Tuesday 14 December 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 2011

With 2010 slowing drawing to a close and party time being in full swing have you thought about how you will tackle your health and fitness once the festive season has passed?

A great way of avoiding over crowded gyms and boring cardio and resistance workouts is to come down to Eastbourne Boot Camp and experience outdoor training at its very best.

Eastbourne Boot Camp is well established as THE leading outdoor exercise class in Eastbourne.

Matt Shore is the boot camp trainer and is a qualified Personal Trainer, Advanced Kettlebell Instructor and Bulgarian Bag coach specialising in fat loss and functional fitness training.

If you are serious about losing fat and getting into the best shape of your life Eastbourne Boot Camp is where you should be heading!

For more information and dates is 2011 visit: -  Eastbourne Boot Camp - The HOTTEST Workout in Eastbourne!

Saturday 11 December 2010

Squat Training

 Todays training was squat and deadlift day. Wasnt feeling too up for it after some heavy conditioning work yesterday.

Took me an age to get into todays session:-

Box Squat with 13kg chains (weights listed exclude chains)
Bar * 10
40 * 5
60 * 5
80 * 5
100 * 5
110 * 3
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1 crap rep, bar slipped
140 * 1 better.

Chains Off
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1
152.5*1 New PB

Rack Pulls - Just above knee
140 * 5
170 * 3
190 * 1
210 * 1
220 * 1 PB at this body weight

Defecit Pulls off 5" Block
60 * 10
110 * 5
130 * 5
150 * 3
160 * 1
170 * 1

Pleased with todays session. Time fora day or two rest now.

Vid of PB squat here:-

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Kettlebell Conditioning

Training Today - CONDITIONING

10 minute mobility warm up with the bulgarian bag.

Kettlebell Swings - 16kg

100 reps non stop

Kettlebell Snatch - 16kg - 100 reps as fast as possible

3mins 37 seconds, 10 second PB.

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 17kg
10 spins each way * 5 sets

Kettlebell Bear Complex - Double 16kg
10 sets of the complex (done with 2 rows instead of 1)
Rest 15 seconds between each complex

Kettlebell Bear Complex - Double 20kg
10 sets of the complex (done with 2 rows instead of 1)
Rest 20 seconds between each complex.

Job done.

Nice little session today, opened the lungs and the bears had me blowing at the end.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Bench and the Bear!

I trained today which was a bench specific day with assistance work.

It went as follows:-

bar * 10
40 * 10
60 * 8
60 * 5
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 3

Work Sets
100 * 3
100 * 3
100 * 3
100 * 3

105 * 3
105 * 3
105 * 3
105 * 3
105 * 3 all touch and go but very snappy - done as fast as possible.

Kettlebell "Bear" Complex
Double 16kg Bells

Military Press
Back Squat
Military Press
Row and Hold
Re set - this is one rep of each move, the complex is 1 rep.
Rest 15 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Rest 60 seconds.

20kg Kettlebells Bear Complex
5 "reps" of the complex with 30 rest between reps.

Rest 60 seconds

24kg Kettlebells Bear Complex
5 "reps" of the complex performed 1 on the minute every minute.


Exposive Dumbell Skulls


Very nice little session today. Benching was done as a change from the very heavy singles ive been hitting of recent.

The kettlebell "bear" complexes were great fun and suprisingly tough by the end of 5 complexes with the 24kg bells.

Will use these for a few weeks by way of a change and just for fun.

Big up to Tommy Matthews from Optimal Life Fitness for the bear idea!

Would like to work up to a pair of 28's next goal.

Monday 6 December 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Freezing Weather - HOT Workout

Tonights Eastbourne Boot Camp saw sub zero conditions once again - did it put off my dedicated boot campers?? Did it heck!

Tonights session included longer intervals and some strength work along with plenty of lactic acid and heavy breathing!

After a good warm up using mobility drills and body weight exercises the session went as:-

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing 90 sec
Kettlebell Sumo Squat ti Upright Row 90 sec
Kettlebell Squat to Press 90sec
Burpees 90 sec

Rest 90 sec and repeat once more.

Round 2
Body Weight Squats 50 reps
Sprint 50M
Jog Back
Body Weight Alternate Reverse Lunges 50 reps
Attempt to Sprint 50M
Jog Back
Body Weight Squats 25 reps
Alternate Reverse Lunges 25 reps
Sprint 50M

Round 3
Bear complex using double kettlebells 3 times through
Lateral Rope Hops 30 seconds
Sagital Rope Hops 30 seconds
Repeat non stop x 4

Round 4
The ab pulveriser round:-
Planks 60 seconds
Crunch to Hold with Pulses
Planks 30 seconds
Crunches to Hold with Pulses
Side Bends with Kettlebell
More crunches - 5 minutes total - NO REST

Well done to the 13 mad for it happy campers - you buried yourselves tonight!

Saturday 4 December 2010

Bench Training

My last training session had the focus of the bench press.
Looking back through my records I have benched heavy now for the last 8 sessions (based on roughly 1 session every 5 days) so am due for an easier de load session or two after this one.

10 minute warm up using a 12kg Bulgarian Bag with focus on lower back, chest, shoulders, and arms.

Bar * 20
40 * 10
60 * 8
60 * 8
80 * 5
100 * 2
110 * 2
120 * 2
120 * 1(Failed second)
100 * 6
100 * 6
100 * 5

Single Arm Long Cycle - 24kg kettlebell (reps each side)
15/15 (4mins)
15/15 (4mins)
15/15 (4mins)

6 - all easy, 1 or 2 more reps there.

Dumbell Skull Crushers
10.5kg each hand * 10, 10, 10

Hammer Curls
10.5kg each hand* 10, 10, 10

Job done.

Not a bad session although my shoulders are ready for a rest now as the long cycle with a 24kg bell felt much harder than it should have done. Still, I like to get a little bit of conditioning work in there when I can.

Benching was ok, not as snappy as it needs to be but a 120kg double is fine by me. Need to be getting 125 for a double though which will translate to a 130kg + max effort bench with a hand off from the spotters in my next comp.

Body weight still down at 77kg which is exactly where I need to be.

Monday 29 November 2010

Snowy Eastbourne Boot Camp

Today has been bitterly cold all day after having a snow fall on Saturday gone which means one thing - High Intensity Intervals for the members of Eastbourne Boot Camp!

The biting nights air didnt put off the 14 who attended and a big well done to everyone for braving the elements and enduring a truly intense boot camp experience!

The session went as follows:-

10 minute warm up using mobility drills, body weight exercises and intensifiers.

Round 1
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing 30sec each arm
Kettlebell Squat to Press 30 sec
Kettlebell Power Swing 30 sec
Rest 30 sec, repeat, rest 20, repeat.

Two minutes rest.

Round 2
Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press 30 sec each arm
Lateral Rope Hops 30 sec
Upright Row 30 sec
Rest 30 sec, repeat, rest 20 sec, repeat

Round 3
Forward/back rope hop 30 sec
Burpees with Jump 60 sec
Alternating lunge jumps 30 sec
Rest 30 sec, repeat, rest 20 sec, repeat

Round 4
Abs around!

Round 5
Single Arm kettlebell squat 30 sec each side
Suitcase deadlift 30 sec each side
Lateral Rope hops 30 sec
Repeat once more straight through.

All reps were performed quickly yet safely.

Finished with a 5 minute cool down.

This was a great session tonight, everyone worked incredibly hard so well done guys and girls!

HUGE effort by all.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Cold! Brrrrrrr

Tonight was an other Eastbourne Boot Camp session and 14 hardcore trainees braved the freezing cold nights air.

I put together another circuit style session as follows:-

Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
Battling Rope
Bulgarian Bag Spins
Bulgarian Bag Squat to Press
Battline Rope
Crunch 2 Punch
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Swing
Jumping Alternate Lunges
Crunch 2 Punch
Prisoner Squat

Each station was performed for 60 seconds, 5 second change over and rest only on the rest station.

This was completed twice back to back.

From there I lead a 10 minute non stop kettlebell round using:-
Push Press
Pass Rounds
Upright Row
Suitcase Deadlifts
Press and Holds.

We finished the session with 5 minutes of stretching and mobility work.

Great session everyone and well done for getting stuck in - you all rocked it!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Training Today - Bench Press and Assistance Work

I trained today after having a much needed day off training yesterday.

I began the session with a 10 minute warm up using a 12kg Bulgarian Bag using mobility exercises designed to increase range of motion in the joints and muscles, increase core temperature and generally get my pulse up and mind focussed on the matter in hand!

The session then went as follows:- (all weights in KG)

Bar * 20
40 * 10
60 * 5
70 * 3
80 * 1
90 * 1
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
125 * 1 Touch and Go
125 *1 T&G
120 * 2 PB

Floor Press
60 * 10
70 * 10
80 * 10
90 * 6
100 * 5

Chest Supported Row
40 * 20
60 * 10
70 * 10
75 * 8
80 * 5

Side Lateral
8kg * 10 * 3

Explosive Tricep Extensions
10.5kg * 10
10.5kg * 10
10.5kg * 10

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 12kg Bag

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatches - 12kg Bag

Good session today, benching felt solid and was pleased with the 120kg * 2 reps personal best at current body weight of 77kg.

Bag work at the end was just to loosen off and a little light conditioning - I just cant get enough of this bag work, its a truly AWESOME piece of kit.

Monday 22 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Circuit Night!

At Eastbourne Boot Camp tonight a change of pace was in the air and my boot campers had a testing little circuit to contend with.

The circuit was as follows:-

Bulgarian Bag Spins
Kettlebell Swings
Push Ups
Battling Rope
Kettlebell Upright Row
Bulgarian Bag Over Head Squat
Crunches with two punches
Alternate Jumping Lunges
Kettlebell Single Arm Swings
Battling Rope
Star Jumps
Bulgarian Bag Front Raise/Pullover

All stations were performed for 60 seconds with 5 seconds change between each station.
The circuit was repeated 23 times within the hour.

Great work by the 14 that turned up - you killed it tonight ladies and gents!

Back to kettlebells training and a single circuit on Thursdays session!

Sunday 14 November 2010

Kettlebell Conditioning 16kg Snatch * 100 reps

Today I decided to hit a conditioning session and test out my 100 rep kettlebell snatch time with a 16kg bell and also complete some Bulgarian Bag training in preparation for the Optimal Life Fitness IBBC certficate next weekend.
The session went as follows:-
15 Min Warm Up
Burpees, squats, lunges, push ups, shoulder circles, side bends, mountain climbers, light bag spins.

Kettlebell Swing 16kg

Kettlebell Snatch 16kg
10 reps each side

Kettlebell Snatch Test 16kg * 100 reps as fast as possible.
Done in 3min 47 and new Personal Best!

Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg Bag
10 in each direction * 5 sets with 20 seconds recovery

Single Arm Kettlebell Military Press
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10
20kg * 10/10

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatches
10 with 20 seconds rest repeated 5 times

Job done.

I really struggled with my grip today due to being slightly dehydrated and massively pumped forearms. Very frustrating but hey ho. Need a massage to get my flexors ironed out ready for next weekend.

Friday 12 November 2010

Gale Force Boot Camp

Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw miserable conditions during the day which thankfully subsided come the evening session. The winds however were very strong and yet 12 hard core boot campers made it out to take part in another intense and fun session.

The session went as follows:-

Warm Up
10 minutes of dynamic stretches, body weight exercises and mobility drills along with some gentle shuttle runs and intensifiers thrown in at the end.

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing / True Snatch Pull Ladder
10/10, 15/15, 20/20, 15/15, 10/10

Round 2
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat 60 sec on each side
Suitcase Deadlift 20 reps each side
Stiff Leg Deadlift 20 reps each side

Then shuttle run 20m
Prisoner Squats, walking lunges, skipping on the spot, heel flicks, shuttle runs, star jump squats, pulse squats, sit and hold squats and so the suffering went on - total 10 minute round.

Round 3
Abdominal Crunches
Leg Raises
V Ups
Toe Touches
More Planks
Yet more abdominal crunches

Round 4
Long kettlebell set including:-
Single Arm strict press
Push Press
Upright Row
Pass Round
Single Arm Swing
True Snatch Pull
Side Bends
Sumo Squats

Total time 15 minutes and no rest.

Finished off with stretching.

Great session and a big well done to everyone who attended - you really smashed it last night!

Monday 8 November 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - A GREAT session!

Tonight was another Eastbourne Boot Camp session which took place on Brighton University Astro Turf in Meads, Eastbourne.

There was a good turn out of 12 keen boot campers and thankfully the weather held off for a very good session.

Tonight's session had a long kettlebell set focus and went as follows:-

10 Minute Dynamic Warm Up

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing Ladder
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 30, 25, 20 reps with 20 -30 seconds rest between sets.

Round 2
Kettlebell Squats 20 reps
Prisoner Squats 20 reps with pulsing, half rep holds etc
Run 40M
Skipping, star jumps, prisoner squats
Run 20M
Walking Lunges, Jump Squats, Walking Lunges
Run 40M
Prisoner Squats and star jumps
Walking Lunges
Run 20M

Round 3
8 minute kettlebell set including:-
Push Press
Pass Round
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Upright Row
Suitcase Deadlifts

Round 4
2* 2.5 minute rounds of crunches, v ups, planks, superman planks and leg raises

Round 5
Kettlebell True Snatch Pull
Kettlebell Side Bends super set 15 reps each until 6 minutes completed.

Round 6
Single Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps each side continuous.

WELL DONE EVERYONE and a great effort by all who attended!

If you want to find out more about the MOST intense exercise class in Eastbourne visit Eastbourne Boot Camp HERE!

Sunday 7 November 2010

Recent Strength Training

My power lifting training has been going extremely well recently and seems to have taken a step forward since I have started using a slightly less conventional approach to my squatting and deadlifting.

Many sources on the Internet suggest that squats and deadlifts, due to their extremely demanding nature, should be performed infrequently at around once per week.

Personally, my squat has always been my weakest lift thus in an attempt to bring it up to scratch I have been squatting twice weekly using weights of around 80 - 85% of my one rep max.

By using lighter percentages and squatting for between 2 and 4 work sets of 3 and 5 reps with good form I have found that my strength has continued to increase alongside improvements in my technique which now allows me to squat much deeper while maintaining an upright torso position.

One very welcome side effect of this twice weekly squatting has been the improvement in my deadlifting.

4 weeks ago I struggled to hit 170kg for 5 reps but yesterday I managed to get a new personal best of 170kg * 7 reps @ 76.6kg body weight.

My weekly plan in respect of squats and deadlifts has consisted of:-

Session 1
Squat - working up to 4 triples at 80 - 85% max.
Deadlift - 4 warm up sets up to 140kg with 3 work sets of 150, 160 and 170kg.
Sumo Deadlift - 5 singles up to 190kg.
Kettlebell swings - 100 reps with a 20kg bell broken down to 3-5 sets.

Session 2
Squat - working up to a top set of 5 reps with 80 - 85% max.
Stiff Leg Deadlift standing on a 5" block - 5 sets up to 130kg
Heavy Kettlebell Side Bends - 3 sets each side
Weighted Decline Crunches - 4 sets.

I also think that regular Kettlebell training (using swings and snatches) has also played a significant role in the conditioning and recovery of my posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors)which has made my recovery from one squat session to the next that much faster.

Notably I cycle for 4 weeks of training before taking an easier back down week to allow for deloading of the spinal column, extra stretching and recovery of the central nervous system.

Here is a video of yesterdays personal best.
Note: -
I re-set between each rep as in competition I only ever perform 1 rep.
By training my rep sets this way, each rep, is in effect a new single rep and is more specific to the nature of powerlifting. The reach up technique is used to help get a larger breath before the descent which assists with a stronger valsalva technique helping to keep the abdomen and torso tighter with less chance of back rounding and injury. (Please excuse the bellow on the last rep!)

Saturday 30 October 2010

Bulgarian Bag Training

At the end of November I will be attending the IBBC Bulgarian Bag Certificate delivered by Optimal Life Fitness.

For those who have never seen a Bulgarian bag it was originally developed by Ivan Ivanov who is the head coach of the Greco Roman wrestling team at the United States Olympic Education Center (USOEC).

More information can be found here:-


Bulgarian Bag training is an intense and incredibly effective way of increasing the bodies muscular endurance, anaerobic power and over all strength.

A Bulgarian Bag workout has to be experienced to be appreciated. These funny shaped bags can deliver truly BRUTAL sessions!

Here is a clip of me training for the Spin Test which is a prerequisite for passing the course.

The test comprises of:-
10 spins on each direction followed by 10 push ups.
This is repeated 5 times in under 3 minutes 30 seconds.

My Recent Powerlifting Competition

Apologies for the lack of updates on my blog, it seems the world and his wife wish to get in shape for the upcoming festive season so consequently I have been kept incredibly busy!

A couple of weeks ago I took part in the British Drug Free Powerlifting All English competition held in Bournemouth. This competition was run by Paul Rees from Bournemouth Barbell Club who always puts on a great day. The All English was the first opportunity to qualify for the British Championships next year and my goal on this occasion was to qualify.

On the build up to the competition I took it upon myself to drop a weight category from the 82.5kg Class to the 75kg Class. This was mainly due to me wishing to be more competitive by holding onto my current strength levels while reducing body fat.

Prior to the cut I was walking round at a body weight of 85kg and over the course of 6 weeks dropped to 75kg on the morning before the competition. My approach consisted of lots of strength training combined with high intensity conditioning using kettlebells and Bulgarian Bag training. The result is I look and feel so much more athletic which is always a good thing!

On the day of the competition I weighed in at 74.3kg after a little fluid manipulation the day previous. Perfect!

I had a great day and managed the following lifts:-

Squat 135kg, 142.5kg, 150kg
Bench Press 110kg, 115kg, 120kg
Deadlift 180kg, 187.5kg, 195kg.

Each of the top lifts was a personal best at this body weight and my total of 465kg qualifies me early for the British Champs next year.

Now I have the winter to prepare and gradually get stronger while keeping my body weight around the 77kg mark. So far it is going incredibly well and last week I hit a 170kg * 6 rep personal best and 190kg sumo deadlift.

Here is a clip of the 190kg Sumo Deadlift.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Winter Sessions

If you are looking to stay in tip top shape this winter but have no desire to step foot into an over crowded, sweaty gym and perform boring workouts that deliver at best, mediocre results, then look no further than Eastbourne Boot Camp this winter.

Eastbourne Boot Camp is truly unique, there are simply NO OTHER classes like this in Eastbourne.

So what sets Eastbourne Boot Camp apart from all other classes?

Matt Shore is the founder of EBC ans is the leading Advanced Kettlebell Instructor in the South East.

All sessions are based around intense kettlebell, bulgarian bag, battling rope and functional fitness training techniques. These techniques are implemented to strengthen and tone your muscles while burning lots of calories and helping your body to burn more fat - even when resting! In addition you can look forward to increased joint stability, flexibility and total body fitness.

When you enrol on Eastbourne Boot Camp you get free access to one of the leading personal trainers in the county who is willing to answer any questions you may have.

You are helped every step of the way by a free information pack which details how to lose weight effectively and get the most from your training and nutrition.

The current boot camp block starts on Monday 4th October and runs until Saturday 30th October.

Times of sessions are:-
Monday 19:00 - 20:00 @ Hillbrow Sports Centre Astro Turf, Denton Rd, Eastbourne
Thursday 19:00 - 20:00 @ Hillbrow Sports Centre Astro Turf, Denton Rd, Eastbourne
Saturday 09:00 - 10:00 @ Gildredge Park, Eastbourne.

More information can be found at: -

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Winter Fitness!

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Short Term Fasting and Your Metabolic Rate

Basal Metabolic Rate or Resting Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy our bodies use at rest. It can vary enormously from one person to the next and can be affected by many variables including age, muscle mass, thyroid output, hormones and fitness levels.
BMR plays a crucial role when it comes to fat loss as the higher your BMR the greater your potential for fat loss due greater numbers of calories being expended.

If you have spent any time reading around the subject of fat loss and nutrition you will have no doubt read about the importance of eating small meals regularly. Current trends suggest that eating 5-7 small meals per day is the best approach for fat loss while ensuring BMR does not decline.

One very interesting study (http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/71/6/1511) flies in the face of this common belief and reported that short term fasting for a period of up to 4 days had no negative effect on metabolic rate and even more surprisingly indicated that resting energy expenditure significantly increased.

The implications of short term fasting for fat loss are that by including a short term fast (for example 24 hours) into your nutritional strategy you can effectively cut out an entire days worth of calories with no negative effect on metabolic rate thus making fat loss easier and faster.

I have personally done several short terms fasts and found the experience interesting.

The first thing I became aware of is how often I would turn to food, or rather feel hungry when I became bored.

The second thing I noticed was that what I often thought of as hunger was not REALLY hunger at all. By the end of my first 24 hour fast I can safely say I was properly hungry!

I experienced a deep seated yearning for food rather than a passing thought of “ok I am hungry now and should eat.”

Of course I lost a few pounds too but most of this would have been through my muscle glycogen (carbohydrate) stores emptying and taking water with it.

If you want to find out more about intermittent fasting and how it can be used to promote fat loss you may be interested in reading EAT, STOP, EAT which is a very informative e-book written by Brad Pilon.

Brad is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

Please Note:-

Short term fasting is not something that should be jumped into blindly.
If you do decide to try short term fasting please make sure you do your research first. It is NOT for everyone and participating in such practices is at your own risk. Should you have any doubts you should consult your Doctor or GP.

Friday 23 July 2010

Eastbourne Personal Trainer - Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp Session

As the leading Eastbourne personal trainer I see it as my job to be ahead of the game and deliver exciting and unique ways of getting fit - whether that be in 1-2-1 personal training sessions or in my Eastbourne Boot Camp sessions.

Last night was the second week of the current Eastbourne Boot Camp 4 week block which saw 10 enthusiastic bodies turn up for a very pleasant evenings training.

As always we began with a warm up incorporating body weight mobility drills, dynamic stretching and jogging to get the blood pumping and breathing rate up.

From there we performed the following rounds:-

Round 1 60 seconds on each, 30 rest, repeat twice more
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Squat to Press
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing
Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press

Round 2 10 minutes total
Circuit including various stations of calisthenics, battling ropes, tyre hitting and running drills.

Round 3 30 seconds on each, rest 30 seconds and repeat once more
Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Strict Press
Kettlebell Upright Row
Kettlebell Squat

Round 4
Ab track with Matt using windscreen wipers, crunches, planks, leg raises

Round 5
As per round 2

We finished with 5 minutes of stretching to cool down.

It was a great session, everyone worked incredibly hard and really pushed their boundaries. There is some great progress being made in terms of strength, fitness and conditioning.

If you would like to come along and try what the hottest workout in town has to offer why not visit my web site for more information?

Information can be found at www.eastbournebootcamp.com

Friday 18 June 2010

My Recent Training

It's been a while since I posted any of my recent training sessions so here is last nights.

Bar * 20
Bar * 20
60 * 10
60 * 10
90 * 5
115 * 5

High Bar Oly Squats

Arhed Back Good Mornings

Kettlebell Snatches with a 20kg Bell
20 right, 20 left
20 right, 20 left
20 right, 20 left
30 right, 30 left
10 right, 10 left

This was a good session, the kettlebell snatches were thrown on the end for some conditioning.

All of the snatches took just over 10 minutes to complete.

Benching this weekend.

Friday 4 June 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Monday Evening Sessions

Now that summer has finally arrived Eastbourne Boot Camp is expanding once more to include a Monday evening session.

These sessions start on Monday June 14th and run from 19:30 - 20:30 in Gildredge Park, Eastbourne.

Please visit Eastbourne Boot Camp for more information.

I hope to see you there!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 8th May

Last Saturday saw a good turn out for yet another Eastbourne Boot Camp session on a slightly over cast day.
The session went was follows:-

Round 1
Kettlebell Swings 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest in over head press
Repeat 4 times.

Round 2
Double KB C+P 60 seconds on
Perimeter Run
Double KB C+P 60 seconds on
Perimeter Run
Double KB C+P 60 seconds on

Round 2A

Perimeter Runs* 2
Battling Rope
Kettlebell Squat
Tyre Hit
Battling Rope

Round 3
KB Squats 45 sec
Walking Lunges 15m
Prisoner Squats 45 sec
Walking Lunges 15m
KB Squats 45 sec

Round 4
KB SA Swing 30/30
KB Upright Row 45
KB SA Swing 30/30
KB Upright Row 45

Round 5
Perimeter Run
Battle Rope
Inch Worms
Tyre Flip
Battle Rope

The boot camp sessions are now becoming really popular with the Thursday evening sessions having only a couple of places left.

In the next few weeks we will be expanding to offer Eastbourne Boot Camp sessions on a Monday evening from 7-8pm. Please contact me for further information.

Thursday 29 April 2010

The Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil

The health benefits of omega 3 fish oils have been heavily researched in recent years and have been shown to be one of the most beneficial supplements available today.

What are Omega 3 Fats?

One of the alternative names for omega 3 fats is Essential Fatty Acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the human body yet are vital for optimal health and wellbeing. Due to this fact Omega 3 fats MUST form part of our diet if optimal health and wellbeing are to be enjoyed. Omega 3s play a huge part in the general health of the body and are involved in supporting healthy growth and development, cell membrane formation, inflammation response, eye health, correct brain functioning, cardiovascular health and more.

Omega 3 fats are polyunsaturated fats derived from the Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA) family.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
stem from the ALA family and have been shown to be the most beneficial forms of omega 3. The body can convert ALA into EPA and DHA however the process is inefficient and it is more beneficial to include oily fish in the diet which contain high levels of EPA and DHA.

The health benefits of omega 3 can be obtained by including cold water fish, walnuts, flax seeds and eggs in the diet with regularity. Alternatively a good quality fish oil supplement can provide a convenient means for those who do not like eating fish or prefer a capsule more palatable.

Notably when looking for a good quality fish oil supplement, try to obtain products that contain high amounts of EPA and DHA on the product information label.

Continue reading about the tremendous Health Benefits of Omega 3 Oil HERE!

Friday 23 April 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Thursday evenings are up and running!

Last Thursday saw the first of Eastbourne Bootcamps mid week sessions get under way in lovely sunny conditions.

Looking back its hard to believe the conditions we endured over the winter period but it really does make you appreciate the warm evenings now.

Last nights session saw 11 eager boot campers and the following session was completed: -

Round 1
Shuttle Runs – 3 cones
Battling Rope
Hindu Push Ups
Battling Rope
Tyre Flip

Round 2
Kettlebell Swings 90 seconds * 3 sets with 30 rest

Round 3
Mountain Climbers 30
Inch Worms
Mountain Climbers 30
Inch Worms
Mountain Climbers 30

Round 4
Push Press 45/45
SA Swing 30/30
Upright Row 30
Row 30/30

Repeat once more

Round 5
Perimeter Run
Battle Rope
Tyre Flip
Battle Rope

It ended up being a very tough session first shown by the lack of chatting in the group while everyone fought for oxygen!

Well done to all those who attended!

Saturday 3 April 2010

Eastbourne Bootcamp 3rd April 2010

Eastbourne Bootcamp took place today in Gildredge Park, Eastbourne in fine sunny conditions.

The aim of the session to work on muscular endurance, cardiovascular fitness and functional strength with rounds put together to work each part of the body in balance.

The rounds were as follows:-

Round 1
Swings 30 seconds
Push Press 30/30
Pass Round 30
Single Arm Swings 30/30
Squats 30
Upright Rows 30 – repeat once more without rest

Round 2
Shuttle Runs 20M - Sprint
Battle Rope
Tyre Flip
Battle Rope

This was designed to be a very fast round with each station requiring maximal effort. Everyone found it challenging!

Round 3
Prisoner Squats – Half group
Shuttle Sprints – Half Group
Jump Squats – Half Group
Shuttle Sprints – Half Group
Pulse Squats – Half Group
Shuttle Sprints – Half Group

Round 4
KB Single Arm Row 10/10
KB Upright Row 15
Kb Single Arm Row 10/10
KB Upright Row 15
Rest 90 seconds and repeat * 1

Round 5
Perimeter Run
Battle Rope
Tyre Flip
Prisoner Squats
Battle Rope

The session finished with some developmental stretches for each of the main body parts.

Eastbourne Bootcamp will be extending its sessions to include Thursday evenings from 7pm - 8pm as of 15th April 2010.

If you would like to book onto the most challenging workout session in town please visit Eastbourne Boot Camp Bookings.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

BDFPA British Championships Powerlifting Competition

Last Saturday I took part in the British Drug Free Powerlifting Association British Champs held at Bournemouth University.

On the morning of the day before the competition I weighed myself and was 83.5kg. My weight category is 82.5kg so needed to lose 1kg by 7:30am the following day.

This was relatively easily achieved by restricting food intake after 14:00 the day before the competition and consuming minimal water after the same time.

I woke up on the Saturday morning at 6am and weighed myself at 82.4kg - perfect as my scales weigh slightly heavy anyway.

On the morning of the competition I weighed in and recorded just under 82kg and promptly began the rehydration/refeed process.

For me this consisted of consuming 1 litre of lucozade sport drink along with a further 2litres of water.

In addition I began eating flapjack, bananas and a panini to ensure my carbohydrates stores were as full as possible.

I knew that I wouldnt commence lifting until around 13:00 so had plenty of time.

The competition itself was extremely well run by Paul Rees and very enjoy able.

My goal for the weekend was to achieve a personal best overall total of 500kg, with last year seeing me hit 490kg.

My squatting on the build up to the competition hadnt been that great so decided to aim conservatively having missed a 170kg attempt a few weeks previous in training.

My 3 lifts were all passed and went as :-
Attempt 1 145kg
Attempt 2 155kg
Attempt 3 165kg

Next up was bench press.
Attempt 1 120kg
Attempt 2 127.5kg and equal PB from the qualifiers
Attempt 3 130kg and FAILED about 3" off the chest.

Deadlifting was the final lift of the day and I was in two minds how well it would go due to having back cramps from arching during the benching pressing.

My lifts went as follows:-
Attempt 1 190kg
Attempt 2 207.5kg and new PB.
Attempt 3 210kg and new PB.

I had done it - new deadlift total of 10kg more than last year and a new overall total of 502.5kg.

Unfortunately I was no where near the front runners - my squat was too weak and really need to be hitting 190+. So that is my goal for the next 12 months.

All in all a great day out and some amazing lifting - a new world record squat of 255kg in my weight category was quite something to behold!

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 20th March

Last Saturdays Eastbourne Boot Camp saw another good turn out in pleasent conditions. By that I meant it wasnt raining!

Over the last few weeks I have been gently increasing the intensity of the sessions with boot campers now performing longer sets of kettlebell, body weight and functional fitness exercises - something which seems to be going down very well with all concerned.

The session went as follows:-

Round 1
KB Swings 60 seconds
Sprint 20m
Jog 20m
Repeat * 4 without rest.

Round 2
KB Push Press 45 sec each arm
KB Single Arm Swings 45 sec each arm
KB Push Press 45 sec each arm
KB Single Arm Swings 45 sec each arm

Round 3
Perimeter Run *2
Battle Rope
Farmers Walk
Tyre Flip
KB Squat to Press
Battle Rope

Round 4
KB Single Arm Row 10/10
KB Upright Row 15
Kb Single Arm Row 10/10
KB Upright Row 15
Rest 90 seconds and repeat * 1

Round 5
Perimeter Run * 1
Battle Rope
Farmers Walk
Tyre Flip
KB Squat to Press
Battle Rope

Notably the length of time spent on the ropes in rounds 3 and 5 was determined by how long it takes boot campers to run around the markers set at the perimeter. In round 3 those doing the perimeter runs had to complete 2 circuits before those on the ropes, tyre flips and farmers walks could change over.

A very good session and well done to all those who came along!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

British Drug Free Powerlifting Championships Build Up

Dear all,

Over the last few weeks I have been knuckling down to my final competition phase in preparation for the British Drug Free Powerlifting Championships in Bournemouth on the weekend of the 27th/28th March.

Training has been consistently good and have been trying to hold back a little on the volume so as to avoid CNS burnout.

My last heavy deadlift session was done on 14/03/2010 to leave plenty of recovery time for my lower back.

I drove over to Area 51 to train with a good friend of mine and ex European Champ in the 90kg class.

The session went very well and was as follows (all weights in KG):-

200*2 and Personal Best

Speed Deadlifts

Rack Pulls - Knee Height

T Bar Rows

Job done.

I was very pleased indeed with the new personal best deadlift for a double.
I have been after that PB for quite some time now.

Just one more relatively hard session to go before resting up.

Eastbourne Boot Camp 13th March

Last Saturday saw Eastbourne Boot Camps largest attendence with 13 budding boot campers getting up early to push their limits and try out new and exciting ways of getting fit!

Thankfully the rain stayed off and the ground was dry which made conditions very pleasent!

The session went as follows:-

Round 1
Perimeter runs
Battling Rope
Type Flip
Farmers Walk
Sandbag Shouldering/Deadlift
Battling Rope

Round 2
Kettlebell Swing 30 secs
Kettlebell Squat 30 secs
Sprint 25M
Jog 15M
Walking Lunges 10M

Repeat for 6 minutes

Round 3
Kettlebell C+P (swing style) 30 reps
Kettlebell Squat 15
Kettlebell Row 10/10
Kettlebell Upright Row 15
Kettlebell Pass Round 20

Rest 90 seconds and repeat twice more.

Round 4
Star Jumps 30
Shuttle Run 15M*2
Prisoner Squats 10 Half Down, 10 Half Up, 10 Full
Shuttle Run 15M*2
Push Ups 30 seconds
Shuttle Run 15M*2
Geckos 30 seconds

Round 5
Perimeter runs
Battling Rope
Type Flip
Farmers Walk
Sandbag Shouldering/Deadlift
Battling Rope

Well done to everyone who attended and thanks for your continued support!

Sunday 21 February 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Feb 20th

Eastbourne Boot Camp saw witness to a beautiful and frosty morning this Saturday with 11 boot campers attending with several members being unable to make it due to other committments.

The session was challenging as usual and saw several new exercises introduced including a very challenging tyre flip.

The rounds for the day went as follows:-

Round 1
Perimeter Run
Farmers Walk 2*16 and 2*20
Battling Rope
Tyre Flip
Battling Rope

Round 2
Kettlebell Swing (30)
Sprint 15m/ jog back
Repeat X 6

Round 3
Kettlebell Squat to Press (30 sec)
Kettlebell Pass (30 sec)
Walking Lunges 15m / jog/power walk 15m
Repeat x 3

Round 4
Kettlebell Push Press 30/30
Kettlebell One Arm Swing 30/30
Kettlebell Row 30/30
Repeat X 2 for a 6 minute set.

Round 5

Perimeter Run
Farmers Walk 2*16 and 2*20
Battling Rope
Tyre Flip (swap sides each flip)
Battling Rope

The session finished with 5 minutes of stretching.
Everyone enjoyed this session and In my opinion was one of the most fun sessions yet!

Well done to all those who attended.

Monday 15 February 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 13th Feb

This Saturday gone saw a bitterly cold morning and 8 keen boot campers turn up for a challenging and varied workout session.

In the last few weeks I have introduced longer sets with some lasting as much as 6 minutes of constant kettlebell work. The benefits that can be achieved through such sets include increased muscular endurance, ability to tolerate lactic acid while at the same time improving mental strength.

One of the toughest rounds of the session was also one of the most simple.
Sprints followed by partner assisted squats. I took part in this round myself and within minutes was questioning my sanity! Needless to say, everone worked incredibly hard in the bitter conditions.

The session was as follows:-

Round 1
Perimeter Runs
Battling Rope – Twice Round Each

Round 2
Kettlebell Swing 30 sec
Kettlebell Pass Round 60 sec
Kettlebell OAS 60 sec
Squat to Press 60 sec
Kettlebell Pass Round 60 sec
Kettlebell Swing 30 sec

Round 3
Sprint 30m
Walking Lunges 15 m
High Knees 20 sec
Sprint 30m
Walking Lunges 15m
High Knees 20 sec

Repeat Twice

Round 4
One Arm Push Press 60 sec
Pass around 60 sec
Rows 60 sec
Suitcase Deadlift 60 sec
One Arm Push Press 60 sec
Pass round 60 sec
Rows 60 sec
Suitcase Deadlift 60 sec

Round 5
Perimeter Runs
Battling Rope
Battling Rope

Eastbourne Boot Camp continues to take place every Saturday in Gildredge Park, Eastbourne between 9am and 10am.

Friday 5 February 2010

Personal Trainer In Eastbourne

Many people think that employing the expertise and knowledge of a Personal Trainer is reserved solely for the rich and famous. It's a mistake that many people make. The market for personal trainers is incredibly competitve and as a result prices for personal training sessions are more competitive than ever before!

If you are serious about improving your health and fitness, or perhaps need a little extra motivation and are not sure how best to go about it, maybe it's time you considered taking on a personal trainer - even if its just for a few sessions to get you started.

As Eastbournes leading Personal Trainer, I specialise in Kettlebell Training, Fat Loss and Conditioning techniques. Kettlebell training is a method of training they many have not heard of. Kettlebell training is unique in that it can deliver incredible cardiovascular benefits while at the same time increasing muscle tone, strength and conditioning.

Many of my clients have enjoyed increased fat loss since engaging in regular kettlebell training sessions.

If you are struggling to get your New Year health and fitness goals off the ground then why not contact me to arrange a FREE, NO OBLIGATION initial consulation?

You can find more information about my services here: -

Eastbourne Personal Trainer - Kettlebell Training Specialist.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Eastbourne Boot Camp 23rd Jan 2010

Hi Everyone,

The Eastbourne Boot Camp today saw a good turn out of avid boot campers in much improved weather conditions when compared to the previous week!

Todays session went as follows:-
23rd Jan

Round 1
Kettlebell swing (30s) run 30m, kettlebell swing (30s) run 30m
Rest 1 min, repeat 3 times

Round 2
Kettlebell Squat to Press 30 sec
Kettlebell Pass Around 30 each direction
15 M walking lunges

Round 3
Kettlebell Cleans 30 sec each arm
Kettlebell Push Press 30 sec each arm
Kettlebell one arm swing 30 sec each arm
Rest 1 min and repeat

Round 3
Perimeter Runs
Battling Rope
Squat Jumps
Battling Rope until all done by each member

Round 4
Star Jumps 20 seconds
Planks 1 minute
Alternate jumping lunges 20 seconds repeat twice

Everyone worked very hard during todays session so well done to everyone who attended - you know who you are!

If you would like to try out Eastbourne Boot Camp why not come along and see what it's all about? More information can be found here: -  Eastbourne Boot Camp Information.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Top Muscle Building Tips

If you are looking to build muscle and have done any amount of research on the internet you will have no doubt seen how much conflicting information there is out there. Even if you do find some pearls of wisdom, you will still have to wade through endless advertising campaigns about the latest "must have" muscle building supplement that promises to deliver muscle gains within days.

I have written a series of articles designed to dispell the myths and tell it how it really is.

You can find muscle building tips that actually deliver results without the need for endless hours in the gym.

The articles can be found here: -
Matts Muscle Building Tips

Eastbourne Boot Camp 16/01/2010

Hi All,

Last Saturdays Eastbourne Bootcamp saw dreadful weather conditions with driving rain!

10 hardcore boot campers turned up with 4 being new faces. A great session was had despite the conditions and everyone worked very hard - BIG BIG well done to everyone - you know who you are!

Boot camp session was as follows: -

After a thorough warm up

Round 1
Kettlebell Swings 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Kettlebell Swings 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Power walk around 50 meter perimeter and repeat 3 times

Round 2
Jogging around perimeter
2 people on the battling ropes for the duration it takes to run the perimeter then next two on the ropes until everyone has had a turn.

Round 3
Kettlebell One Arm Swing 30 seconds each arm
Kettlebell One Arm Press 30 seconds each arm
Power walk perimeter
Repeat 3 times

Round 4
Sprint 15m
30 seconds star jumps
Jog 15m
30 seconds alternate lunges - repeat 3 times

Round 5
As round 2.

That was it, lots of work with minimal rest and the first boot camp session of the year complete!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Swinging the Beast!

I trained last night with the focus of the session being squats and some kettlebell work.

I have a further 2 squat based workouts before my compeition so am ramping up the weight now and cutting down on the repetitions.

The aim for the session was to work up to 160kg.

It went as follows: -
Warm Up
Various mobility exercises including arm circles, hip rotations, squats, jumps, lunges etc

Main Session (all weights in Kilos)

Bar * 30
60*5* 2 sets
90*3 * 2 sets
160*Fail at the bottom
150*Fail at the bottom
90*3*2 sets technique work.

These were dissappointing. The actual weight of 160 wasn't an issue, however what I found was my hips were coming up too soon making for an ugly squat. I have found that up to 150kg I am fine, but 160 and it becomes ragged. I think there is some flexibility issues in my thoracic spine causing me to struggle to maintain the required arch. Time to see the osteo I think for a realignment.

Next up were kettlebells.

Kettlebell Swing
40*10 reps
40*15 Vid of top set here:-

Kettlebell One Arm Jerks
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right
32kg * 5 Left/5 Right

Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 50 reps

That was it, a long 2 hour session mainly due to the rest periods required between squats.
A reasonable session if not a little frustrating on the technique front.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

High Intensity Training

High Intensity Training is a term that can be applied to various types of training.

Historically, High intensity training has been associated with weight training. HIT became particularly well know via the late Mike Menzer, a famous bodybuilder who made popular single all out sets of weight training exercises to failure and beyond.

As times have moved on, high intensity training now encapsulates a broad spectrum of training protocols which all share one common theme - the use of hard, short duration intervals of effort interspersed with periods of reduced intensity or complete recovery.

The benefits that can be obtained by performing regular high intensity training include increase fat loss, metabolic rate, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, tone and power. The best bit is, you don't have to do hours of it to have significant effect!

You can find out more in my new article section here: -
High Intensity Training

Friday 8 January 2010

Deadlifting 07/01/2010

I was in two minds whether to train today or tomorrow, but decided on today to allow more time for lower back recovery before next tuesday's squat session.

Probably not ideal prep for a dead session doing all those KB's yesterday but felt pretty ok so went for it.

Deads from floor
Belt on
Chalked up
190*3 equalling last weeks PB.

Rack Pulls Knee Height
215*1 PB
190*3 with straps on coz calluses fucking killing me and didnt wanna rip one off

Chins * body weight

Decline Crunches +5kg behind head

That was it, job done and a very pleasing session.

Was in two minds what to do after the 190 triple, nearly went for another triple but wanted to see how the 200's went and were not a problem at all.

Rack pulling was solid too, more in the tank, definately a 220 in there.

Couple of days rest now before benching sunday.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Run up to BDFPA Powerlifting Qualifiers

At the end of this month looms my first powerlifting comp of the year - the British Drug Free Powerlifting Association.

I have been training very hard and sensibly these last few weeks and will be aiming for at least a 490kg total on 31st of this month which would see me qualify for the British Champs again later in the year.

Having put on a little extra weight over Xmas I need to lose 3kg, 1.5 of that will come off in the last week before the comp by cutting back on carbs, the rest needs to be burnt off!

With that in mind I had a solid kettlebell conditioning session yesterday which ended up being an experience in brutality!

This is what I did: -

5 Minute Dynamic Warm Up

Set 1 - 100 reps with 16kg kettbell
20 swings
40 snatches
20 single arm press
20 single arm cleans

Rest 2 mins

Set 2 - 100 reps 16kg kettlebell snatch (swap hands every 10 without putting the KB down at any point)

Rest 2 mins

Set 3 - 100 reps with 20kg kettlebell Dead Hang Snatch
This is performed as a snatch from a dead stop just above the floor.
20 with 60 secs rest between each

Set 4 - 100 reps with 24kg kettlebell - Single Arm Jerk
20 By the 3rd round of 20 reps I was suffering now - 60 secs rest between each

Double 16kg Kettlbell cleans

By this time I was almost seeing stars so finished with 40 reps of kettlebell pass around using a 20kg kettlebell.

In total, 500 reps completed in a shade under 45 minutes.

Thanks for reading