Thursday 27 December 2012

Kettlebell Strength Training

Today it was time to get back in and do a proper session after the Xmas excesses.

On Christmas day I had a little play around with some Turkish Get Ups hitting 40kg for a single each arm. That said neither reps were that great so decided to kick off with those's how the session went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 sets of 5
Air Squats 2 sets of 10
Goblet Squats (14kg bell)3 sets of 5
Band Dislocations
Medicine Ball/Oly Bar shoulder/chest mobility opener

Main Workout
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up 
16kg * 5/5
20kg * 3/3
28kg * 1/1
32kg * 1/1
36kg * 1/1
40kg * 1/1 for 3 sets

Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 10/10
28kg * 5/5
32kg * 3/3
36kg * 1/1
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/2

Single Arm kettlebell Clean and Jerk
5 minute continuous set switched hands twice
46 reps total @ 24kg

20kg Weighted Vest
Push Ups 10-1 ladder super set with
18" Box Step Ups 20-10 reps

Round one looked like 10 push ups (chest to floor) with 10 right foot lead step ups and 10 left foot lead step ups, round 2 was 2 push ups, 9 right foot lead, 9 left foot lead and so forth.

Time taken 9min  08 seconds

Tough workout today. Pleased to hit the 40kg Turkish Get Ups - much stronger today.
Jerks felt strong too but a way off that 48kg bell just yet.

The finisher was tough - if you have a weighted vest and a decent height box give it a go!

Friday 14 December 2012

Todays Training Log -Kettlebell Strength/Power

I dont usually get chance to train on Friday afternoon but today was different.

Over the last few weeks ive been spending a bit of time on the Kettlebell Turkish Get Up with a view to getting a rep with the 40kg Bulldog before the end of the year..........

Heres how it went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 * 5
Bar Shoulder Dislocates 3 * 5
Box Squat 3 * 20
Alternate Reverse Lunge 20 reps

12kg Bulgarian Bag Spin 3 * 40 reps (20 each way)

Main Workout
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up / 17kg Bulgarian Bag Spin Superset
16kg * 5 each side + 10 spins each way
20kg * 3 each side + 10/10
24kg * 1/1 + 10/10
28kg * 1/1 + 10/10
32kg * 1/1 + 10/10
36kg * 1/1 + 10/10
40kg * 1/1 + 10/10 New PB
40kg + 1/1 + 10/10 for added practice

24" Box Jump / Kettlebell Swing Super Set
10 rebound jumps / 20kg * 25
10 / 24kg * 25
10 / 28kg * 25 * 3 sets
10 / 32kg * 15 * 5 sets

100 box jumps done and 175 swings.

Job done.

Entire workout took about 1hr 15 - felt good to get some great quality work in.

Monday 10 December 2012

Some Fun Strength Work

Todays training session was all about fun!

Heres how it went:-

Warm Up
Wall Squat 3 * 5
Air Squat 3 * 15
Push Ups on Bulgarian Bag 3 * 15 with 10 power snatches after each set.

Main Work
Hand Stand Push Up
2 (fell down)

Dead Hand Gym Ring Chins - 45 sec rest
Super Set with Double KB Swings outside the knees
DHGC * 10 / 16kg * 2 * 20 reps
DHGC * 10 / 20kg * 2 * 15 reps
DHGC * 10 / 24kg * 2 * 10 reps
DHGC * 10 / 24kg * 2 * 10 reps

2 Handed Kettlebell Swing
28kg * 30
32kg * 20
36kg * 10
32kg * 20
28kg * 30
with 60 second rest between each.

Alternate KB Renegade Rows
20kg * 20
24kg * 10 (done with pause at top)
24kg * 10 (done with pause at top)

Good session, about 50 mins.
First time going on the HSPU and enjoyed them. Nice challenge.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Today's training - Strength/power

Warm Up
Air Squat 2 x 20
Wall Squat 3 x 5
Goblet Squat 3 x 5

Double 8kg push press
30s work / 30s rest over head twice through

Turkish Get Up Ladder
16kg x 5/5
20kg x 3/3
24kg x 1/1
28kg x 1/1
32kg x 5 reps each side swapping sides each rep

Box Jumps
28 inch 5x5

Single Arm kb jerk
16kg x 10/20
20kg x 10/10
24kg x 10/10
28kg x 10/10
32kg x 6/6
36kg x 5/5

Double 16kg Kb Jerks

Bulgarian Bag Spin
17kg x 100 reps without stopping.

Good session today. Shoulders suitably pumped!

Monday 3 December 2012

Heavy Jerking and Met Con

Today's training was based around heavy single arm kettlebell jerk for a forthcoming boot camp session I have planned.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
Band shoulder dislocations.
Band rainbows
Band over head rotations
14kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3 * 5
Wall Squat 3 * 5
Band Over Head Squat 3 * 5

12kg Macebell 360 spins 2 * 10/10
12k Macebell Grave Diggers 2 * 10/10

Main Set
Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
16kg * 10 each side
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 5/5
28kg * 5/5
32kg * 5/5
36kg * 2/2
40kg * 1/1
40kg * 3/3
40kg * 3/3

Single Arm Kettlebell Strict Press
24kg * 10/10 which was a max each side

Bison Bag from
28kg of Sand
Power Clean * 10
Thruster * 10
Bent Row * 10
Proper Push Up * 10
All back to back then 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3, 2, 1 reps of each without rest.

Time 13min 34 seconds

Saturday 1 December 2012

Explosive Power and Strength Workout

Today's training session:-

Warm Up

Wall Squat 3 * 5 reps
Goblet KB Squat 3 * 5 reps
Shoulder dislocations
Skipping 3 * 30s

12kg Mace Ball Grave Diggers 3 * 10 reps each side
12kg Mace Bell 360's 3 * 10 reps each side

Main Workout
Box Jump
18" * 2 * 15 reps
24" 2 * 10 reps
26" 2 * 5 reps
28" 5 * 5 reps

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up/ Swing Super Set
20kg * 1/1 with 40 swings
24kg * 1/1 + 30 swings
28kg * 1/1 + 20 swings
32kg * 1/1 + 15 swings
36kg * 1/1 + 10 swings - PB Turkish Get Up
32kg * 1/1 + 15 swings
28kg * 1/1 + 20 swings
24kg * 1/1 + 30 swings
20kg *1/1 + 40 swings

All done in 50 minutes.

Second part of workout later.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Snatch-tastic Saturday

Today's training session was as follows:-

Warm Up
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
10kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 28kg * 1 rep each arm
32kg * 1 rep each arm * 5 sets

Kettlebell Snatch Volume
20kg Kettlebell
10 reps each arm/rest 60 seconds * 10 rounds

This worked out as 1 minute work snatching (10 reps each arm) with 60 seconds recovery.

Kettlebell Strength Snatch
24kg * 10 reps each arm * 2 sets
Had intended to do more but tore a callus on the second set of snatches so aborted.

Kettlebell Single Arm Swing
20kg * 80 reps (40 each arm)
Left it there as hand too sore to continue.

Nice little session tonight, will snatch again in a few days once the pulled callus has healed.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Raw Fennel Fragrant Salad

I knocked up a lovely little fragrant salad to accompany some fantastic locally produced beef sausages earlier. Here's the recipe:

1 fennel bulb, raw, thinly sliced
Handful of spinach leaves, roughly chopped
1/6 head raw red cabbage, thinly sliced.
1 raw carrot, thinly sliced lengthwise.
1 large red chilli, seeds removed, thinly sliced.
1 large glug olive oil
Pinch Himalayan rock salt
Juice of half a lemon

Mix all ingredients together and allow the flavours to infuse for 20 mins.

Serve and enjoy.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Delicious Purple Raw Salad

Last night I put together a very tasty Purple Raw Salad that I wanted to share with you:-


1/2 Head of Purple Cabbage, chopped.
1 raw fresh Beetroot, diced.
1 raw Carrot, sliced thinly
1 handful of Sugar Snap Peas, chopped into small cubes
1 handful of chopped Pecan nuts
1 handful of thinly chopped Dates
2 tbsp of good Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Tsp Smoked Paprika
1 Tsp Onion Powder
1 good pinch Himalayan Salt
1 good pinch Black Pepper

Combine all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix well. Serve with an Organic piece of meat or fish for a filling lunch or dinner with a paleo twist.

This will make approximately 4 to 5 good portions of salad.

It can be eaten immeditately but nicer if left in the fridge over night as the veggies soften slightly and become more sticky with the dates, olive oil and spices combining together.

Saturday 25 August 2012

A little Bulgarian Bag session

This morning I got up early to squeeze in a quick KB conditioning session with the focus on squats, cleans and jerks.

I planned to hit a second workout later in the day with the awesome Bulgarian Bag - an outstanding tool for high speed met con workouts!

Here's how it went: (17kg bag)

Round 1
Bag Shoulder Press 30sec
Lateral hop over bag 30sec
Power Snatch 30sec
Rest 30sec x 3 rounds

Round 2
Bag Squat 30sec
Bag Alt Rev Lunge 30sec
High Speed Row 30sec
Rest 30 sec x 3 rounds

Round 3
10 spins each way
10 push ups on bag
5 spins each way
10 push ups on bag
10 x 24" box jumps
Rest 90 sec
4 rounds

Finished with 16kg kb 20/10s work/rest x 8 rounds

All done is less than 40 mins inc warm up.

Metabolism suitably primed!

Friday 17 August 2012

A little FYF workout in the park - Met Con Special

Had a superb conditioning workout down in a local park a short while ago.

Sun setting, warm heat, green trees, not too many people about - ideal conditions and always amazes me that people would rather go to a sweaty boring gym than get out doors in the fresh air and work out creatively.

Here's what went down:-

Met Con Hell
40kg Beast bag bear crawl drag 60 seconds
30 seconds switch over
15m battling rope slams 60 seconds
30 seconds switch over
Repeat for 3 rounds apiece.

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat for another 3 rounds of super sets this time with 45 seconds each on the weighted bear crawl/rope slam with 30 sec change over between each.

Rest 3 minutes

Double Kettlebell Complex
Clean x 1
Squat x 1
Military Press x 1
Reverse lunge each leg x 1/1
Push Press x 1
Complete 3 times through without rest.
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat for 3 sets of 3 complexes in total.

Rest for 2 minutes

Repeat again with 3 complexes through for 2 rounds
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat again with one round more of 3 times through the complex.

17kg Bulgarian Bag Spins 10 reps each way
Partner 40kg sandbag shouldering (4-5 reps each time)
Swap over.
Rest 45 seconds
Complete 4 rounds.

When it was all said and done this took 60 minutes and was a brutal session. Round 1 was a total ass kicker, top end cardio stimulus.

Round 2 more strength based.

Round 3 strength/power to sap any remaining juice!

Loved it!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Today's kettlebell workout

After running two back to back days of 12 miles apiece I felt the legs could do with a day off running.

Instead I opted for a short kettlebell session which went as follows:-

24kg Kb swing x 20 reps
24kg kb dead, clean, catch, squat, press complex x 5 reps
Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds

Rest 3 min

Double 16kg kb racked step ups onto 18" box
10 reps each leg (60 sec total)
Rest 60 sec
X 3 sets

Rest 3 minutes

16kg kb snatch
1 rep every 10 sec for 60 sec
Keep bell locked in between reps over head
Then 30 sec burn set (10 reps)
Switch arms
Complete 3 rounds (9 minutes) non stop

Rest 2 minutes.

16kg Alt Renegade Row x 10
16kg x 2 double clean x 10
Rest 30sec
5 rounds.

Job done. Each round was tough in its own right. The step ups were the most intense. Great for unilateral leg strength, ideal for runners and cyclists!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Kettlebell Training for Metabolic Conditioning

Kettlebell Training: - Exercises performed using one or two kettlebells. Exercises are dynamic and explosive and encourage the body to work as a synergistic unit.

Metabolic Conditioning: - Exercise performed with sufficient intensity so as to illicit a combination of increased nutrient repartitioning away from fat storage and towards fuelling and repair while significantly increasing metabolic rate so that more calories are burned at rest in the hours post workout.

I am a huge advocate of Kettlebell training for metabolic conditioning for those looking to lose body fat rapidly!

In recent years research has revealed that the old way of slow steady cardiovascular training performed for long durations in the “Fat Burning Zone” is far from efficient and can actually hold your fat loss endeavours back!

No, when it comes to fat loss, slow and steady is OUT, hard and fast is IN! (Especially if you have a hectic lifestyle and time is of the essence – ermm, that’s all of us then!)

Metabolic conditioning has several key elements that make it such a great technique for effective fat loss:-

  • Workouts can be done in as little as 20 minutes
  • Metabolic rate can be stimulated above baseline for many hours post workout
  • The intensity of the training assists with muscle retention – crucial for fat loss
  • Muscular endurance, strength and power can all be improved synergistically
  • Workouts can drive hormone balance into a better fat burning environment
  • Workouts can be done at home thus negating the time needed to go to the gym
  • Workout time should be no longer than 60 minutes MAXIMUM

In terms of the nature of kettlebell training sessions aimed at metabolic conditioning think about what you are trying to achieve. That is, sufficient physiological load that will stimulate metabolic rate above baseline for HOURS after the session has finished.

I need to be clear here

A few easy sets of swings just aren’t going to cut it!

Kettlebell training for metabolic conditioning is HARD. It WILL test you. If you want to train quickly and be done in 30 minutes it comes with a price. MORE INTENSITY, MORE DISCOMFORT.  

As Buddhists say, "Everything passes" and this will too. Remember that when you feel ready to quit and then continue to work.
Sessions MUST work the body as a unit, stimulating as many muscle groups as possible to maximise calorie burn during and after the session. I must reiterate: - the shorter the session, the HARDER you must work.

If you only have 1 kettlebell look to perform swings, snatches, squats, jerks, lunges, more swings, more snatches and more squats. Maybe throw in some burpees for good measure!
Work periods should be between 20 to 60 seconds per exercise aiming to complete 4 to 6 minutes of continuous work before taking a rest. If after 4 to 6 minutes of work you are not breathing hard then frankly you aren’t working hard enough!

Creating an oxygen debt (exercise intensity outstripped the bodies ability to supply oxygen causing lactate build up and high breathing rates) is key to metabolic conditioning training.

If one kettlebell can be good for metabolic conditioning then two must be better right?

RIGHT and Hell Yeah!

In my view, when it comes to increasing metabolic rate using kettlebells THE most effective way to train is using two bells NOT one!

The increased load on the body is a significant player in establishing an oxygen debt – FAST. In addition a huge amount of muscle mass can be utilised meaning greater physical stimulation, increased power, strength and cardiovascular demand.

The result is the PERFECT environment for retaining muscle mass while incinerating body fat!

Exercises to include are Double Swings, Double Squats, Double Cleans, Double Presses, Double Jerks, Double Snatches, Double Rows, Double Deadlifts and Double Lunges.

One of my own favourite Kettlebell Met Cons is:-

Double Kettlebell Swing 10-15 reps
Double Kettlebell Squat 10-15 reps
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Swing Outside of Knees 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Row 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Jerks or Push Press 10 – 15 reps
Double Kettlebell Swings 10 - 15 reps

After such a brutal onslaught rest for 90 seconds to 3 minutes and complete 2 to 5 rounds.

Before starting any workouts a thorough warm up should be completed focussing on mobility drills and body weight exercises designed to increase body temperature, circulation and range of motion while mentally preparing you for the task ahead – and you WILL need to mentally prepare for the task ahead.

Prior to engaging in any program of physical exercise you should consult your Doctor or GP first and obtain clearance before proceeding.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Sneaky Little Met Con Workout

Today has been my day off work which means one thing - two training sessions!

This morning I ran a lovely 2 hour session, covering 12 miles over hilly off road terrain. Sun was out, hardly anyone around, magical.

Then much later in the day a little bit of kettlebell work to keep on top of my strength and conditioning.

Warm Up
Body Weight Squats 2 X 5
Wall Squats 2 X 5
Kettlebell Squats 16kg 2 X 5
Kettlebell Swings 16kg X 20 reps
Kettlebell Clean and Press 16kg X 10 reps each arm.

Met Con
Kettlebell Swings 24kg X 20 reps
Kettlebell Single Arm Clean and Strict Press 20kg X 10 reps each arm.
24" Box Jumps X 10 reps
Once complete the round was repeated but with 8 clean and press each side, then 6, 4, and 2 reps each arm respectively.
The Kettlebell swings and box jumps remained at 20 reps and 10 reps throughout.

In total:- 100 X 24kg Kettlebell Swings, 50 X 24" Box Jumps, 60 reps of 20kg clean and press.

Total Time:- 10 min 32 seconds

Upper Conditioning
Kettlebell Windmill Ladder 24kg X 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps each side
Super Set with
Strict Dead Hang Gym Ring Pull Ups 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps working continuous until ladder complete.

Rest 2 minutes

Strict Dead Hang Gym Ring Pull Ups (again!) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
Super Set with
Kettlebell Push Press 24kg X 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps each arm, working continuous until ladder complete.

Total workout time 35 minutes.

Job Done!

Monday 18 June 2012

STRIP it Back.

There will come a time when what you do CEASES TO WORK.
Plateau, stagnation, stale, inert, stationary.

Evolution has STOPPED.

RECOGNISE this opportunity as one for learning, for analysis, to make changes and start the ball rolling again.

There are challenges AHEAD.

The Ego lurks in the always has been, comfortable discomfort of WHO you THINK you are, WHAT you THINK you are, WHAT you have achieved in the PAST not what you are capable of in the FUTURE.

Are you TRULY serious about your own success, about achievement, about EVOLVING or are you HALF ARSED?

Take a long hard look at yourself and begin to STRIP IT BACK. 
Wake up. Smell the coffee.

BE brutal. BE ruthless. BE honest. It WILL smart.
STEP into your shadow, it WILL be dark.

Identify weaknesses, areas you lack. DON'T lie.
PUSH TO develop those areas that ultimately HOLD you back.

While stripping it back you WILL feel vulnerable. You SHOULD feel vulnerable. Use it to GROW A SET and get STRONGER.

It's frightening on the edge.

BE brave. BE courageous.

EVALUATE with regularity.

Again. Be wary the EGO. 

Stay with your weaknesses, it will be painful; it DOES make you FEEL insecure. Frail.

THIS offers potential for TRUE growth. 

WORK on those weaknesses. DO the things you don't LIKE to do.


Through DISCOMFORT and PAIN comes greatest learning, no one achieved anything without FAILING first.

Visit that mirror FREQUENTLY.

Be real, let me say that again, BE fucking REAL and adopt a NEW approach as the old one only got you this far.

Strip it back.......regularly....keep it real.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

A Day training in the life of a PT

So today I have a few bits and pieces going on.
Had a great seaside based boot camp this morning, another client at 12 then a further 2 later on finishing with another boot camp.....all great stuff and fantastic to be helping people reach their goals.

In terms of my own goals, well, I have taken the decision not to run the Seaford half marathon this coming Sunday. I have not taken this lightly but with my cold still lingering and a sub par performance last weekend it would be foolish to push the limits when not fully over it. In addition the course is a hilly off road circuit so the chances of a PB are minimal...........I have bigger fish to fry, another 10k on 17th June and that will be my next improve on 43 min 15.

Training wise well, its a low intensity high mileage week for me.

Yesterday was my longest run to date, 18.5 miles off road over 3 hours. Easy pace, tired legs at the end.

Today's Training:-
6 Mile off road easy run, heart rate 120 - 130BPM working on flowing freely, running softly and getting some o2 into the legs.

4 hours later and a spot of resistance work as follows:-

Super Set 1
Barbell Front Squat 40 - 50kg for 5 sets of 10 reps
Bulgarian Bag Spins 17 - 20kg for 5 sets of 10 reps each way.
Rest 60 seconds between pairings

Super Set 2
Gymnastic Ring Push Ups 12 to 15 reps
Wide Grip Chin Ups 5 - 8 reps
Rest 60 seconds between pairings

Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg * 5 sets of 10 each way with 30 seconds rest between each.

Drawn out Death.......Push Ups on the Bulgarian Bag - 
Perform 10 reps
Rest locked out for 15 seconds
Perform 8 reps
Rest locked out for 15 seconds
Perform 6 reps
15 seconds
4 reps
15 seconds
2 reps


I will finish off later with a few sets of kettlebells with my boot campers, swings, cleans, presses, windmills, turkish get ups are the order of the day.

Looks a lot of training but in actuality the intensity for all of this is fairly low.

12 miles off road planned for tomorrow before a rest day on Friday.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Short Running Specific Kettlebell Workout

Ive been sat on the lap top all day writing pages for my upcoming Kettlebell Workshop for Runners and Cyclists. I kept telling myself "just 30 minutes more" and before I know it the day has nearly gone.

Still, the work is done and so I thought I would squeeze in a quick kettlebell session.

I am in the middle of a high mileage (50) running week this week so really need to watch my supplementary training and make sure it's not eating too far into recovery.

Here's how it went:-

Warm Up
12kg Bulgarian Bag - Various mobility drills

Then Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg
25 spins right/25 left/25 right/25 left - no rest just to get the pulse a bit higher.

Kettlebell Swings
16kg * 60 seconds/60 sec rest
20kg * 60 sec/60 rest
24kg * 60 sec/60 rest
28kg * 60 sec/60 rest
28kg * 45sec/60 rest
28kg * 30 sec/DONE.

2 minutes rest.

Double Kettlebell Squat to Strict Press
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest
16kg * 2 * 10 reps /60sec rest

2 minutes rest

Kettlebell Snatch Tabata
16kg * 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest * 8 rounds (4 minutes)

I hit 9 reps each work period to total 72 reps.

That was it for now as I am filming some kettlebell exercises later too followed by a very easy 5 mile recovery run to do later.

Then I think it will be time for a rest!

Friday 4 May 2012

2K Row - Learning about the Mind

So today I decided to have a good training session with a mate of mine.

A few weeks back we had a training session together and both attempted a 2000m row for time which was my first attempt at the distance and finished in a time of 7min 31.

We both ear marked today as the day we were going to hit the 2k row again with a view to getting under the magical 7 min mark.

I hadn't done any rowing since the last attempt over a month ago and I was hard pushed to say I was looking forward to the challenge.

Anyway, I set the damper to 8, plugged in some suitable tunes (Lamb of God - Walk with me in hell and Slipknot - People = Shit) and got on with the task in hand.

The first 500m passed with an average time of 1:43 and 750m rapidly loomed. By now the legs were burning and thoughts of "shit this is hard" were starting to creep in.

Casting them aside and listening to the music in my ears with more intent eased the pain and the 1000m barrier was broken. "Shit only half way" and feelings of REALLY wanting to stop were almost over whelming.

Focus on the music Matt and keep going just 100 more strokes to go was what I told myself.
Before I knew it there was 500m left and that's when I realised my error. I failed to set the display to show projected time with strokes per min being displayed. School boy error!

Trying not to panic while seeking to being the time down to sub 1:45 again for 500m seemed impossible.
The last 200m were an all out sprint, it was hurting, my quads, hamstrings and glutes were on fire, couldn't breathe and all I could do was watch the seconds tick away.

7min 02 and a world of pain and lactic acid was the result - I wanted to lie down, I wanted to walk round, I wanted it to stop..........and as a good friend of mine reminded me only yesterday "Everything passes".

15 minutes later we decided the best cure was some deadlifting and other fun and games and as it was Friday, why the hell not?!

Deadlifts/Double 16kg Kettlebell jerks
60 * 10/ Jerks * 10
80 * 10/ Jerks *10
90 * 10/Jerks * 20
100 * 10/Jerks * 20
110kg * 10/Jerks * 30

Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch Tabata (20sec work/10 sec rest - alternate hands)
10/10reos each work period.

Job done.

It just goes to show, you can learn a hell of a lot about yourself through exercise, especially when it's really pushing the limits.

I will attempt the 2k row again next week, strike while the irons hot, while the memory of the internal dialogue is fresh and while my awareness of my shortcomings remains in the forefront of my mind.

I will not be beaten next time........

Friday 27 April 2012

Legs, Bums and Tums - Done Properly!

Tonight I had my advanced boot campers experience their very first LBT focussed boot camp - done my way!

This is how it broke down:-
Warm Up -
Moblity Drills, Squats, Lunges, running etc

Round 1
10 kettlebell in a line 1 metre apart.
Jump over each bell, run 30m and perform 10 burpees, run back 40M and keep going round for 4 minutes constant.

Round 2
Double Kettlebell Squats 5 sets of 8-12 reps. Try and pyramid weight each set.

Round 3
Double heavy kettlebell walking lunges 10 reps out, 10 reps back.
"Rest" in plank position for 30 seconds
Complete 3 sets.

Round 4 - Plyometrics
Broad Jump Burpee 10 reps
Walk back, rest 30 seconds -complete 3 times

Deep Broad Jumps 10 reps forward, walk back, rest 30 seconds - complete 3 times.

Deep jump squats 5 reps, rest 40 seconds, complete 5 rounds.

Round 5 - "Core"
15 minutes of kettlebell windmills working up to heaviest weight possible for 5 reps.

Example:- I completed 16kg * 5/5, 20kg*5/5, 24kg * 5/5, 28kg * 5/5

Job done - I took part in this tonight and my glutes and legs are smashed. If you are going to do a LBT class, THIS is how its done and done well.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Sunday Work Capacity Session

Today I was due to run but have developed a little inflammation of my posterior tibial tendon through breaking in some new orthotics so running was out.

Instead I chose to do a tough 30 minute work capacity session using weights, slam balls and kettlebells.

Here is how it went:-

Barbell Front Squuat 40kg
Gym Ring Push Ups
Proper Slam Ball Slams 11kg
Single Arm Kettlebell Clean (between legs) 20kg each arm
Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk 20kg each arm
Suspension Trainer Rows

Each exercise was performed back to back for 12 reps.

The goal of the session was to complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes resting minimally.

5 rounds and 1 additional set of front squats.

This was a hellish workout, pulse rate was at 85 to 90% max after the first round and stayed there for the duration. The time actually flew by and I was glad to be on my own as it allowed total focus without distraction.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Resistance and Metabolic Conditioning Training

I was due to run 9 miles today but a pesky little foot pain that materialised at the end of yesterdays intervals told me it better not to run.

So rather than take a complete rest day I decided upon some resistance work that I thought I may not have time to fit in, but now I do!

Warm Up
Mobility Drills with Bulgarian Bag - 100 reps or so

Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg * 100 reps constant.

Strength Set - All Belt Less
Deadlifts superset with Push Ups on handles of Kettlebells.
60kg * 5 with 10 push ups
80kg * 5 with 10 push ups
100kg * 3 with 10 push ups 
120kg * 2 with 10 push ups
140kg * 1 with 10 push ups
150kg * 1 with 10 push ups - this was about my limit today on the deadlifts.

Met Con 1
Deadlift 60kg * 15 reps
Double 16kg Kettlebell Push Press * 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Complete 5 rounds.

Met Con 2
16kg Kettlebell Swings * 20 reps
Rest 15 sec
24kg Kettlebell Swings * 15 reps
Rest 15 sec
32kg Kettlebell Swings * 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Then back to the 16kg bell and complete 5 rounds.

 The two met con workouts were good fun.

While the 60kg deadlifts were faily light coupled with the push presses each work set had the desired effect.
60 seconds recovery didnt allow full recovery which maintained a high heart rate for the duration of the work set.

The second met con was very nice indeed. None of the rest periods allowed much recovery and by the end of 5 rounds I was ready to stop.

All done and dusted in 45 minutes - just how this kind of workout should be.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Suspension Movement Trainer Review

As a personal trainer who spends much of my time training clients outdoors or in their own homes I am always on the look out for portable equipment that is effective and can be used in a variety of training environments.

One such item is the new Suspension Movement Trainer from

I have been a strong advocate of suspension training with my clients now for some time as it offers a multitude of benefits including:-

  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Increased stability, mobility and coordination
  • Increased cardiovascular conditioning
  • Increased core strength
  • Increased metabolic rate
  • Increased potential for fat loss
  • Increased Flexibility (GREAT for assisted stretching!)
  • Highly portable and brilliant for those who spend time travelling or on holiday.
  • Simple to use, easy to set up yet outstanding for a total body workout.

In the past I have owned and used various systems including the most well known design on the market.

I bought one of the original Active Strap Trainers from Wolverson Fitness as their design offered thinner, less aggressive straps and a dual anchor point system which meant the straps can be set up like gym rings meaning much less forearm friction when performing push ups etc. In addition the dual strap anchor point means that single arm/leg work can be performed easily without having to double up straps.

Their latest Suspension Movement Trainer offers several advantages over the original AST including:-

  • Re moulded ergonomically designed handles which includes a genius foot retention system.
  • Steel rings to stop wayward straps flapping about.
  • Superb value for money considering the improvements
  • Super strong, bomb proof construction that will last for years!
  • Interchangeable anchor points for both indoor and outdoor use.

For me, the last point is one of the trainers real highlights. The new system is supplied with two super strong webbing straps that act as anchor points and can be looped around trees, branches, goal posts and railings for outdoor training.

The strap length is easily adjustable using their pinch and release mechanism that is simple yet highly effective. Such is my faith in the mechanism I regularly perform full body weight chin ups without any slippage what so ever.

Some of my favourite exercises on the Suspension Movement Trainer include:-
  • Push Ups with feet suspended, Atomic Push Ups, Clap Push Ups
  • Leg Curls, Pistol Squats, Jump Squats, Skater Lunges
  • High Rows, Low Rows, Single Arm Row with Rotation
  • Squat Thrust to Push Up, Close Grip Push Ups, Tricep Extensions and Curls.
  • Ab Jack-Knives, Alternate Jack-Knives, Hip Thrusters, Superman, Superman Squat.

Exercises can be strung together to form a circuit or combined with sprints, kettlebells, Bulgarian Bags, Slam Balls to deliver an incredible workout that will get your blood pumping, muscles burnings and body energised!

I can safely say that the new Suspension Movement Trainer from is one of my favourite pieces or portable kit that is super strong, built to last and can really make a huge impact on how your body looks, moves and feels.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Metabolic Conditioning Workout

Today I had time to sneak in a quick 30 minute workout focussing on metabolic conditioning.

The weapons of choice were kettlebells and Bulgarian Bags.

This is how it went down:-

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing 20kg * 10 reps
Kettlebell Snatch 20kg * 5 each side
Every minute for 5 minutes (each set took about 45 seconds)

Rest 90 seconds
Repeat round one once more.

Round 2
Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg * 10 reps each way
Push Ups * 10
Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes (each set took 40 seconds)

Round 3
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing 20kg * 20 reps each side
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat * 3

Round 4
Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg * 12 each way
Push Ups * 12
Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes (each set took 50 seconds)

Nice little workout today that got the pulse rate up and stimulated some muscle.

Monday 27 February 2012

Some Training

Today's training session was a general strength and conditioning session with some technique work thrown in for good measure.

Warm Up
Body Weight Squats
KB Squats
Wall Squats
Over Head Squats
Hip Mobility

Barbell Snatch
30kg * 5 * 4 sets
40kg * 1 * 10 sets

Barbell Power Clean
40kg 5 * 5

Barbell Front Squat
40kg * 10 * 3 sets

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
20kg * 3 each side
24kg * 3 each side
28kg * 3 each side
32kg * 2 each side

Kettlebell Swing Tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest * 8)
24kg - 13 reps each set.

Finished off with some hip flexor assisted stretching using a couple of power bands for tacking and flossing the hip.

Nice little session, nothing too OTT today as half marathon next sunday.

Friday 24 February 2012

Gym Jones Inspired Conditioning Workout

Today I trained with a good friend of mine and I had planned a Gym Jones style workout including one of their "Named" workouts.

Here's how it broke down:-

Warm Up
Body Squats 2 x 5
Wall Squats 2 x 5
20kg KB Squat 2 x 5
Groiners 2 x 2 each side

Deadlift 40, 60, 80kg * 5 reps super set with 3 X 24" Box Jumps

"Jones Crawl"
Deadlift @ 115% Body Weight  x10 reps (85kg for me)
Box Jumps @ 24" Box x 25 reps 
3 times through as fast as possible.

Time Completed: 5 min 40

I had been meaning to try this round for some time and to be honest, I was anxious. Having been a competitive powerlifter the deadlift weight was "easy" - the kicker is the volume of box jumps. When I got to the second set of deadlifts explosive power was sapping away and the deads were much harder.

The final set of 25 box jumps really focuses the mind with HR almost at max and legs that don't want to jump.

It hurt, a lot, but I loved it.

30/30 Kettlebell Push Press and "Rest"
2 x 12kg Kettlebells Push Press 30 seconds
"Rest" in locked out position 30 seconds
Repeat 4 times without rest, record as many reps as possible.

Reps:- 14, 14, 13, 10 - 51 reps and a whole world of pain.

The idea with this round is to develop shoulder endurance/power, stability and mental toughness.
The secret is to use the legs as much as possible in the push press and save the shoulders for the lockout "Rest". By the 3rd round the lockout is very very hard, by the 4th it's like hanging on for grim death.

Double Kettlebell Step Up/Front Leaning "Rest"
2 x 16kg Kettlebells racked at chest height.

Step up onto a 12" Box with kettlebells racked, 30 seconds lead with each leg (13 reps each leg for me)
Then straight onto a push up position plank with hands on gym rings suspended 6" off the ground and feet on a block of equal height - remain in this "plank" for 60 seconds.

Rest 60 seconds, complete 3 rounds.

Here the aim of the game is unilateral leg strength/endurance and core strength. The shoulders receive a nice "warming up" holding the bells in the rack and when its time for the FLR on the gym rings the core and shoulders are already pre fatigued.

The 60 seconds rest allows some recovery but not total thus the effect is cumulative fatigue and a very pleasing feeling to get it out of the way.

That was it, total time just shy of 16 minutes of work and trust me when I say this was enough today.

Very pleased with my first attempt at "Jones Crawl" room for improvement, namely on the box jumps but heck, it's a starting point and my fears were over come.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Breaking the Shackles

Over the last few days I have had the feeling of wanting to write a blog post but when I sat down to type nothing was forthcoming.........a frustrating predicament when you feel like being creative but something seems to be blocking it!

Yesterday I had a lovely 9 mile run out on the South Downs and over Beachy Head. It was a very cold and crisp day and when I got home I rewarded myself with a hot Epsom salt bath and cup of Tea Pigs Liquorice and Peppermint Tea (very nice indeed!)

Just recently when I sit in the bath I have taken to listening to a CD with all the lights turned out. There is something incredibly peaceful about sitting in darkness that I love and for me, is the ideal way to switch off and unwind the mind (next to meditation of course!)

Yesterday was no different and after a short while of lying with my eyes shut I found myself completely unconscious of the sound of the cd or anything else external to my body. Instead I kept seeing in my mind a picture of 3 young owls sat on a branch. The owls keep trying to fly off but each time they did a shackle around their ankle stopped them and they returned to the branch becoming increasingly frustrated.

As soon as I realised this image my consciousness kicked back in, I became aware of the music around me and most importantly - I felt inspired to write.

I love the fact that if we allow moments of stillness such as these, our natural creative spark can flow freely and present us with a purpose we may have been struggling to reach by simply trying too hard to reach it.

A few days ago I was talking to a truly incredible person, someone who inspires me greatly and radiates such a bright aura of energy that she can truly be described as a beacon of white light.

As we chatted I told her about some incredible news that I had received and how it was a dream come true.
I remember telling her that "I couldnt believe something like this was happening" and " It seems too good to be true."

She stopped me mid flow and proceeded to make me aware of the personal self sabotage that was taking place.

In years gone by I have wrestled with personal demons of low self esteem, self doubt, even lack of self worth and over came them all. Nowadays I try to be mindful of what I say and how I think. This continuous process of self assessment and working to resolution has been incredibly powerful and has allowed me to live the happy life I now lead.

To me having a positive mental attitude is the key to happiness both in helping myself and in helping others.


As we continued to chat the realisation sank in that tiny shards of self doubt and lack of self worth still remained within my subconscious and presented themselves in the language I used to describe my good news.

What is interesting is these phrases are used widely within our culture and may not be easily seen as negative to our progression and yet that's exactly what they are.

I believe in creation of experience. I believe in creating my own success and yet while creating success we can inhibit the likelihood of it occuring by pushing away the charge of "I will be successful" with phrases and words that we may not even be aware of or perceive as negative to our progression.

I am incredibly thankful to my mentor for helping me become even more mindful and self aware which will ultimately pave the way to greater success in the future.

When we become mindful and self aware it is interesting to note that our mind and body tells us where our personal issues lie if only we allow ourselves to be open and willing to listen.

Since my conversation several days ago I have caught myself self in the process of mental self sabotage and managed to stop it. How do I do this?  I simply give myself persmission to LET GO of the phrases/beliefs that do not serve my higher purpose and replace with " I DO deserve".

So what of the Owls? Well, I still see the owls on the branch with one main difference. Their shackles are gone, they may now fly, fly to freedom, a true freedom that precedes new levels of contenment and happiness.

Become aware of your shackles, make inroads to breaking them and work on being happy; You deserve to be.

Be Well.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Bulgarian Bag Conditioning Session + Running

Todays training session was based on work capacity with a run to cool down at the end.

Warm up was done with a 12kg Bulgarian Bag
200 reps completed of forward bends, side bends, twists, good mornings, squats, spins, groiners, spins, presses, rows and power snatches.

Main workout was done with a 17kg Bag

Spin Test
10 spins each way / 10 push ups on the bag (chest MUST touch, arms MUST lock out)
5 rounds as fast as possible

Time 3min 16

3 min rest

Squat * 20
Over Head Press * 20
Kipping Row * 20
Forward Lunge * 20
Squat * 20
Rest 60 sec, repeat for 3 rounds total.

Power Snatch Ladder 1-10
Push Up Ladder 1-10

Time taken 3min 33

Closed Spins 10 each way every minute on the minute for 5 minutes

Over head press, 40 reps straight through.

Total including warm up 900 reps in 40 minutes

"Cool Down"
3 mile run at a fairly steady pace, approx 70% effort
26 min 15

Done. Great session today.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Bulgarian Bag Work Capacity Training Session

Todays 30 minute Metabolic Conditioning / Work Capacity Workout had the goal of 700 reps using a 17kg Bulgarian Bag and body weight within 30 minutes.

Warm Up
12kg Bulgarian Bag mobility drills – 5 minutes

Main Workout

Round 1
Bag Spins 20/20
Push Ups on bag 10
Spin 15/15
Push Ups on bag 20

Straight onto
Round 2
Bag Squats 30
Kipping Row 30
Alternate reverse lunges 20
Bag high pull 20

Straight back onto Round 1 again and then repeat Round 2 again to total 400 reps in 13min 11

Round 3
Power Snatch 15
Over Head Press 15
Forward Alternate Lunge 10
Shoulder Throw 10
Power Snatch 15
Over Head Press 15
Forward Alternate Lunge 10
Shoulder Throw 10

Rest 45 seconds and repeat once more to total 600 reps.

Round 4
Power Snatch 15
Push Press 15
Kipping Row 15
Power Snatch 15
Push Press 15
Kipping Row 15
Power Snatch 10

700 reps in 28min 22

Worked to 30 minutes with:-
10 spins each way
21 push ups

Rest was kept to less than 45 seconds with a constant eye on the clock. The programming of the session is crucial as exercises such as Power snatch take longer to perform hence the inclusion of high velocity spins at the beginning while grip power and endurance is maximised.

A great 30 minutes of work and all that’s needed.

Thursday 19 January 2012

How to move over 10,000kg explosively in 30 minutes - The Bulgarian Way

Today I wanted to have a severe 30 minute Metabolic Conditioning session with my 17kg Bulgarian Bag.
My goal was a minimum of 500 reps in 30 minutes.......

Warm Up - 5 Minutes
12kg Bulgarian Bag performing a series of good mornings, squats, side bends, halos, presses, rows, power snatches and spins.

Main Workout
Bulgarian Bag Spin/Push Ups
 25 Spins Left, 25 Push Ups, 25 Spins Right, 25 Push Ups
Rest 60 seconds
15 Spins Left, 15 Spins Right, 20 Push Ups
Rest 60 seconds
15 Spins Left, 15 Spins Right, 20 Push Ups

(200 reps thus far)

Power Snatch 15 Reps, Squat 20 Reps, Power Snatch 15 Reps
Rest 30 seconds
Squat 25 reps, Power Snatch 25 Reps
Rest 60 seconds

Alternate Shoulder Throw 10/Push Up 10 * 5 rounds non stop
Rest 60 seconds

Power Snatch 10, Alternate Reverse Lunge 10, Shoulder Press 10, Kipping Row 10, Squat 10
Rest 45 seconds
Power Snatch 10, Alternate Reverse Lunge 10, Shoulder Press 10, Kipping Row 10, Squat 10

(500 reps done) on the clock was 25 min 28 at this stage

Bulgarian Bag Spins 10 reps each way, rest minimally * 5 sets for a final 100 reps

Total, 600 reps of Bag Spins and Push Ups.

Stretching to cool down.