Tuesday 9 August 2011

Bulgarian Bag - Training Session

Today I had 45 minutes spare to have a session with the ever formidable - Bulgarian Bag.

Prior to starting I was feeling a little tired so intended to just use a 12kg bag and get some blood flowing and to keep the session more cardiovascular - best made plans and all that.

Warm Up
Bag mobility drills, body weight exercises - 5 minutes total.

Round 1 - 12kg Bag
Bag Spins * 40
18" Box Jumps * 20
Rest 30 sec
Repeat 5 times

Round 2 - 17kg Bag
Bag Spins * 10 reps each way
Bag Power Snatch * 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Round 3 - 17kg Bag
Bag Straps High Pull 45 seconds
Bag Squats 45 seconds
Bag Kipping Row 45 seconds
Straight through, no rest.
Then rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times total.

Round 4 - 17kg Bag
Side Lateral Arm Throws 10 reps each side
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Great little session today. Round 1 was great fun, really got the pulse up and no grip issues. The 12kg bag feels pretty light for spins now, could have done more reps if time available wasnt a factor.

Very nice session

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