards for sure today.

Wide Grip Chins   Chin above bar every rep
8 reps * 5 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 12kg Bag
20 spins each way / rest 30 seconds
repeat for 5 sets to total 200 spins.

Great session and very very enjoyable. This is going to be a keeper session now as it worked very well together.

Thought I had turned my back on deadlifting, seems without the pressure of looming competitions I can enjoy the lifting rather than constantly chasing the numbers.

Feeling GOOD!

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