Monday 15 August 2011

1000 Rep Bulgarian Bag Workout

Today I attempted a 1000 rep workout using a 17kg Bulgarian Bag. The name of the game was to maximise calorific expenditure while increasing muscular endurance, power and cardiovascular fitness.

The session went as follows:-
Round 1  - 10 reps each of 10 exercises - warm up
Round 2 - 40 reps each of 10 exercises
Round 3  - 30 reps each of 10 exercises
Round 4 - 20 reps each of 10 exercises

The Exercises
Bulgarian Bag Spins (reps split evenly between spins to left and right)
Romanian Deadlift (Bag on shoulders)
Power Snatch
Twists (Bag on Shoulders)
Squat (Bag on Shoulders)
Military Press
High Pull (Using straps)
Push Ups on the bag
Shoulder Throws
Kipping Rows

Round 1
This acted as the warm up, 100 reps total and by the end had pulse rate up to 85% of maximum. Fairly easy start.

Rest 2 minutes

Round 2
40 reps of each exercise was incredibly tough. The first 2 exercises no bother, I found myself dreading the power snatches as the rounds went on and after that it was a case of hanging on. My body wanted to stop, but carry on I did and it took a while to do the 400 reps  - 17 minutes 12 seconds.

Rest 4 minutes

Round 3
By now the intensity of round 2 made me dread this next round. It was painful, challenging and everything felt like it was filled with lactic acid. Struggled on and completed in 12 minutes 42. Not a great time but thankful to get there!

Round 4
By now I just wanted it to be over! Core felt very fatigued as did arms and posterior chain. Rattled through this final round in 8 minutes 05 and spent the next 20 minutes lying around on the gym floor and generally waiting for some level of homeostasis to return!

Cool Down

This was a very tough workout indeed and a extremely challenging mental test. My heart rate monitor estimated a calorie burn of 600 within the 49 minutes or so it took to complete all the work/rest. An hour later and pulse rate is still elevated and metabolic rate is ticking over at a higher level.

One of the great applications of this type of workout is in increasing the bodies ability to tolerate and process lactic acid as due to the number of reps and exercises the lactate soon builds up and in large amounts. From then on in with each different exercise the muscles never fully manage to recover and fatigue is substantial.

This type of workout would be GREAT for anyone on a CKD as this type of workout should deplete glycogen stores FAST and bring about accelerate ketogenisis.

It will be a while before I do this workout again!


  1. I just ran across this. Couple of questions: Twists and arm throws - do you count the reps when the bag comes back to the same side? That is, is each rep both directions? Not sure if I'm making sense.

    Second question, when you're doing the 40, do you do all the spins in one direction, then the other, or can you do 10 each for a total of 40 each?

    Third, did you do all these without stopping? I did 5 sets of 10 each and thought I was going to die. I guess I'd better work up to this.

    Idaho, USA

  2. Hi Don,
    Arm Throws is one throw to the left = 1 rep, 1 to the right = 1 rep. Same with twists.

    With the 40 reps I alternate spins 10 one way, 10 the other twice or 20 one way, 20 the other.

    Yep ideally without stopping or resting minimally.

    Hope that helps


Thank you for posting.